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Only 3 private messages a day allowed

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8 minutes ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

I just tried to private message someone and a pop up came up that said, 'Only three private messages a day.'  and I was blocked from writing/sending another private message. Is this a new rule or a bug? 

I have never encountered this before, but I may never have sent more than three PMs a day and it might not apply to mods anyway.

Not sure if this is a new rule or a long standing one that few have triggered, or just a bug. @Admin can best answer that which is why I have responded with a post that highlights his name. That way he'll be alerted to this thread and can answer your questions.

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There is a rule that you can only start 3 new conversations per day, unless you're a gold member in which case you can start unlimited conversations (gold members also have unlimited inbox storage too).

However there's an important thing to differentiate here:

There is no limit on the amount of messages any member can send per day.

A conversation means a brand new thread. But you can reply to existing conversations limitless times. 

So even if you're not gold, you could in theory send 100 messages back and forth in a day no problem. But you can't create more than 3 new conversations. 

The reason I think this hasn't been noticed much is that generally there isn't much need to start more than 3 conversations in a single day. But for those who do have that need, it's another perk of gold membership and a thank you for helping the site to run (since after all, every private message uses more of the sites resources). 

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@Blackinksoul30as a gesture of goodwill, I have extended this to 5 new conversations per day for non-gold members. (Still unlimited messages/replies too).

If you still really feel this is holding you back a lot let me know, but it's also important we have some sort of limit to stop private message spam, which is much harder to moderate (I'm in no way implying you would be spamming, but unfortunately the system can't always differentiate between you and a spammer). Hopefully 5 is a good number. 🙂


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Just to be really clear as well, you can go back to old conversation threads with people and reply to them and that doesn't count as a 'new conversation'. So I feel it's unlikely many people would need to speak to more than 5 new people they've never private messaged before in a single day.

Hope this all makes some sense. Let me know if any issues.

Thanks all. 🙂 

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To be honest, I think for most people that starting a brand new PM chat with more than five different people in the space of a day would be akin to spamming...  cold hitting more than five people with your chat?  

I mean, you may want to engage in a private chat after something they've posted - but in reality who wants to repeat that scenario with more than five different people?

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