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Changing username

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So currently changing your username is a peefans gold exclusive perk. I do totally understand peefans gold and am not in any way trying to bash it in any way but I had an idea for a way to allow non gold members to change their username and still make the perk worth it. When you make an account you have one chance to think of a good username and occasionally you stop identifying with your username and want to modify it. 

I have a few ideas and a few or multiple of these could be implemented.

1) A reputation threashold before being able to change your username. So as a new member you are unable to change it but if you reach a certain amount of reputation you gain access to that feature without peefans gold. This could also be a time online timer, activity measurement, or some other goal based system that would take a significant amount of time to attain. That way people who don't meet the requirements would still get use out of that perk from peefans gold.

2) A time limit between changing usernames. You could make it so you can only change your username every so often and that way people could change their username but if they wanted to change it and the time limit hasn't expired they would still get peefans gold to change it. 

3) A name that wouldn't change your username that you login with but somehow is like a nickname that you can replace your name with and show your nickname but your username stays the same and people still @ you with the same username. So if you wanted to fully change your username you would still have to get peefans gold but if you just wanted to have a nickname that doesn't need gold membership.

These are just a few ideas and I know since I don't have peefans gold my credibility isn't amazing but I thought I would just suggest something and see what people thought of the idea. 

Thank you for reading!

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1 hour ago, F.W said:

I can vouch for that.Gold is awesome!

Thank you Fanny. Everybody on this forum respect your opinion, thus, the fact that you stepped forth with such a clear statement will surely make people think!!!

A hug!

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Being gold is definitely worth it's weight let's say and being someone who wanted to, and did, change his username recently, I can understand why someone would want to do it.

You're right that your username is part of you and your routes etc. The reason why you chose it in the first place being a personal one, however people change, they mature and what was once a fun username suddenly becomes something that you realise was probably not the best.

It's a nice feature to have though to prevent people creating new, unnecessary profiles, just to have a new username. One of the added advantages of being able to change it is that all your posts etc remain yours, just the name changes.

Everyone has their reasons to want to change something and if it's something you really want then give a little to support the site so that we can thrive and grow when other sites come and go.

As Admin told me, it doesn't have to be permanent either, if you don't want to continue the gold membership, you can cancel at any time.

As for having an option to change it in the future, based on reputation/posts once all the gold slots are full then I'm sure this is an option the site owners would look in to

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1 hour ago, F.W said:

Its worth it to see you peeing into a stream,and peeing like a witch is nice too.

Thank you, Fanny. You words mean everything to me because the water stream one was shot during one of the happiest moment of my life, and the Halloween one, just a few hours before my life turned hell.

This last thing I wrote is not a complaint: quite the opposite, is about the solemnity of the thing.

In a single post you summed up two of the most meaningful videos I ever published.

Thank you, from the heart.

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