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Autumn Equinox, the Power of the Balance of Tide


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You all know me, and you all know the Path I practice

I'm not Wicca, I'm an Explorer of the scientific aspect of psychich powers, who after a life of training discovered some of the ancient Occult Truths were not simbols (useful yet nothing more than symbols) but actual scientifical realities, studied since the URSS age but kept hidden from people by Govs that feared their outcome, as they in themselves are good and serene, but since they're from a different layer of reality than the one of religious brainwashing, they can stir up doubts, and in the end lead people to question the guidelines they've been force-fed



That said, I am gonna present now a ritual very simple and happy for the Equinox of Autumn!!!

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The Autumn Equinox is linked to the concept of the Pendulum, or flux and re-flux of tides

It's the middle point, which is never kept for long (unless it means that the pendulum is either still or swinging very weakly) but which is the line along which the very pivot of the pendulum eternally and immobily lies

It's the pivot of the wheel, which is contact with all rays, and through them with the circumference, and is the core of the Whole wheel, yet it's its only un-moving part


To understand the deep meaning of the Balancing point, people must understand first of all that all emotions produces a modification of the electric activity in our brain, thus tapping into various and differnt layers of the sorrounding quantum

Usually people are not powerful enough to influence the Quantum so their emotions remain nothing more than feeling within them and their bodies, but indeed, every emotional state taps into a different range of the Earth energetic field


Because of this, it is possible to consider our emotions being to the energy of Earth like what gulfs are to an ocean


It is alwyas possible to tap

(but believe me or not it's fucking Dangerous for health, I "forced" one of this experiments exactly last night and I had sudden muscular jeopardy and blood from nose)

into the energy of the sorrounding universe by crafting our mind to vibrate in synchro with one of its layers



The deepest and most powerful energy of Nature is the so called "Impulse to step ahead", and it's that which inherently gives Birth to both Self-expression of any kind, and the actual killer instinct.

This vibratory level doesn't require a complex mind to be channeled, and this bring along two very results: first of all, Nature can manifest it even without a mind (indeed all forces of Nature vibrates according to that layer) and second, all animals, no matter how simple or un-evolved, feel it


The reason why humans, in many spiritual doctrines like the Buddhist Zen, are theorically discouraged to tap into it (so relinquishing both aggressiveness and EGO but also shunning a bit too harshly personal development) is that our mind cannot control it, and is clogged into the overall circumstances which sorrounds our chanches of rage, circumstances which usually involve enemies or suffering, given or received

Very few people reflect about the fact that "naughty peeing" is a deliberate vandalism, mild but inherently tapping into the energetic current of "Stepping ahead", as it's both a way of self-expression and of also subtly of aggression (this is also the reason why strong sexual energy embarasses people and "spiritual" people more than any)


We humans usually do not tap into violence (which is the "killer instinct" facet of the "step ahead" pulse) unless we are forced by an enemy, as combats of any kind provoke exhaustion even in case of victory, and we istinctively feel our life-energy is not limitless and we must treasure and spare it



But indeed, it is also possible

(some obscure martial arts do this, and Witchcraft does it too, that's why it requires a steel-hard discipline)

to tap into the "killer instinct" aspect WITHOUT the presence of an enemy or a problem, exploring what happens to the mind if it NOT VULGARLY (that's black magick) lets go on mercy and respect, nothing so blatant, but indeed ADDS a Greater amount of aggressive attitude to its mindset


Done un purpose or not, the violence-current is the most common, and though at our evolutive level we cannot digest it and thus is like a poison for us, it in itself represents the ultimate point of arrival of evolution, the one of Non-Dualism, Beyond both hostility and mercy alike


But before reaching that point, we must travel along a very, very long jurney, and during it, moments of peace, happiness, comfort and serenity are mandatory to recover from struggle


This is the meaning of the Autumn Equinox: a moment where pleasure and even relax becomes much more than a quick necessity to avoid employement burn-out, or a tantrums-throwing by a spoilt little princess



Comfort becomes either a Balancing point of the Pendulum, and a recover from fatigue, and also a moment to gather strenght before life starts anew


So, unless Life really steps in, I strongly suggest you to find at least an evening during this weekend for celebrating this very important moment!

Following, a little ritual!

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If I were to do that I would have to research where to buy these things locally. 

I am working the next three days and extremely busy during the whole weekend.

To do that ritual I would need a relaxed and free time without interruptions.

I do have next week off though, but a female friend will be here for some of the time. So I would need to pick my moment. Can research where to buy this stuff like incense and candles in the morning if I do it. Could the ritual be done after the weekend, on say Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday?

I have never attempted such a thing before.

Is it risk free? I am ultra-cautious about dabbling in such things. Does the favourite beverage need to be alcoholic?

I find such stuff interesting but never seem to find the time to do it. Life - both online and offline - always seems to get in the way and suck up my spare time.

Am guessing it must be done after dark if candles and darkness are in any way necessary.

Will therefore have to choose a day next week when my friend is not stopping over and I have no visitors that evening.

Can it still be done fruitfully then or must it be this weekend?

For ease of purchase, is incense essential or will scented candles suffice?

And you say colour doesn't matter but black candles are best. Black candles however are not commonly sold in most shops so I would have to seek out a specialist shop that sells new age and wicca stuff probably. Would other, more easily obtainable, candles work? But the darker the better?

If I don't have to find the time for specialist shops and can make do with what is sold in my workplace, I could potentially manage to do it on Sunday evening is what I am thinking.

If I do it.

I'd rather not unless it is largely risk free. Have conjured up evil entities and influences before when stupidly fucking about with Ouija boards. So am very wary of dabbling in things I don't fully understand.

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7 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Could the ritual be done after the weekend, on say Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday?

Before Tuesday included

Sunday or Monday best

7 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Is it risk free?

Every ritual involving the Gods (even mildly) it is

Nobody wants shit with Them. You can't imagine the devils They can be to evil spirit. The risk would be to summon an ill-intentioned entity that feed of sexual energy, but with Lilith involved I really doubt it!!!


9 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Does the favourite beverage need to be alcoholic?

Not at all. I use alcohol because my version of the ritual is one hundred times darker


10 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

after dark if candles and darkness are in any way necessary

Actually, the hour before the sunset is the perfect one for this rite, romantic and soft, for the darkness in the room it's enough to close the window


11 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

For ease of purchase, is incense essential or will scented candles suffice?

Ok, sincerily, incense would be best, even simple sticks

But if there's no way, scented candles will go too, just be sure is strong enough to be actually charming and dream-like


12 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

sells new age and wicca

Strongly advice to AVOID

Those people have strong characters but an unbalanced view point in life, and they stain the stuff they sell believing they are purifying it while indeed the problem to be exorcised is their unability to understand the deep&dark half of life


14 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

But the darker the better?

Not exactly

Black as black is the colour of transcendence, it's invisible light

Unless, blue is perfect, pale blue even better

Romantic and dreaming


15 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Ouija boards.

You also were unprotected. Indeed, I don't wanna hide the truth from you: the ritual in itself means nothing (no summoning and no protection), unless Lilith actually told me She would have watched over anybody performing it

Almost every ritual works only if the entity is ALREADY there watching, waiting for you to tap in the right mind-set

And when the ritual comes from me, things are THAT way, unless I don't post it

Ritual working beside the entity being there and willing involves stuff that can kill a human out of backlash

This is not the case!


But again, if ou don't feel serene, just imagine it and it could cuddle you anyway!

This is a ritual about light and happiness

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I know of no one locally who would sell black candles apart from the new age wiccan crowd, so that's probably not possible. But pale blue, yes, I should be able to get those. Need to find out where to get incense. Problem is my friend might be stopping over on Monday, not sure yet, so Sunday would be better. But that means I would need to find the things I need before then.

Favourite beverage is easy, an easily obtainable energy drink or perhaps a very strong cup of tea...either could be my favourite depending upon the mood of the moment.

Favourite food is also easy, a large piece of smoked haddock with home made chips (fries) and sweetcorn, plus a fried egg. And some brown bread with butter. Salt and vinegar for flavouring. (I am a man of simple tastes, lol).

Can probably buy suitable candles in my own workplace or the larger supermarket near where I live. Not so sure about incense. Will look it up....

There are two aroma therapy stores in my town centre, both of which sell incense. I don't work til 4pm tomorrow so could leave a bit earlier than usual and detour there on the way. No real idea what I'd be buying though or what I would most like. Anything in particular you'd like to recommend?

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

Sunday would be better

Sunday IS better

In the worst scenario, Tuesday


1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

pale blue

Not too huge and NOT WHITE ON THE INSIDE

All blue!!!


1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

where to get incense



1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

energy drink

Perfect, better than many alcoholics

More or less the best option, unless somebody gots a fine Scotch, or a Rum, or even better Cachasa (the best beverage of all)


1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

perhaps a very strong cup of tea

Less perfect than the energy drink yet actually in the top 5 anyway!!!


1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

Favourite food is also easy, a large piece of smoked haddock with home made chips (fries) and sweetcorn, plus a fried egg. And some brown bread with butter. Salt and vinegar for flavouring. (I am a man of simple tastes, lol).

Ok first of all I'm slobbering

Second, it's PERFECT for the energy of the Equinox!!!


1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

Anything in particular you'd like to recommend?

Better no incense at all that stuff exceedingly new age as they misunderstand the dignity of enduring pain, considering pain Always a sign of unbalace. 99% of times they are right, but they tunnel vision to the point of disqualifying troubles, missing to understand the holiness of friction between opposing forces (99% of cases coming from errors indeed, but not inherently wrong 100% of times!)


But if you feel a positive vibe, go for it!!!

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4 minutes ago, fannywatcher said:

I dont get much of this sorry..

No problem, everybody taps into these energie each one his own way

Napoleon, Caesar, none of these were occultists

The Occult can help, I would lie downplaying it too much

But if it doesn't vibrate to you, then no problem!!!

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4 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

How about a nice large steak and a good wine? 

Yes, it's perfect

Everything you love goes, but that it's great in itself

Edited by spywareonya
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3 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Are aroma therapy outlets not suitable?

My own employer sells incense but only online.

Not enough time for that.

If you feel they are not spineless tree-huggers then ok

It's important, pleasure cannot exist without pain, and some aroma-therapist are exceedingly new age (which is NOT bad, but is tunnel visioned in an unbalanced pacifism)

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3 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

I’ll look and ask, would it still be possible with “fake ones”?

By fake you mean white inside or simply not true wax-100% ones?

Because the former is bad, the latter is ok

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2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

If you feel they are not spineless tree-huggers then ok

It's important, pleasure cannot exist without pain, and some aroma-therapist are exceedingly new age (which is NOT bad, but is tunnel visioned in an unbalanced pacifism)

Just never bought incense before and have no clue really where to buy it and who may or may not be new age. Fact is that here almost all such outlets that specialise in candles, incense, and stuff like that are to some extent new age stores. Mainstream stores rarely seem to have it. And to one who doesn't know his way around this kind of market, that makes doing the right or best thing very difficult.

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3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

By fake you mean white inside or simply not true wax-100% ones?

Because the former is bad, the latter is ok

I mean the ones that are white inside, so I’ll have to find complete ones 

thank you and I’m out for today, good night all 😊

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8 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Just never bought incense before and have no clue really where to buy it and who may or may not be new age. Fact is that here almost all such outlets that specialise in candles, incense, and stuff like that are to some extent new age stores. Mainstream stores rarely seem to have it. And to one who doesn't know his way around this kind of market, that makes doing the right or best thing very difficult.

Try then

Better to try than to miss entirely

The ritual will obey you, not the overall tune hidden in the objects

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I am so busy and time is so short, with friends and visitors coming often.

To buy the right thing from the right place is clearly going to require a lot of research with me running various outlets by you so you can advise me if they are suitable.

If I am going to ever do something like this, it would be far easier in future if I already know good places to buy what is required.

I have time next week and will locate suitable outlets that are approved by you - if any exist in my town.

Think that will be too late for this equinox - time is so tight - but there is a spring one in six months. Maybe I am better off focussing on that and being ready when the time comes?

Buying the right things from suitable outlets is the main stumbling block. Not enough time left to properly find the most suitable stores.

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