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Miss Piss

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Everything posted by Miss Piss

  1. Not one for filming plus sounds difficult
  2. Making the mess in toilets is more of me being me it’s part of me, it’s not my fault my stream is messy and thick. Litter I think we all litter subconsciously
  3. Anywhere in time I would be able to change so much about world might as well enjoy this giant sandbox we call earth to it’s highest potential
  4. Miss Piss is a legend when I was a discovering pee I wrote many fictional stories about her so my name is homage to her
  5. Only by accident by that I mean I would take of my shorts or pants off as a toddler and piss
  6. Thank you for interacting with it It was more over time since being raised by a single father not knowing how to potty train a girl and letting me figure it out with guidance of what a urge felt like so I would pee any where I have a urge until he saw I had it down which lead me to peeing in the toilet, but I would learn how to hover over toilets and my super thick, powerful, extremely messy stream would make mess. Leading to one of my closest friends telling about pee fetish so I started writing fiction about it that’s what started it Jennifer Lawrence
  7. Never had I only ever pissed in front of my aunt, dad or brothers. That’s because I had to go
  8. I think just the need of going being raised in European and South American countries made me numb to the public pissing it’s just another day for me. There’s no likely outcome to inspire that idea I enjoy catching people and writing fiction about piss
  9. I think it was when I was a kid pissed in my friends garage when we where playing. The closest I came to that is I peed where my dad buried my brother’s hamster No not really
  10. I got a couple that I have experience already and the fiction will be soon to come It’s very popular which I kinda hate since that means a lot of people
  11. I honestly didn’t feel a difference I pissed in the shower while I was showering didn’t really feel different from any other piss
  12. Bienvenido Pedro, te val encanta este sitio
  13. I think it was when I was working as a waitress I worked a 14 hour shift and didn’t pee a single time
  14. I love writing fiction about it which includes writing Roleplay about it, I also love catching people in the act of peeing places they shouldn’t I have many sightings stories to share. I would love to travel back to Puerto Rico, it always been a dream of mine to enjoy that beautiful country
  15. Sorry Honey, pee while masturbating isn’t my thing. Pee has never been like a traditional fetish for me It’s more of a hobby.
  16. My favorite place to piss in was my old house basement it provided so much fun, my favorite position is a full asian squat it gives my stream a easier flow not as messy
  17. I think the only one I give off is I begin to play with my hair messing with my curls.
  18. So to answer your first question when I discovered this I wasn’t of age so I didn’t want to make a account and get anyone or site in trouble, My favorite part is the members they’re all sweethearts, The part that surprised me the most was some of the experiences like I thought I was brave but some people take it too a different cool level.
  19. Ask me anything nothing is off limits.
  20. Well in the day time the boys would be out in the streets doing their thing playing football or basketball on the street I’m assuming boys will be boys and the would pee on whatever yard was closer since my brothers did the same.
  21. It did but the whole neighborhood did since it was a old cheap neighborhood we only stayed for 2 years until are house prices was done with the reconstruction
  22. Really nonchalantly he said where the last house on his stop so he’s always desperate when he reaches us
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