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Everything posted by FlashFloodWarning

  1. Wow, one of my all-time fantasies is popping a squat on the little ledge thingy & just letting go in my pants while watching the action in the mirror. I can't imagine going in a dressing room instead of a bathroom if you're desperate to pee so I feel like this was on purpose but could be wrong. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Never heard of such in my life lol. I'm sure if you get wasted enough anything's possible but it would be pretty rude to the homeowner to intentionally piss in their floor. Accidents are a different story & if you can go outside you should.
  3. Super hot! The few bus wetting vids I've seen are among my all-time faves.
  4. lol nice amount of detail from cooler girl in first post. Alcohol + swimsuits outdoors away from restrooms = guaranteed pee fun. 😁 My sister popped a squat by the car during the firework display in a busy parking lot & peed. loudly
  5. Depends how many toilets there are. If only one or two, we obviously take turns. Some stand in front of the mirror fixing their hair/makeup while the others are on the toilet(s). One person per stall lol. Usually there are multiple stalls & we all go at the same time. If it's just one room and one toilet, I make them turn their backs when I pee. (Wouldn't poop in front of ppl).
  6. Wetlinda from Xtube. Her bladder capacity was superhuman & those little sounds she made were 🫠. Xtube in general and Wetpantsboy's site were 10x hotter than anything around today.
  7. yeah unfortunately. my mom is def about that life. she wet herself in front of us at a family member's pool when I was a kid & always talked openly about her accidents. she's inappropriate in other ways & I had no privacy as a kid. Nothing illegal thankfully but yeah. It was awkward at times.
  8. Forgot to add: "Other" (incontinence mat)
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