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Everything posted by Coral

  1. Nothing special happened throughout the day. We were mostly in the garden when I was peeing through them again and it did feel good
  2. I didn't no. After I was dropped off at my location, I could feel myself exploding literally any given second. So I rushed to the this are under the stairs to pee big ol' puddle there By the looks of it, a whole ass litre was left in me lol
  3. No device no. Either pull the dress/skirt up and panties to the side if I'm wearing any. Or, pull the jeans down a bit. I wear low waisted jeans only so the those have low crotches to begin with. Not much of a problem really
  4. Not yet but might tell her later. She pees out and about alot so she won't mind really
  5. I'll have to see because I dont want anything identifying out there
  6. I keep myself really hydrated and my pee runs clear mostly, so its diluted plenty I'd hope. I have a clean diet and rarely eat junk, so idk maybe that? But yeah I pee into the soil and not onto the plant itself. And that's interesting because I have peed onto the same weed for ages but never seen it turning yellow or shriveled.. Like it doesn't look different you know?
  7. I drink plenty water such that my pee runs colourless most times, so thats not going to go anytime. I have peed on plants before and nothing ever happens. But yeah the plant is in a massive pot, like not even joking kind of massive. If I want I can even sit in it lmaooo. Its like a soup bowl, but big. A bowl meant for ogres. The plant itself reaches just below my boobs and I'm 5'3. It gets good care and sun and water and everything. I honestly don't know much about plants except that it should bloom when it's scorching and its the first time it did in 4 years
  8. I used go camping alot back in school. But at times there literally won't be as much foliage to squat, you know? But standing won't give you whatever cover you'd need. So I tried a couple times and just got good at it
  9. I know how strange the title seems, but not even joking, this one plant that my friend has bloomed for the first time in 4 years after I started peeing into it. You might be thinking, oh maybe my friend got some plant stuff for it. NOPE. She was just as surprised when she told me that that plant got 2 buds recently, and she doesn't understand why specially when she hasn't been doing anything special. Clearly my pee is magic. Anyway, we now stay barely 5 mins away from each other, so we have stay overs every 2 to 3 days. And every time I stay over, been like a month, I pee into
  10. I was literally made to pee outside my parents, family, nannies,... It's normal here.
  11. Yeah definitely ! My first memory of peeing outside is when I was barely a toddler and I also remember being weened out of diapers before going to pre school at around 2 yrs of age? But yeah peeing outside as a child was normal for me. Like going for picnics literally meant peeing in the middle of the pasture behind some tree or shrub, that also not too far from our spot.
  12. I am a bit 50/50 on that and it has nothing to do with my attire. I stand and pee whenever I feel like it and I can pee exactly like a man does without bending the knees and that, so evenwhen I'm wearing jeans, I need to pull those down a bit and then I'm good to go
  13. I was out partying with friends once, and all the 5 hours that I was out drinking, I didn't pee even once. Tbh I didn't even feel like I had to pee? So when we finally stepped out the club after midnight and into the cold, I suddenly felt like I'm about to pee right then and there unless I find a spot. So I went and squatted just beside the club in an alley and I barely peed for 20 secs when my friends hollered that our user's arrived and we need to leave. Gosh Idk how I stopped by stream. But throughout the journey, I uncontrollably leaked tiny amounts ever so often onto the seat and its lite
  14. I'll answer this for a friend. She has a bigger clit and its been years that she feels unhappy about it. She thinks that it makes her look like a man and that she can't go commando under jeans or trousers. Her biggest issue is finding bikinis that cover her pussy entirely. We actually joke about this haha, because I struggle to find bikinis that covers my tits well while hers is the exact opposite
  15. Those were the normal cotton thong kinds. Well the rest of the day was spent chilling in the garden, watching TV, gossips ..
  16. There have been countless such situations haha. I wouldn't know from where to start
  17. She never found out ! But I did re wet those panties again a few more times after
  18. I have never heard of a short urinal 😶 But can't tell that I haven't been in similar situations haha
  19. Same 😂 Many times ! I've lost count by now tbh
  20. It felt like a secret that only I knew about 😌
  21. These unexpected change of plans makes the ending worth it, if you think about it ! "FIrst" ? Wait, wait. You soaked for than one? And when I'm out in public, I always always find opportunities of peeing somewhere atleast once haha
  22. Yes and no He emptied half of his bladder into his jeans and the rest onto the road
  23. My friend I'd say. Once at a traffic, he had one hand on the wheel and the other inside his jeans, trying his best not to leak lol. Poor guy
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