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Everything posted by Coral

  1. I was thinking of the super desperate times tho and yeah the 'long' one should be just about right !
  2. It's always been a strong forceful long stream for me. The times I pee for over a minute, it almost feels like the stream will just continue flowing and never end haha
  3. I am currently on a work place and they have arranged for me to stay in a swanky hotel with great views and all. So, I would sit with my laptop facing the view, ditch the pants, sit at the edge of the chair, and pee whenever I wanted to, onto the carpet. Once I even held on a solid hour after I was already desperate and after only 2 seconds in, I released a full bladder onto the carpet that kinda lasted a while. And it was wonderful ! To pee freely while also working.
  4. Exactly how @Rikki Bare stated. Public toilets are disgusting. So sometimes I dont even feel like squatting on the floor nor use the toilet as intended. So if there is enough space, we might stand around the toilet and aim into it, which isnt really difficult for us since we can stand and pee withoit splashing ourselves or tue others
  5. Nahh haha.. never really though of doing so
  6. Doesn't always have to be pee ! Can also be drops of water clinging onto the hair after a dip in the sea haha
  7. It's really easy to get away with it when wearing a skirt. Like how would anyone know?! I wore the wet panties the entire day re-wetting them till I took it off before bed
  8. We have never fought over wanting to pee first. We either pee together or let the other friend go up first even if we are barely holding on. There have been many times when we would purposely tease the one holding by peeing as slowly as possible while being audible lol. This one time three of us were in the same cubicle in a club late at night but my friend was too drunk to stand and pee (so peeing together was out of question), but in enough senses to tease us about having to go while she was hissing and splattering like crazy. She would also stop her flow completely for a couple minutes
  9. Many a times ! If I am the one driving then I pull over and pee on the dirt while still seated in the car. If not then I pee close to the car near the drivers side or behind hedges
  10. I always felt that unshaven pussy matches with my vibe more than a shaven one, idk if that makes sense and also waxing down there makes my skin red 🤦🏻‍♀️. So depending on my mood, I'd either trim it into a nice pattern (like a heart haha) or just let it grow, which in my case forms a neat fluffy triangle naturally. But yeah like you said pee does stick to it. Since I like smelling like a sexy flower garden at all times 😂, having a proper shower routine is necessary.
  11. It's only when I'm unintentionally holding that I'd be stuck at some unfortunate public space, having the loudest pee ever and in spurts 🤦🏻‍♀️
  12. They probably wouldn't have since the lane we were walking on wasnt brightly lit. Maybe next time haha !
  13. The carpet, bed, seats and curtains
  14. There were literally no one when I went in lol
  15. I am short. So it requires me to stand on my tippy toes and then pee. More work our less peeing ngl
  16. My friend and I went drinking last night and they were running 1 for 1 deals so we ended up chugging 3 to 4 glasses of beer and a couple of Margheritas. So needless to say our hearts were full and so were our bladders. The pub that we went to were really close to her house, so after the drinking sess we decided to walk back home. Both of us felt a slight twinge before leaving the club, but we thought that since her house is close by, we'll just pee there. Long story short, after a barely 5 mins walk I could no longer hold it in, and I started leaking involuntarily too leaving a thin
  17. I've peed at the urinals in the men's room at times, and gosh peeing there is like a whole work out lmao
  18. Oh definitely there was no attempt to conceal or anything. She would make me pee beside the slides at times after playtime, or near some bush but into the bush because of bugs, or I even remember peeing with some random kid while our nannies would talk lol I do think it was mostly to prevent us from wetting ourselves because I had a habit of not understanding when to pee and I wasn't always put in diapers either
  19. Oh I was referring to France ! One memory that stands out to me alot when I was about 5, I had a nanny who would routinely make me pee twice in the park - once before playing and once after. She would pull my panties down for me, and kinda push me to the ground to get into the squat position and then coax me to pee lol .
  20. This plant looks more like a mini tree ngl... literally nothing ever happens to it
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