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Posts posted by WantonLee

  1. 1 hour ago, Watchyoupee said:

    Would it be wrong to go put a sign on the only bathroom by the lake/ boat ramp area saying it was โ€œOUT OF ORDERโ€ and then go hide in the parking lot to see girls pee by their cars or by the lake it in the bushes.ย 
    Iโ€™ve thought about doing it on a busy lake day like a hot Saturday during the summer. Or doing the same thing at the porta potty in the parking lot of a large event and hope to catch someone on the way out of the event needing to pee before the car ride and hoping the use the porta potty but not be able to.ย 
    Has anyone done anything like this before? Anyone have and successful sightings?ย 
    Girls what would you do if this happened to you and found the bathroom was out of order?

    I can not give any advice here - sorry - but would like to share two thoughts... for food... errr... food for thoughts. ^^

    1.: Keep in mind that not everyone in need for a loo just needs it for a number 1, but also a number 2.
    You might end up compromising people in more ways you can handle. ^^

    2.: I personally am not interested in seeing someone pee who does not also enjoy it for the same reason as I; preferably of course while having me not also present, but in mind.
    But this is just me. My empathy just works in this specific way. -_-
    That does not mean that I _HAVEN'T_ done questionable things. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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  2. My first thought was "wear a mask", because after the pandemic people walking around with masks are a bit more common then a couple of years back.
    Then again, since you are using your own car to get into the garage, and your number plate is likely to get filmed, this is more or less pointless. ^^

    The idea with the cup is good.
    I would set myself up so that I am out of sight (you sure there is only ONE camera? ;)), but still behind something... rummaging in a bag or what ever... and have the cup somewhere where you can "accidentally" knock it over.

    Do not forget to act upset at yourself... even if you are not going to be seen.

    If there is a camera filming the spot you park in, it will be quite evident that it was you who caused the wet spot on the ground, that was not there before you parked there... so... just plan for this - even if you are not going to be seen.


    Better still:
    plan for an accidental pee. So in case you are confronted, your story would be that you lost control and were to embarrassed to mop your mess up.

    Just make sure you are actually doing something in the area... just parking, rummaging around and then leaving is certainly suspicious behavior. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    On that note:
    Stowing away shopping bags and dropping one of them is probably going to be a good cover-up, especially if the one dropped contains some kind of container... that might break (open) and spill it's (liquid) content when dropped.

    If there are bins in the garage, you could be carrying a soaked bag over to a bin and throw it away, provided your acting is good enough. ^^

    That's all that comes to my mind.
    Other then: Good Luck. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Set your priorities, Steve.

    Quality over quantity. ^^

    Enjoy your time here, it's not supposed to be a chore. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I know that struggle, Gotah.

    I can not give you any specific advice, other then trying to break down the point of view of yourself (and your interlocutors point of view, if that helps).
    Do not just spurt out your thoughts; try to figure out the core of what you want to say.
    What is the driving force behind /beyond your trail of thoughts?

    It might also help to meditate regularly; if only for 5 minutes.
    The core of meditation is to realize that you are not your thoughts, but your thoughts are a part of you.
    They come up, just like the grumbling of your guts while they digest something. Kinda. ^^

    Trying to keep a "blank mind" for as long as possible is the goal of meditation; because then things can come up from your subconsciousness, that usually are to quiet in comparison to the blabbering of your thoughts.

    Do not worry, you can not stop thinking. That is what your mind is FOR.
    But you want to get your brain back for at least a little while, so you can observe what is going on more clearly right in front of you (without the constant and automatic judgment of your mind).

    That being said, do as Bacardi suggested:
    do some online tests for ADHD (and maybe Autism, too).

    Not only one, but at least 3 different ones.
    If all of them agree that you MIGHT have ADHD, get an appointment at a professional.

    And it might help to browse YouTube for people with ADHD, and what they have to say.
    You might recognize some patterns... . ๐Ÿ˜‰

    (Note that no two people with ADHD are the same; they have similar experiences and problems, but the range of what ADHD entails is very wide. I speak of personal experience, being diagnosed with ADHD one and a half years ago... in my late 40's.)

    Good Luck! ๐Ÿ˜„

    • Hug 1
  5. This is SUCH a broad topic, I don't even know where to start.

    I'll try to break down my point of view as a Atheist (with an interest in spirituality, which is NOT to be confused with religion!):
    You do you.
    Do not be dogmatic, but rather curious on how others see the world.

    Dogmatism is - to me - the main reason we humans can't get along with on another.
    I have seen "fundamentalist" (so: very dogmatic) Atheist, as well as very relaxed and laid back Christians and even Muslims.
    I found the later ones to be far more tolerable then the first ones.
    Then again, _fundamental_ Christians and Muslims are probably more harmful to mankind then fundamental Atheists... although if the later leads to a too materialistic way of living, this can be just as harmful.


    As for your fear for more censorship:
    I have no real answer.
    I do not want anyone to be silenced.
    This will in the end work just as well as trying to keep a kettle full of boiling water close shut: it will eventually explode, and you don't want to be anywhere near this mess when it happens. ^^
    So when who ever in charge will try to enforce this, it WILL backfire on them.
    The harder they pushed, the harder the push-back will be. ^^

    And even if not: silencing opposition will just lead to you feeling invulnerable, and you will push your luck until you stumble over your own arrogance, because you have silenced everyone who could have warned you.

    So... censorship is always self-defeating, one way or another.
    And that's why I do not worry. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Sorry, no luck here.

    But thanks for reminding me that Hazbin Hotel is now out - I almost forgot.
    However, since I am not interested in any streaming services (no pun intended!), I hope to catch it when it releases in another form... are DVD's still a thing? ^^

    Anyway... I think I gotta catch up on Helluva Boss as well... hum.

    In regards to the book:
    amazon seems to sell it at around 45 โ‚ฌ (about 50 $ + shipping) - at least on the German amazon site.
    Not sure if they ship to where you life, and if that price tag is worth it (to you). ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. 1 hour ago, Remi said:

    Awesome, congrats on that. This mentioning of pee during the act worked a bit like dirty talk: it fueled the fire. Sound pretty hot, what a nice kick due to the additional spice!

    This would be a good situation to actually hint something in that direction to him..."hey yesterday while we were at it....after i mentioned that etc.....ย it was [somehow very suprisingly ๐Ÿ˜…] such a turn on for me"


    Was kinda thinking the same.
    I do not know how to word it, though; I might word it like "that was more exiting then it should have been", or something like that.

    Well, YOU know your husband best, Bacardi. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Tease him at your own risk; he might like it, he might not.

    Unless you are to blunt about it, the only thing you can loose is the uncertainty about your hubbies position on it.
    (Which can be a downer, if he actually dislikes it your ego might take it personally a la "if you don't like my favorite thing you don't like me, too", which is nonsense of course, but name me ONE person who's ego isn't like this. ^^)

    Oh, something that might be worth mentioning:
    for me as a male, when urine passes through the urethra, the feeling (in the urethra) can be remarkably similar to the relaxing feeling when climaxing.
    Whether this - formulated as a question - can be a bridge when discussing this topic or not I can not say.
    I never was in that position to even start this discussion.

    But I thought I just mention it, because I am an avid fan of "talking with one another" when it comes to relationships


    Best wishes! ๐Ÿ˜„


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  8. On 12/12/2023 at 9:25 AM, FireHosePanda said:

    Does anyone here know how to roll up a fire hose correctly?

    Not really, but this YouTube-Tutorial might be helpful:


    Good luck! ๐Ÿ˜„

  9. 3 hours ago, Bacardi said:


    Miss me with that bullshit.

    I usually skim over long threads instead of reading everything, because: "Time - I has it not!"
    And I post even less.

    But I just want to express my concern here:
    This is the very first time - at least as far as I can tell - that I have seen Bacardi so genuinely angry.
    (And from my perspective this looks angry, sorry if I misinterpret.)

    Bacardi, you scare me! - You're supposed to be a nice drink! ^^

    Have a nice evening y'all! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Haha 1
  10. Don't worry, Steve.

    Set priorities, get your shit together.

    If you are able to reconnect, do so.
    If not, it's fine, too.

    No one has a right to judge how someone else lives their life.

    I have gone through similar struggles.
    And I did not even had the decency to explain myself - I just... disappeared.
    So... you are already way ahead of people like me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Here is an old German Song text I'd like to quote (and I am not going to translate because 1. google will do it better then I and 2. I know you know a little German. ;()
    "Und sehen wir uns nicht in dieser Welt, dann sehen wir uns in Bielefeld."



    • Agree 3
  11. On 10/22/2023 at 12:51 PM, colette888 said:

    If you allow me, I'd like to affirm here that "Religion" and "Church"ย aren't synonyms -at least as far as I can understand!

    I personally don't belong to any human structure which pretends to put me in contact with the Creative Intelligence, but my belief is not an atheistic one.


    Thank you for your input.

    I can only speak for myself, in that I am aware that church and religion are two different - sometimes VERY different - things.

    I hope you do not feel offended by my words when I said that I consider spirituality and religion to be almost polar opposites.
    I am aware that this statement very much hinges on my personal perspective of religion, which was almost always the organized form of religion (what I assume you are meaning by saying "church").

    I think the major problem I have/had is the dogmatism related to many religions.
    That being said: I am not a fan of dogmatism in general, as I find for instance dogmatic atheists also not very... uplifting company... (to put it politely).

    Feel free to elaborate... or don't... what ever suites you! ๐Ÿ˜„

  12. On 10/22/2023 at 7:05 AM, Phyche said:


    We are not our bodies.

    We are our MINDS.


    I originally started looking into this to try to better understand Christianity and what'sย said in the Bible. I could never really grasp the ideology of it all, it always seemed like a fun story but was never really believable.ย 

    But isn't that all religion is, just a strong belief in something to give hope and a reason to keep moving forward. Even if it doesn't make sense, so long as it gives YOU hope and motivation. Isn't that all matters?


    ^Pretty much this.

    I kinda disagree with the God-part ("entity controlling everything", as you call it); my personal research has led me to believe that this entity might just simply be the collective of all that is (you and me included) and we are disconnected on purpose and voluntarily for... well... probably just plain curiosity...?
    I can't really tell, since - if this is correct - I am disconnected right now, as is anyone else.
    Well, with some spiritually very advanced people being the exception, maybe. ^^

    In any case:
    Either we will all come home and remember once we cross over (aka "die"),
    or we all just fade into nothingness (which kinda is OK, too, since when you do not exists, you can't suffer, either). ๐Ÿ˜‰
    (I am pretty sure that the idea of hell is just to scare us sheep into submission, but again: no proof, just my gut feeling.)

    We'll have to wait,... and I am not in a hurry. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And when in the meantime we can just remember that we are all basically sitting in the same boat on the same space-rock,
    probably we can wake up to the idea that we all just want to live a descent life. Together - not at the expense of one another. Pretty-please...? ๐Ÿ˜•

    P.S.: I really think Tom Campbell is exactly down your alley. Have link to a specific interview in mind; if you are interested I'll pm' it to you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    I donโ€™t need thanks to my messed up urethra that make me have to pee standingย 

    If life gives you lemons... become an awkward lemonade-dispenser...... err... what I mean is: I hope you are fine with what nature did to you.

    If not, try to adept this kind of attitude:

    Yeah, I know, not exactly piss-related... ADMIN? Delete if necessary! ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Love 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, Moore007 said:

    I donโ€™t blame the urine. Sheโ€™s the one doubting that urine is something that should be mixed with intercourse. I love when she pees during intercourse and occasionally I pee on her pussy as well. Almost every time she gets UTI and fungus when we mix pee with intercourse and I donโ€™t know why. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธย 

    If you sometimes have a burning sensation when peeing you might have an infection.
    (I had this once, too, it is treatable, but needs to be diagnosed, first.)

    That being said:
    Since you say your friend doubts urine should be part of sexual intercourse - BUT DOES IT ANYWAY - there might be a psychosomatic component at work here.
    What I mean is: she is doing something she actually does not want to (are you really 100% sure she is not doing it just to do you a favor?)

    If this is the case - and only she knows that, providing she is willing to be honest to herself - there might be an inner conflict going on, and in this case the UTI and fungus could basically be symptoms of that inner conflict.
    (The conflict being "doing something she does not want" on one hand and "loving you" on the other.)

    I have to admit that this does not fully explain why you are having symptoms as well.
    Unless your subconsciousness is trying to tell you something. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    -> If you think "the psyche has no power over the body" - why do placebos work, then? ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰
    For reference:

    I am neither a doctor, nor a physician.
    I am just curious about those things.
    Go see an actual doctor/physician!

    Remember: you can lie to others, but you can not lie to yourself.
    Your body always knows the truth and will confront you with it chose you to continue lying. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Love 1
  15. No, not religious. My upbringing was fairly neutral in that way.
    I am leaning mostly towards atheism, but am curious about unexplained phenomenons.
    What mostly made me chose atheism as my point of view was seeing what religion tries to teach us.
    I just can't wrap my head around the idea of a big guy in the sky that created us simply to have something to play with (and not even in a kind way, mostly).

    Currently I am exploring spiritual ideas and are coming to conclusions that are somewhat related to what Phyche wrote.

    I consider "spiritual" to be almost the polar opposite of "religious", so relax if you are an atheist or agnostic and think "Oh no, we lost one to HIMโ„ข... ."

    The last year - after being diagnosed with (and successfully treated for) ADHD - my interest in self development kicked into a higher gear.
    The youtube channel I mostly followed had an interview with a spiritual teacher that sparked my interest (it's all German, and there is no English interview with that person, so I will not share any of this here).

    This has lead down a rabbit-hole mostly filled with interviews of people who had an NDE (Near Death Experience) and it rekindled my interest in quantum physics.
    (If this sounds like an odd combination: it actually isn't. Many NDE'ers started to become interested in quantum physics as a result of their experience, and they (and I too) think it is key to understand the universe and our place in it.)

    I am not nearly done with exploring these topics, and they have changed my perspective on reality to a degree I could not have imagined a year ago.
    Most interesting about all of these NDE's is, that many of the people who had one totally change their point of view on religion (and life).
    People who were very religious previously do not even use the word "God" anymore - especially the once who claim to have seen what they formerly would have called God.

    It appears to be soooo incredibly different from what we humans tell each other that God is (and is like), that the term "source" has been established and is very commonly used.
    The explanation given is in essence "Well, "source" best describes what it felt like."

    As a bonus you get reincarnation for free, btw. ^^
    (And also some very solid explanations for what the point of reincarnation is and what Karma is actually all about.)


    I don't think it's a simulation, as this would indicated that what is simulated also exists as an original somewhere else.
    As far as I can tell this seems not to be the case. However, the only source for this idea are the multiple NDE's I studied. This is obviously no proof for anything.

    However, I would like to point out that many of the NDE'ers claim that - after they died - they had a feeling like "waking up".
    Which is something that for many of them consists to some degree even afterwards.

    But calling this a dream does not feel right, either.
    Because if they "woke up"
    , wouldn't that mean the dream would disappear?
    This is obviously not the case, because we are all still here. And they (including their body) still existed, too.
    So, if this is a "dream", than it is a common shared dream... and I have no idea who is all involved. I would guess "literally everyone, including any life-form that is capable of sustaining a consciousnesses of any kind".
    Which is were quantum physics is knocking on the door. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    So, I understand why the simulation-hypothesis exists.
    I am just not sure that "simulation" is the best term to describe it.

    I think Tom Campbell has some interesting answers here, but again:
    I can not prove anything. I am still investigating. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That being said:
    after all of this, at the moment I seem to have lost the ability to feel depressed. Well, not nearly as much as before, anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. 11 hours ago, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Sorry and thanks Sophie for finding the link.

    No worries, Abby, I was just confused. ^^
    As I said, I was unable to find the original, and since no one else mentioned it, I thought it was just me who couldn't figure out what was written (English is only my second language).

    BTW, since now I was able to read it:
    Would you mind starting a separate thread with this picture, and ask what the people here would choose?

    I think this would be quite an interesting thread (although I have to admit that I would not be able to spend all 7 points, plus some of the suggestions I would re-write in a subtle way).

    Anyway, thanks for posting it! ๐Ÿ˜„

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