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Everything posted by JustWhipItOut

  1. That window was my absolute favorite lol I’ve tried exploring but most of the pages it says the way back machine hasn’t backed up this page or something along those lines. I have someone who says they’ve saved some videos of mine and I hope some of them are me using that window, I’ll probably share them again if so!
  2. I didn’t even think to use this! A perfect way to see at least my old stories and posts. Thank you!
  3. Thank you! I’m definitely wanting to make more content soon, just gotta get around to it. That’s a shame though! I want to see my window pees so bad but I know they’re just gone. That was at my old house so I can’t even go out there any longer.
  4. Hello! I used to have an account here called “Justanormalguy”. I have posted many and many of videos here and on sites like erome. Things like me pissing out my bedroom window, pissing over my basement drain, pissing in a parking garage (frequently posted on the topic “parking garage wall stains and puddles”), pissing in my yard, off my back deck, etc. I know it’s a long shot that someone saved these but I would absolutely love to have them back however I know they’re probably permanently gone. I’ll just have to make new content! If by some miracle you have some of these videos plea
  5. No unfortunately not! They’ve all been deleted but I’m glad you share the same thought process. If you’re parked in a parking garage there’s no need to use the bathroom wherever you’re at, just wait till you’re back to the car and find the nearest wall. People seeing wall stains and puddles is a great way for them to be encouraged to do the same for sure. I think they probably just think “well if they’ve done it I’ll be fine”
  6. I absolutely love that spot! What a good stairwell to piss in! Idk who wouldn’t piss in a parking garage there’s so many good places between the stairs, using your car as cover, or even just the wall by your car. At this point I view it no different than one big urinal we park our cars in lol
  7. Damn what an awesome story! Soaking a car like that must’ve been amazing especially with two people pissing and flooding it. I love that a couple walked past too I can only imagine what that woman must’ve said lol I’ve peed on a truck before in a parking garage and it was great. I walked back to my car, made sure nobody was in the truck and then soaked the passenger side door as it was closest to my drivers side door. It left a big wet patch on the door and it was just raining down on the ground and on the part of the truck that you step on to get in. I know when the people got back they
  8. Don’t be nervous! I definitely used to be but just think about it logically. If nobody is around to see you, if there’s no security cameras in the place you’re peeing or watching the place you’re peeing, and if there’s no way for anybody to tell it’s you, there’s literally no way to get in trouble or have anyone mad at you. Men have been doing this since the beginning of time and there’s no reason to stop now. Is it kind of bad to leave a piss puddle in a public place? I guess one could argue yes but typically I just try and do it somewhere people aren’t going to walk in it. Sometimes I have t
  9. It probably was a couple guys or a couple that just decided to pee there. And that’s the thing you’ll never know who it was and could just simply walk right over it no problem. If you don’t mind me asking how did your sister react? Did she even notice or think it could be pee?
  10. It’s something guys just don’t think about but most people really could care less. If you want to pee every time you’re in a parking garage like I do, you can. I think most guys get it in their head that society will look down on them or they’re a bad person for peeing in public but the reality is most people could care less even if they see you. Besides another great point is a pee normally lasts 20-30 seconds, there’s a lot of times when you can do something for 20-30 seconds in public without anyone being the wiser. Once you’re done nobody can tell it was you who peed in the spot lol. My po
  11. It really is the perfect urinal. And I think it’s one of the more expected place for guys to whip it out and go real fast. As you say too, it’s easy to get a little cover as there’s so many cars.
  12. That’s all true! Parking garages are some of my favorite places to pee because there’s typically no cameras and it’s just the perfect place to wet a wall and go on with your day. And yes I don’t even really know where they are lol the food court is at the top level of the mall so I’m sure they have one up there but if you’re just going to the stores that’s so out of the way that it would be ridiculous not to just use the wall beside the car. It’d be an extra 10 minutes just to pee lol even if they did have bathrooms closer I still wouldn’t use them because just spraying the wall is much quicke
  13. Never had anyone honk at me lol I would’ve just laughed. I’ve had people drive past me before but they just keep driving. I could really care less if people are driving past but it might get a bit awkward if someone was walking past. I normally give a quick glance for that anyways but even if I see a car is gonna pass by me I still just go ahead and piss.
  14. Bathroom? Or in the actual store or dressing room? Either way is awesome just using a wall as a urinal like that. It looks like it mainly puddled up in the corner so no real problem with going there.
  15. I love this topic, it’s extremely hot to me when a woman cares less than the guy when suggesting a place to go. I’ve had the luck of having this happen to me a few times. The first time it happened was with an ex girlfriend. I lived about an hour and a half away and was at her house about to leave. We were in the living room of her grandparents house with her two brothers and I suggested I needed to use the bathroom before I left. She said “oh my grandpa just went in there” I didn’t notice this had happened and this was the only bathroom in the house. She then said “We’ll if you just have to p
  16. Where was this? I love the stain you made and it does look like someone else used it for the same reason.
  17. Hello! I used to have an account here until I deleted it but I wanted to post some of my recent experiences! If you knew me before you’ll recognize the place I’m peeing as I’ve regularly used the walls in this parking garage anytime I’m in it and I’ve frequently posted them to this topic and others. Anyway, I’ve been Christmas shopping at the mall lately and like I said, anytime I’m in this parking garage I don’t even bother with using the bathroom anywhere I go. I just wait til I get back to the car and pee on the wall! It works just as well as using a urinal and nobody ever notices me.
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