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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8637-how-to-share-videos-to-the-forum/ Here you go
  2. Step one: Navigate to your favourite video. I am using xvideos for this example, but any site will work. Step two: Highlight the website address at the top of the page. Step three: Right click and select 'copy' Step four: Navigate to where you want to post your video. This can be an existing topic, or you can make your own. Right click the message box and click paste. Step five: All done! The link to your video is now in your message and ready to be sent! If there are any questions, please ask me.
  3. Give me a couple of hours for me to get onto my computer and I'll make a step by step guide with screenshots. But in a nutshell, you don't want to save the video. You want to copy the website address and paste it where you want to share. Ps - moved to correct section.
  4. Unless I'm peeing outside somewhere and risking getting caught, I will always wipe. If I am outside and have the chance to wipe, I'll use the tissues I always carry with me. And if I'm using a public toilet I'll use their toilet paper if available, otherwise I'll use my pack of tissues. Basically if I can wipe myself, I will.
  5. Another 5 today ... 28 seconds 44 seconds 34 seconds 27 seconds 18 seconds ... and I'm actually typing this while sat on the toilet, having just had a wee lasting 21 seconds.
  6. 5 wees so far today. I didn't make note of the time of day, sorry. 44 seconds 46 seconds 14 seconds 25 seconds 18 seconds
  7. I'm not aiming for a specific time, these are just my normal wees. I could have held it for longer if I wanted to.
  8. It'll be coming off before then. I sleep nude! This is the style by the way.
  9. Haha I guess that is the case, I just find it slightly annoying to go upstairs, walk across the landing, push the bathroom door closed, walk over to the toilet, pull down my thong as I sit, pee, wipe, wash my hands and walk back just for a little dribble!
  10. No photo I'm afraid (I really should take one) but you might still like to know I'm only wearing a t-shirt and navy blue thong right now! Just lounging on the sofa/couch before bed. My butt isn't covered in the slightest by the t-shirt
  11. That's true, it probably would. I just find it funny I spent more time getting ready to pee like walking to the bathroom, pulling down my knickers etc than I did actually peeing.
  12. My flow rate was about the same throughout the day I had more to drink than usual before the 9pm one so I think that's why it was longer. Just sat down for the final time because I'm going to bed pretty soon. A 5 second dribble haha. Wasn't even worth it.
  13. All the ones I timed today 7:30am - 38 seconds 11:10am - 26 seconds 1:25pm - 28 seconds 3:35pm - 25 seconds 6:00pm - 19 seconds 9:00pm - 44 seconds 11:30pm - 32 seconds 1:30am - 21 seconds
  14. Don't tell anyone but... My urine is luminous green!
  15. Possibly! All we wees were nice and relaxed, with my usual gentle flow. I'll continue timing it over the week and see how they compare!
  16. For science, I timed every wee I've had so far today. 5 in total. 53 seconds - first thing in the morning, I was bursting! 32 seconds 17 seconds 21 seconds 36 seconds
  17. The only person who knows of my interests, outside of this site, is my husband I've never had situations like you just mentioned, my friends just seem to do it lol.
  18. Sophie


    No not me, I don't share photos of myself here.
  19. This morning I was out shopping with a friend and we were just walking, chatting etc. The usual. Suddenly she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the left and down an alley. She quickly looked around before unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down as she crouched. Only seconds later she started a gushing stream with a big sigh "good lord, I was bursting!" I actually had to step to the side to avoid the river flowing towards me. She went for 10 or so seconds before stopping as suddenly as she started, wriggled her hips a little and pulled up her jeans as she stood again. She quickly
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