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marking my territory

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Posts posted by marking my territory

  1. 1 hour ago, niceguy1 said:

    I agree with you that it would be nice to be able to relieve oneself whenever and wherever, within reason, when in public without fear of legal repercussions or social disapproval.  Certainly that was the case most often in the past, at least for men.  I confess that before you mentioned the bourdaloue I had always assumed that women on long carriage rides would have urinated in the bushes at the side of the road.  Now I realize that it probably was more often done inside the carriage, at least for the upper class women.  Today, the US is too restrictive with public urination.  More openness is to be found in Europe, China and the third world.  At this point in my life I'm not able to just up and go there, but I still may try to at some point in the future. 

    I also didn't realize that women's underwear is a relatively new invention, becoming more commonplace in the mid 1800s from what I read.  For those of you who understand Spanish, there's a funny phrase they use in Mexico for "going commando".  When my wife didn't have any clean underwear to put on, she would say, "Ando directa".  That always seemed like a blunt, descriptive term to me!  But from what I understand, it's more common today than in the recent past, at least for younger women.  But I suppose it depends on the situation.

    Even when the first female underwear (bloomers) were introduced they were more similar pantaloons than what we think of. Since the fashion throughout history usually has been long and multiple skirts for women, the first undies were open crotch as you can see, easy for any quick urge to be relieved.

    Minus the modern day thong, thats essentially the design. I can understand why women always moved in groups and never stirred in rough areas if they could avoid it, I can imagine how vulnerable a woman would feel wandering alone without even a thin layer of cotton to protect your sex from rapists.

    I'm curious how common for the common woman public urination would have been? Certainly it was looked down upon by the middle class, always striving to the sophistication of their "betters". I have to think the odd woman would've ducked into an alley if they could help it but for the most part only the most lost and downtrodden women would've been pissing in the gutters. Don't quote me on it though, just a guess.


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  2. 9 minutes ago, niceguy1 said:

    It was a few years ago when I read this.  The author didn't give too much detail but he didn't say anything to make me think it was a micropenis.  I understood it to be some problem with the urethra or the tip of the penis that didn't allow the stream to come out neatly.  And it sounds like it wasn't a one-time occurrence, but something he struggled with throughout his life.  Obviously, there was no modern medical technology back then to correct the problem.

    I bet its a very simple procedure now, how many times those in the past have been damned by ignorance. 

    That being said, I would've liked to have lived in a time that was more accepting of public or non facilities based urination. Living in an era where women going commando wouldn't have been too bad either.

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  3. 7 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    The older chamber pots and bourdaloues probably held enough, but their odd shape makes them seem small.  I doubt that bladders have changed that much in capacity.  Women's bladders may have been even larger back then, because of the lack of women's facilities and the need to hold until a socially acceptable place is found.

    Keeping in mind water wasn't as largely consumed as beer or wine. The alcohol encourages more urine output but I can't imagine they could drink watered down beer as much as today's modern woman nearly makes a challenge of drinking gallons 

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  4. 8 hours ago, niceguy1 said:

    In another book that discussed the French Enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who lived during the same time period, it mentioned that he had some kind of deformity to his penis that made public urination difficult for him.  Apparently he was seen outside at a party of one of his patrons in the nobility and ending up peeing all down his leg due to the deformity.  It seemed to contribute to the generally negative attitude he was apparently known to have. 

    Perhaps a true medical case of a micropenis? Or maybe a tear in the opening of his urethra? Probably cause a very wild stream if it was but alas...we'll never know

  5. 15 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Sounds like a very honourable profession and there are probably families who would love to have a maid just lie you to carry out exactly that role.  The problem is finding them as they are probably reluctant to admit their desire when advertising for a maid.

    I agree that just taking it upon yourself to randomly pee in your employers home would not be professional.   However, if the householder is sufficiently into peeing, they would probably not object, so in order to make it professional, the terms would need to be negotiated into the contract so that expectation is clear on both sides.  You could agree that certain places were acceptable for you to pee.  The employer may even negotiate that you pee in front of him from time to time if you agree.  If I was to employ a maid to clean after me then I would very much appreciate seeing them pee on the floor, sink, laundry, patio, etc. if they were willing.

    Exactly! You understand the level of professionalism required of a hugh quality maid. It would be nice to openly and honestly discuss a contract with my employer.

      I imagine every family is different, some might insist I can only use the washroom, some that I can only use the lawn (maybe to help the gardener). Of course there will always be an employer who wants or begrudingly allows me to pee where I please, granted I sweep up after myself.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Rufiaant said:

    What if your employer kept your clothes in a wardrobe and the guys were playing Truth or Dare and someone got dared to piss on your working clothes? How would you react finding your work clothes like that?

    I would probably be quite upset and humiliated to find that the only clothes I have to wear had been urinated on by my employer's teens. There wouldn't be anything I could do and the teens wouldn't face punishment. Maybe if I had the courage to bring it to my employer's attention he'd laugh and maybe say 'boys will be boys'

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  7. 2 hours ago, Havelock said:

    On a somewhat related question, would you consider helping your boss/his family with pee outside in the yard and around town?

    I always enjoyed this growing up when the maids would help me take a potty break wherever I was outside or I would accompany maids to the farmers market and errands around town and they would help me have a pee and make a puddle on a wall, sidewalk etc.. It was great that they prioritized my needs over any concerns of dirtying the space. Good memories. 

    You had maids growing up? Aren't you lucky! I could certainly serve the role of a nanny and attend to my charge's need if the occasion arouse. Very young of very old I suppose I'd have to help the family members that would be unable to pee unassisted. A good maid is loyal to the family she works for, their wellbeing should always take priority over the street or a floor. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Rufiaant said:

    Interesting idea, what do you think the house would be like when they have friends over?

    Well if they're spoiled rich teenagers, they'd probably be quite cruel, maybe do that trick where you leave a tip in a glass of water turned upside down so when the waitress has to clean it up water spills everywhere but with piss. Maybe though they would be too shy to just pee anywhere in someone's home.

  9. 4 minutes ago, WateryMoose said:

    Then would you also find secluded corners of the house and pee there before mopping it :p?

    Not very professional, and I'd certainly be fired if I was caught doing that nonsense in someone's home.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Rufiaant said:

    If it's a whole household, imagine if he had two adult sons that inherited his habits? Pissing in walls, maybe even in each other's bed when they're trying to piss each other off! You'd spend your whole day cleaning piss

    Depending on their temperaments, maybe one prefers to use the bathroom but is a terrible aim, but the other might make a hobby out of ensuring the maid earns her pay.

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  11. Just now, Rufiaant said:

    Interesting, always fun to hear what "weirdo" ideas are around, would you still clean the piss if it was from his wife as well?

    Absolutely, maids clean up after the whole household, through not every woman pees as shamelessly and unabashedly as a man would.

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