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Posts posted by AWN_84

  1. 1 hour ago, wettingman said:

    It would be great if they made one about how a person hold their pee as necessary, and what happens when the bladder is extremely full. How does the bladder and sphincter react. 

    I can shed a bit of light on that: to hold we use the sphincter as explained. These are voluntary muscles that lock the urethra, the urge to go start when the bladder is half full, but you can continue to lock the sphincter to hold the urine until you are ready. As the bladder fills the urge, as we know increase, you can continue fighting it, but as all muscles, the sphincter can get fatigued and no longer be 100% effective, and the "leaks" start. At that point foward you start using all the pelvic floor muscles to hold the tide, that is why we frequentely cross our legs or put our hands to the crotch in order to help keep the urethra locked, but eventually you can no longer sustain the constant strain, and that is where the accidents happen. Hope i clarified a bit!

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  2. On 11/29/2022 at 1:02 PM, pissluva said:

    I absolutely love watching men piss! I love watching men unbuckle/unzip their pants whip out their dicks and start pissing! It's such a turn on for me as a woman to watch guys piss especially on walls trees urinals and places they are not supposed to!, I think it just so manly when men pull out their dicks and take a nice long piss where ever they want and mark things with their piss! Love watching guys piss with each other too like they are doing in this clip I think this was so hot! 



    No shortage of pissing dicks here! I am sure there is one for every taste 😁😁

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  3. 3 hours ago, Kupar said:

    And now for something completely different. 'Turn of the Century' by Yes. Move on quickly if you don't want to have to listen to and rate a near-eight-minute, archetypal English gentle prog-rock album track. I think it's a lovely song.


    Gentle is the Word lol, not my cup of tea, but pleasing to the ears, a 6 there


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  4. 10 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Great idea for a thread - and a great opening choice.  A tiny suggestion, if folks post a YouTube link to the song that’ll help those that don’t know it by title alone.

    Hall & Oates aren’t at the forefront of my musical knowledge, but it’s one of those songs you’ll know as you hear it.  Checking it out on Wikipedia, can’t believe it didn’t get higher than 48 in the UK charts - whilst hitting #1 in the USA.

    I’m going to give it an 8.


    And next up is an original song written in the same sort of era, never released but recently re-recorded as this video.  I’m not going to tell you any more about it - Form your own opinions of hit or miss. 


    Never heard it before, but enjoyed the song, and it is really quite new, nothing turn up on search, just a séries with the same name, don't know if it is related or not since i don't lnow the series too lol

    A solid 8

    I think this one is an auto 10  but i leave to the ppl, not only is one of my liked songs, but related to one of my liked movies as well



  5. Hi all! 

    A bit of fun here, you post a song you like and the person below rates it 0-10 and post a song of his(her) own to be rated, i start:

    Out of Touch - Daryl Hall & John Oates




  6. 3 hours ago, AbbyPeePrincess said:

    When I was younger me and my friends were playing hide and seek and I found a good dark spot outside and I had to so I squat down and begin peeing bad thing my stream has always been powerful so it was loud I got caught but I had relief.

    Everytime you comment about your pee and streams, i get turned on imagining it lol. I know you don't mean too, but it is always a tease, maybe someday you will grace us all with images or a video, until then, i keep imagining 😁😁

  7. 3 hours ago, BB1BB said:

    I have pondered this at length.

    There seems to be a sizable body of psychological analysis which suggests guys pee fetishes are born in childhood, which is certainly as true for me as it is for the other respondents here. I can remember a pee fantasy giving me my first erection - I was about 10 so it involved spaceships. 😄

    What turns me on about it now? Mostly the fact it is still a taboo act: there is a huge degree of intimacy in sharing an urgent need to pee. And my natural tendency is to prolong that intimacy as long as possible - it distorts normal emotions and interactions, both mine and of the lady involved, and it's that slightly out-of-normality experience that is a turn-on. Plus there is the obvious focus on a glimpse of unexpected nudity, and the orgasm-like relief of letting go: and my own desire to be a part of that relief.

    As for the ladies on this site? I know that a full bladder presses on the internal parts of the clit and the G-spot. It's a sensation that's too weird for many women, but I'm sure plenty here have learned to embrace it. Plus many women still have fantasies of subservience, shame and exhibitionism. In the 2020s the subjects of these fantasies have all been accentuated and distorted by the MeToo generation, and so are perhaps even more intense for certain women.

    Despite having pondered it at length, it's still a fascinating topic.


    Indeed! The more we give pause for tought, the more fascinating aspects we are able to find!

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  8. 8 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I would err on the side of childhood experiences being the start of many fetishes. That's certainly how mine started, and looking back that's how a lot of my kinks started too. 

    I mean, if you think about it peeing is almost everywhere. People pee on the side of the road, people pee on the sides of buildings, and so on so it's something people get exposed to young. It's just something that can't be avoided. It also is often the first glimpse you get of another person's penis or vagina, so that's why I think the link between pee and fetish starts in childhood for most people.

    I do agree, the visual aspect is always enticing, yet some are turned on (my case) even with the sound of pee, the smell of it. I find amazing how our body works together to bring us to arousal, not only with the fetish, but with everything sexually related. We primarily rely on sight to turn us on, but our brain can turn us on with sound and smells, working with our sights we get ready to get going, but i am straying, i get carried away when talking biology lol

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  9. Great insights everyone! Shows how much different we aproach our desires, yet end up liking something in common! Like many, i was exposed to pee as a child, back then, it was nothing special, a thing we need to to regularly like i said. As we grow, it became forbidden to pee together with my friend, we segregate bathrooms and for me, that was my trigger, why is that? My curiosity turned inquisite and i began to research. Curious enough, when we had limited access to the internet back then, porn was kinda hard to come by, had my first contact with peeing porn and remember being surprised: "they have this kind of thing on the internet?" I remember saying to myself. Today i try to learn every aspect of the fetish, not only sexually but also how everything works, biologically speaking, since i intend to work on the ON/GYN sector as a nurse. Well i am rambling too much lol, but sometimes i have to much crossing my mind, this time it ended up here, but i would love to keep reading your toughts on the matter, thank you all!!

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  10. 15 minutes ago, RainyDay said:

    I'll go through phases where I decide that I want to get to the bottom of it, but... the research surrounding fetishes and their development is interesting, to say the least. There is some evidence that they surface as a result of childhood experiences, but I have also heard many times that they can be passed down genetically. I find both of these ideas a little unsettling, so I opt to enjoy the art without questioning it too much. 🙂

    I can almost agree they come from childhood experience, that is my case. Now the genes theory is intriguing, going to research this!

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  11. 47 minutes ago, bungholio69 said:

    There are certain moments that happened in my life that made me into the person I I’m today but idk like one day I guess I decided that woman relieving themselves outside or in the toilet gives me a hard on lol. 


    1 hour ago, GenericUsername said:

    Sexuality is random I guess. Once something clicks, it click HARD.


    47 minutes ago, bungholio69 said:

    There are certain moments that happened in my life that made me into the person I I’m today but idk like one day I guess I decided that woman relieving themselves outside or in the toilet gives me a hard on lol. 

    I know right? Strange, yet, amazing how our mind is! They say the brain is our biggest sexual organ and i tend to agree. Like i said it is something to think: a lot of ppl find our kink strange and disgusting, yet, they might have a kink we find strange. Me for example, never going to understand how ppl get turned on by being degraded, believe me i tried, with a 9yrs professional domme.

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  12. Sometimes i wonder how such a simple and everyday act like urination turns ppl on so much! Sometimes i see the act trough the erotic scope, but sometimes i get this tought in my mind, is such a simple thing, we do it everyday, multiple times without ever realizing, so i decide to open this brainstorming thread about it. Everyone have their reason (including myself) on how we came to like the fetish, but have you stopped and wondered, why?

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