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Everything posted by CarioDaFur

  1. Nearly filled the whole sink up i had to go that bad. Its a rather small shallow sink so wasn't how much it looks like, but still an impressive amount. Toughed out the pain and held so much I peed for just over 3 minutes. The first half felt like such intense pressure, then the most incredible relief ever.
  2. Story time. So 2 summers ago I was out one night with some friends bowling. I managed to go through about 2 pitchers that night between like, when we showed up to closer towards the end of the night. By that point I was holding a ton, needless to say. But I remember powering through 1 more full game with my group before making it to the bathroom. This was long after my post concert record breaking pee from before so I kinda knew the pain from holding a lot. So after that last game I broke away from the group and went to pee, I got there and whipped out in front of a free urinal right awa
  3. Yes I will do a measuring video at some point. 2 minutes is about the longest I can usually go for so I will try to aim for that and see how much there is.
  4. Yeah this was definitely pushing the limit for me lol. It did feel good at first but then I felt really sore afterward.
  5. Felt some relief but my bladder was pretty sore afterward lol
  6. 30-45 seconds is my usual duration when I'm not trying to hold a while.
  7. I've got a big bladder, that video was definitely pushing the limits though lol. Haven't measured capacity yet but I've made a couple major size puddles before. No pics of my own but size wise I reckon somewhere around this big, when I'm full to my limit.
  8. Dull pain at first in my lower stomach, usually not progressing to real uncomfortable pains for a good couple hours. Pain just keeps building from there and then it becomes bad enough that I gotta really try to hold back from leaking. Usually after that the sweating really starts if I continue to hold, and pressure just keeps getting worse down below. Once sweating happens I'm like minutes from losing it in my pants heheh.
  9. 3 minutes. A most incredible feat of mine. A pee that definitely shocked me, and I don't think I could ever pull off again. 2 minutes is typically my limit, even that is quite painful though. But 5 years ago at a rock concert I found myself needing to pee super bad mid-show. I had been drinking a whole bunch of soda and quite a few tall beer cans that night, I guess never realizing how bad I had to pee halfway through the show, because it was a wild time lol. Though it was painful, I didn't want to leave to go use the bathroom, so I forced myself to hold it until the concert was over. Fin
  10. Me peeing for a whole minute and a half! Enjoy ❤️ https://www.erome.com/a/LkLi3p5A
  11. Having a quick pee break this morning at work. 😉
  12. Little over 3 minutes. Managed to get it recorded and still have the video lying around someplace. Had just got home from a rock concert a couple years back. Had been holding for an insane time, rushed for the toilet and let loose and it was incredible.
  13. In my teen years I was at a restaurant with my family. I remember we had all met up for lunch and I hadn't gone at all that day yet. So I got up from the table and went to the restroom. Both 2 urinals were being used at the time so I had to use one of the toilets. So I began going. Wound up being full to the limit, minutes long before finishing. I remember becoming really scared closer towards the end cuz by that point the whole toilet bowl was foam and my stream was still coming strong, and I thought what if I can't stop? lol. Ending: I finished and went back to rejoin my family.
  14. Had to go very VERY bad this morning! So decided to make a big mess in my toilet 🙂❤️
  15. Hey all its nice to meet ya. I'm brand new here, thought I'd share some some pics of some of my pees. Can go loads at a time if I try, I mean A LOT. Will try and get some videos up here soon. For now here's some photos of my sweet relief.
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