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Everything posted by sd91

  1. So I wanted to create a discussion about the what the other ladies pee streams are like at least usually. This is thinking about the thickness of the stream, the power behind it, and the angle that it comes out. These all seem to change a lot amongst women. It's obviously different in each position but lets talk about our usual positions that we like to enjoy as fans of pee. For myself if I mostly squat deep so my bum is nearly touching my heel even wearing a flat shoe, and I wee at basically a 90 degree angle with more than average force and more than average size stream when its fl
  2. Well theres been naughty ones with me having a wee in a garden before, and once in a barn where both times I was caught back when I was younger! The naughtiest I think though is one I got away with. At a christening/baptism a few years ago there were photos outside the church after the ceremony and people talking, for way too long! because the place for the party wasn't ready yet. Some of us had gone for drinks before too so eventually I was dying for a wee. I was actually going to use a toilet but my friend told me she had asked and there wasn't one as it was an old village church. After
  3. https://www.sndup.net/4vhv/two+girls+weeing+in+the+park.mp3 Me and my friend Jo were in the park recently having a few drinks. I've peed with Joanna in a quiet village street before whilst in Thailand with her, and she was much more reluctant back then. Ive shared that story before, shes slim, blonde haired, blue eyed and kind of posh but sweet looking 😉 With the two pints each of cider consumed, the lack of toilets in this quite small park in terms of places to sit but with lots of woodland made the decision to wee in a bush easy for her. After I had been for a piss once she asked
  4. https://sndup.net/6s44 Next lockdown loo I found. Whilst jogging I went through a housing estate and down an alleyway with filled bins packed into it. It leads to an open car park so during broad daylight I walked down and in the middle squatted between two bins for a sneaky wee. Lucky nobody walked past as they would've seen the puddle even if they hadn't seen me make it. I was weeing quite hard in this one as you can hear in the audio, trying to relieve myself before anyone turns up.
  5. Ah sports relief 😉 One of my favourite kinds of both sports and relief! I saw a picture thread mention this phrase and decided to share a story, and hope that others will too 🙂 With needing to stay indoors mostly, public urination has been different. But there are some chances. I haven't gone in the street yet though, has anyone else? Yesterday during a lunchtime run, I jogged by a now closed retail park. Looking behind the stores, close to the road, you can see the stock entrances which have big metal shutters and large bins. These can be seen by the road but thats 10 metres a
  6. Can always start a new thread 🙂 otherwise there was a new years one a month or two ago in the history
  7. I've not had to leave them behind before. I almost always pull my panties down and if I don't I move them to the side. Most of the time I'll wipe too but if I don't I just live with the dampness. The evidence I leave behind is a tissue and a puddle!
  8. The story will come soon, but here I am having a wee in a parking lot down a quiet road and the sound is on the link. 🙂 You can hear the car driving past where I was parked. I had my back to it and whilst the car door covered me from one side if they looked they'd have seen me squatted down and partly covered by some dying shrubs. Obviously its a woman having a piss when you see that! I forgot to take a photo of the puddle after a car came past, sorry 😞it's a very quiet road so I thought I'd be safe. Part of it flowed under my car but there was so much it trickled across the other side!
  9. There's an alleyway that leads to a car park that only has one way in and barely any windows. I've gone there three times now. Last time I went there it had been used a lot probably by both men and women because there was piss on the wall and also some puddles on the floor with tissues in. I've told two of my stories from there. I want to go there when someone else is there. Another is behind the hedges of a layby, theres two trees behind the bushes I squat under. Can't be seen from the busy road and it leads on to an empty field. I don't know if people use the layby but the place behind
  10. If I was to do that I couldn't just drop a squat in front of people walking past broad daylight, maybe I park somewhere pretty public during daylight? Wee by my car?
  11. I'm a woman born in 91 😛 I can't take a photo of a friends pussy though! which is what I was going to show of myself. It sounds like bus stop or roadside/carside is winning at the moment. All possibilities as I've done them all in some way or other before. I've urinated behind the bus stop, an old brick one, so I could just go inside one and treat it like a little female urinal cubicle, and also popped a squat from the side of my car before so depending on how exposed I am I could piss up my own car. I have a regular weeing spot on the drive to work where I pull up i
  12. Whilst I wee outside multiple times a week, for the next experience I write down I wanted you to choose where I relieve myself. You can choose anywhere, even some riskier places where I might get caught so long as it's not totally ridiculous. Maybe even somewhere people know what I'm doing but can't see fully or are unable to do something, like on the road, cars driving by. Maybe naughtier than that example though as I've done that before! You decide and I'll pick the best one, do it, write about it and then share a photo of some sort and I'm thinking about recording the audio 😉
  13. Aiming standing up requires pressing your fingers just around the clitoral hood to push the urethra upwards, and doing it in a way that separates the lips. But I don't do this much.
  14. I think I worked out why I squat lower than other ladies I've seen in videos and in person. I think I squat until my bum is touching my legs mostly to do with my stream. My stream flows out further forward than some, though not as much as 'power pissers' instead of just going straight down from my pussy onto the floor. About a week ago I went for a wee during the evening at a spot I've used before (I shared a photo in that story of my urinating vagina). Me and my friend had been for drinks and dinner before Christmas. Whilst we weren't drunk I was a bit tipsy, but my friends 6 year o
  15. Well it was probably a bit messy but it was some years ago now! I squat rather than stand almost exclusively! Do ladies aim whilst squatting though? Or just look down and hope for the best! 😉
  16. Do any of the ladies here or those who know of ladies urination habits, take aim? If I'm not using a toilet I tand to put my hand at my hip line above my vagina and can guide my stream enough from there. So I often pull things upwards using this technique but dont often hold my lips, unless I can clean my hands! One of the main times I aimed with my lips was to piss up the wall of a house in a back street. I was 18 and I'd fell out with someone. On the way back home from school I was gonna wee in the woods as I had got really into doing at the time, but only a minute away from
  17. How about an underpass/subway? They stink of piss and are covered in graffiti anyway. I've often had a sneaky wee under them, even one that had a camera! It's nice to know all the cars and people walking above ground don't know you're weeing on the floor near them, with your fanny out!
  18. So when we were hiking there was a lack of toilets as we were in the woods and the hills for the most part. Me and Emilia (who i talked about before) are very outdoorsy, so when we had to go, we just said to the others and went off by ourselves. Same with the camp too as we were a literal 5 minute walk away so its a lot of hassle just for a wee, and with everyone on the wine there was plenty of weeing. Now the other two girls seemed to wait until there was a bathroom available. This was every few hours as we would end up in a village or just at a shop. However, there was one point during
  19. Over the weekend I was doing a hiking trip with some friends and we were put in the middle if nowhere all day and over one night too. This means one thing... women weeing in bushes and watering the wilderness. There were 4 of us in total, and all girls. This is a photo of me during the afternoon weeing into the stream. It's a bit shaky because I didn't want my friends looking over and realising I was photographing myself pissing. This way it just looked like I was scrolling through Facebook while relieving myself... I was wearing a loose short summer dress as we were just relaxing by
  20. There was one time I took a high squat to pee against something. Maybe it's something I will do again to avoid splashing... If I choose to avoid it! I was at university and a female friend Katy wanted to pee, was very drunk as we were drinking at a friend's place and grabbed me as we were walking to town and said "come ooooonn it's time for a wee". I didn't hesitate as we'd both been drinking and could take a piss. And we crossed the road as everyone else carried on and at a junction saw a phone box covered in posters. I pointed us in there and Katy giggled saying "yeah that's quie
  21. Do you put your hand on the floor behind you to lean backwards? I've done that a few times to make the stream go further. Have you had to deal with being caught? I find coming up in my squat so that it's 90 degrees and adjusting my clothes is the best I can do.
  22. I have but I don't really. If things are going wrong I've done it a few times, like if I'm directly weeing up my leg or the splash from pissing on concrete is getting me too wet, l use my lips to move the stream to spray away from me. You don't need to touch the lips most of the time and your hands are dirty after that.
  23. So ladies, when you're having a wee anywhere that isn't a toilet, how do you squat? I'll always squat low down, but if I'm not too drunk to I'll go onto tiptoes and move my hips forward a bit, to direct my stream further from me. If I could fall over or have nothing to hold on to, I'll keep my feet flat and take the risk of pissing on to my feet. I'll also do this on slopes. Unfortunately the flat footed approach exposes my vagina so sometimes my hand would need to cover that. What do you do when you're mid wee? I look down and follow my stream, sometimes steering it with my hand just ab
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