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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine,

    I just read Emma's letter about peeing in the warehouse and it reminded me of something similar that happened to me, that I think you might like to share:

    I am a 28 year old woman and I work for an IT company and spend most of my time in an office but also spend a bit of time on customer sites. About 5 years ago, we were doing a rollout of new computers to a customer and had a stock of PCs and Printers which were delivered to us early, so we had to find storage for them. There was no storage at our office and the customer couldn't accommodate them, so we contacted a storage company. They said that we could either pay the going rate for a swanky storage unit in their town centre facility with all mod cons, or if we didn't need too regular access then we could use their out of town facility which was a converted laboratory that they had purchased and was mainly used for long term storage of documents for company archives.

    Well we only reckoned on needing to go there twice - once to put the stuff in storage and once to get it back out again so we opted for the out of town arrangement that was much cheaper. All went well and the kit was taken there by some of our delivery drivers and stacked up in a room that was allocated to us. I ensured it was stacked nicely and locked the room when we left to return to the office. It didn't take too long and I thought we had got a result with the cheap price.

    However the project fell well behind and the customer cancelled the order, so we were left with the kit. I had to go down there and do an inventory of what was in there, so I arranged with the owners to meet someone called James on site to gain access on a Wednesday afternoon. I normally wear short straight skirts and business attire, but I wore a polo shirt and work trousers for the day, knowing that there would be a fair amount of box shifting involved. The morning was spent in the office as usual and I consumed my normal amount of tea. I went to the loo at about 11:00 and then at 12:00 I went out to lunch with a friend at a pub, where I also drank a few soft drinks. I realised that time was moving on and I had arranged to meet the storage contact at 1:30, so I jumped in the car and headed out on the 30 minute drive to the storage location. As I drove, I realised that I really should have gone to the loo again before leaving the pub, but no matter, I'd go when I got there. When I arrived, James was waiting for me. Thank goodness - if he wasn't there, I swear I would have had to pop a squat in the bushes in the car park. James smiled a welcome and let me into the building. As we walked through the door, I asked him where the toilets were and his response threw me a bit: "Ah, bit of a problem there", he said, "nobody is based here and most people only visit for a very short time, so the water was turned off ages ago and everything is disconnected to avoid frost damage in the winters. The toilets are all locked up. We have to improvise I'm afraid".

    "Improvise?" I asked, "in what way?"

    "Well let's just say that there are plenty of bushes around here and you are welcome to make use of them".

    I nearly died of embarrassment and said "It's OK, I'm not quite that desperate!" I had visions of him peering out of the door and spying on me as I hid in the bushes, slipped my trousers down and exposed my behind. I decided I’d really rather not be doing that. However, it did leave me with a dilemma, because I knew I wasn’t going to last that long and I had loads of stuff to sort out. I thought that maybe I’d nip outside in a bit when James wasn’t looking.

    I took my clipboard and headed up the stairs to our room on the first floor. To add insult to injury I saw the toilets off the corridor and the mere sight of them caused a twinge in my bladder. I bobbed down, crossing my legs and managed to control myself. I pushed the door of the ladies and it was indeed locked. I tried the gents just in case, but that was also locked.

    I carried on down the corridor and managed to unlock our room. I started recording the boxes of kit in my notebook, but I couldn’t really concentrate and every time I moved a box, I had another twinge. I knew I needed to do something and FAST. I left our room and from the corridor was a line of windows between the corridor and what must have been one of the old laboratories. The lab was equipped with bench units and sinks, with boxes of paperwork stacked up on the benches and on the floor. I saw the sinks and instantly I knew I had my solution – provided I could get in. I tried the door and thankfully it was unlocked. I went to the far end of the laboratory where one of the sinks was well hidden from the door and windows by the stacks of boxes. I pulled down my trousers and knickers in one quick movement, stood with my back to the unit and using my hands one each side, I popped up onto the bench with my bum over the sink. Immediately the floodgates opened and I found I was jet-washing the dusty sink with a powerful jet emanating from underneath me. The powerful hissing sound combined with the rattle of pee drumming on the stainless steel sink made quite a racket but I didn’t care – I had my relief. All of a sudden I heard another noise – a pattering like water falling on newspaper……. Very strange, I thought, but no worries, I was enjoying my relief and nothing was going to stop me now. As I finished up, I pulled a tissue from my jacket pocket and wiped away the stray pee from the insides of my legs, then hopped down from the side. As I did, I felt the carpet tiles on the floor squelch. Then it dawned on me; James had said the pipes had been disconnected. I opened the door to the cupboard under the sink and found that the inside of the cupboard was awash with pee that had flooded over some papers on the base of the cupboard and it was running off the front of the shelf onto the carpet tiles below. Someone had removed the U-Bend from the sink and my pee had just gone straight through onto the contents of the cupboard!

    I didn’t know what to do, but I guessed that the room wasn’t visited that often, so I hoped it would dry before it was discovered. I posted my tissue through the handle hole in the end of a nearby archive box and I moved a couple of stacks of boxes to stand across the aisle in front of the sink, hiding the steaming pool of pee from anyone who casually looked into the room.

    With that, I left the room and went back to my store to continue cataloguing the boxes of equipment. As I worked, I drank a litre bottle of water that I had with me as it was quite physical work moving all the boxes around. I was almost finished when I really needed to pee again. As I’d already made a bit of a mess next door, I decided that it couldn’t be too bad to add a bit more. So I headed back into the laboratory and followed the aisle down behind the boxes that I’d moved. This time, I decided that there was little point using the sink, so I simply lowered my trousers and squatted directly above the floor, where I released another bladder load to the waiting carpet tiles. The pee shot out in front of me and created a foamy puddle in the aisle, covering a considerable area before soaking slowly into the pile. I wiped again and posted the tissue into another archive box. Standing up, I adjusted my trousers and returned to the job in hand. When I finally left the building, I thanked James on the way out. He said “I don’t know how you manage – you said you needed the loo when you came in and I have been out for a pee twice whilst you’ve been here, but you still haven’t been out.” “Don’t worry, I replied, I’m quite good at improvising too!”

    With that, I turned on my heel wiggling my bum provocatively as I walked across the car park back to my car, and set off home as it was too late to be worth going back to the office.

    I hope you enjoyed that,


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  2. Steve, I have only just found this thread. I have so far only read a bit of this thread, but I love it. You had a comment earlier in the thread about lack of interest in the literary side of things on this board - I really enjoy the literary side and do write a bit from time to time, but it is dependent on having the time available and having ideas to write - otherwise it very easily becomes repetive.

    However, I can definitely say that I enjoy your contributions and those of other writers, so please everyone, keep up the good work.

    I'll try and write more when I get the chance and the ideas.

  3. I loved the story WetFetishCat. I'd love to see my wife do that, but the nearest I've had is her going to the toilet with the phone whilst I've been talking to her. Sometimes she tells me first, leading me on a bit and illustrating her actions with her talk. Other times the first I know is when I hear her pee hitting the water.

    I sometimes have to pee when I'm on the phone for work. I have once done it whilst visiting an office - I went to a quiet area of the office away from the regular staff to find a quiet desk from which I could join a conference call. I'd already had a large mug of tea and then water with lunch. I took another mug of tea with me to the desk to make the call. The call went on and on. My bladder got fuller and fuller. I couldn't leave the call and I couldn't take the phone as it wasn't cordless. I was running out of options. I eventually looked around and considered the risk. There were very few people in that area of the office, so I pushed the set of drawers that were under the desk to the middle of the desk and positioned my chair so that it was between the drawers and the wall, making the bottom part of me pretty well hidden from casual observers. I tucked the chair well in under the desk and I undid my zip under the desk. I slipped my penis out of my trousers and pointed it off the front of the chair, down to the floor and relaxed, allowing a small spurt to escape and release some pressure. I thought I wouldn't let much out, just enough to reduce the predicament, but I was so desperate that I just kept peeing for about 20 seconds before I could shut off the flow. I didn't dare look down because that would draw attention to what I was doing. I let another 10 second spurt go, by which time I was far more comfortable, although far from empty. I knew I couldn't let it all go as the carpet wasn't thick and it would spread too much. I tucked my penis away and zipped up. Casually moved out from under the desk, sliding the set of drawers to the left to cover the evidence. I took a sneaky look as I did so and it was quite a puddle, but once the drawers were on top, nothing could be seen.

    Other times at home when I've really needed to go whilst on a call, I take a towel and fold it up then sit on it with my trousers pulled down. I enjoy the warmth pooling around my bottoms and it is silent so nobody on the phone suspects a thing. When the call is finally over I simply put the towel in the wash. I usually need another towel to dry the chair where a bit has soaked through onto (thankfully wipe clean) chair and dry my backside.

    Another good trick I've used is to put my handkerchief into a pint glass and pee gently into that. The handkerchief prevents the noise of the pee hitting the glass. Normally a pint glass is big enough, but if I'm really desperate I have to watch the filling glass and cut the flow before it overflows.

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  4. A couple of times my wife has seen things and mentioned them to me, which I wish I'd seen myself, but I call them "Secondhand sightings". The most recent was yesterday - she was in a shop on a reasonably busy street when she saw a Nepalese lady through the window. The lady stopped in front of the shop, bared her behind and dropped to a squat in front of the shop. Shortly after she stood up providing another view of her bare behind before she adjusted her clothing and moved on. My wife looked at the person next to her and they were both a bit astonished "Did I just see what I think I saw?" kind of of reaction and they both agreed that they had indeed just witnessed a lady peeing right outside the shop on a busy street. I have heard that the Nepalese culture is to pee wherever the need arises, but I've yet to witness it quite so publically myself.

    Another report from my wife from a couple of years ago was that she was walking down a road when a youngish lady in tight jogging atire was jogging in the opposite direction. She crossed the road and went into a church yard, where she dropped down behind the fence so just her head was visible, then after about 30 seconds she exited the yard still adjusting her waistband and carried on running.

    Obviously I'd prefer first hand sightings, but secondhand is better than nothing......

  5. Dear wet carpet,

    I am staying away for business - a three day trainning course. I like t8 have some pee fun whilst I am away, but am always concerned about messing my room in the hotel in case it gets reported to my company. When I first got to my room I was bursting for a pee as I had been travelling for three hours and had drunk a mug of tea and bottle of cold water on the way. Imagine my delight when I found that my room has a small outside balcony which was made with deck boards. I headed straight outside and stood with my legs apart and let my pee just fall to the floor from under my short skirt (no knickers) whilst leaning on the rail. The relief was exquisite, but then a heard another pattering and I realised that my growing puddle of pee was running between the boards and falling onto the balcony of the room below. I don't think anyone noticed thankfully.

    The hotel is an old one with lots of corridors. Later in the evening I went to the bar for a few drinks and on the way back to my room I deliberately turned down a wrong corridor and found a secluded alcove where I squatted and with a loud hiss I sprayed the carpet with my pee. It made a lovely puddle which initially sat on top of the pile, then slowly started soaking in.

    Hope you enjoyed it.


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  6. Excellent story. You were lucky with your first sighting and sounds like the guardrobe was lots of fun. BTW, I believe the guardrobe was called as such because in most large houses, the toilet was a box that got emptied, but the smell supposedly kept moths away. Therefore the rich people used to keep thei robes in the room to avoid moth damage. Hence Guard Robe.

  7. One of my best sightings ever involved a women peeing in plain view on a main street in the centre of Exeter. There were a group of about six police (men and women) stood just across the road - they were either oblivious or just deliberately took no notice. The young lady in question was being supported by two other young ladies as they staggered up the street on their way back from the club. The woman dropped into a squat and leant against a shop window whilst the two others tried to haul her back up to her feet and move her on. They seemed horrified that she was about to pee in the main street with police opposite, but the woman was arguing the toss saying that she had to go NOW. There was no way that they could convinve her to move to somewhere secluded and she simply lifted her skirt, pushed her knickers down and jet washed the pavement. The stream gathered momentum and headed all the way across the wide pavement and trickled over the kerb stone into the gutter. I had a front row seat on a nearby bench, but didn't make any great fuss, which meant I got to watch the whole proceedings in detail. It was great!

    I don't think a bloke would have got away with it.

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  8. Not quite a pool, but I have a related story from Discovery Cove in Florida. We spent the day there and they issue visitors with shortie wetsuits - i.e. they are one piece suits that go over the shoulders and down to just above the knees. This obviously makes going to the toilet in the normal manner slightly difficult. We had been there a little while - but hadn't been swimming yet. We had enjoyed breakfast, including a few drinks. My wife said that she was just going to nip to the toilet, and headed off to the toilet block. When she came back, she reported that she had been somewhat surprised that one of the cubicles had quite a sizeable puddle on the floor, so she had gone into a different one. She realised that it would be difficult to take the wetsuit off, so she decided that she would pee through it. What she didn't realise is that whilst neoprene is absorbent, it also not particularly porous. Therefore, she sat on the toilet and released her bladder, then felt a warm sensation as the pee pooled inside the wetsuit all around her bum. As she finished, she realised that the pee was simply not draining away through the suit and she was left sat there with about a pint of pee around her bum. She wasn't sure what to do to get it out, so she stood up and instantly the pee drained out of the legs all over the floor! She then realised straight away that she obviously wasn't the first person to have found this out and that the pool of pee in the adjacent cubicle had been the result of a similar experience from someone before her.

    For the rest of the day, she either stood in an outdoor shower to pee (whilst people were walking past within a few feet) or she peed in the water when swimming. We had been swimming in the lazy river and came back to the pool at the end. Before we got out she asked if we could hang on a minute and sit in the shallows. She sat down and leant against a rock and she told me she needed to pee before we left the water. A look of gentle relief appeared on her face as she peed.

    So the learning point was - it's fine to pee in a wetsuit, but don't do it whilst you are sat on a toilet!

    You are probably wondering, but yes, I peed in my wetsuit as well and didn't go near a toilet all day. I used the showers and the various pools depending on where I was at the time.

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  9. Interesting. I would not be able to relax whilst going down the slide! Even if I need to pee very badly, I need to concentrate a bit to actually start peeing. You will never see any yellow around me in a (fast) water slide or while swimming . It just doesn't work. I need to relax a little bit . That works for example by standing still for a moment (a few seconds will suffice). Once the pee starts going, it is easy to control (i.e. stop for a moment and resume soon after). The jacuzzi is also perfect! You are in there to relax anyway plus there is added naughtiness because it is much smaller than a big pool.

    Funny (?) thing is: while I was young, I always went to the bathroom (many people will admit to peeing in the pool while they were young and now find it gross - for me it is vice versa). I started to pee in the pool when I was maybe 17 years old. And ever since I read Maggie's posts about drinking an extra amount of water before going to the pool, I do the same! My friends don't know about it and sometimes I even have to make sure they don't notice that I am bursting before going in. However, I think most of them also pee in the pool. We don't talk about it.

    It took me a long time to get to be able to pee on a slide and it is only any good on the slides that take a little while to get to the bottom, otherwise I find I'm at the bottom before I get started. The best ones are the ones where you get to sit in the water at the top and then wait for the attendant to say go when the person in front gets out at the bottom. In those cases I often start relaxing and peeing whilst I'm sat waiting to slide. Then I carry on as I go down. It is a bit like trying to pee whilst riding a bike - it took me a long time to be able to do that. It seems that no matter how desperate I am, as soon as I start cycling, I can't pee. However, I have finally managed to do that as well - a few times anyway although it still doesn't seem very easy.

  10. LOL!!! :laugh: Life moves in mysterious ways Alfresco, as you've carefully explained to every guy here how to avoid every possible 'give away' I look for when trying to spot a man peeing in a swimming pool!! :frown:

    Hey I'm still glad you posted though, as it's good to see how friendly this forum is ... plus it's nice to hear of the pools, jacuzzis and hot tubs you've been naughty in! :wink:

    Sorry Maggie - it wasn't meant to make people less obvious for you but to make them more likely to be willing to pee in the pool. I never thought about it the other way round.

  11. There are definitely some advantages to living in apartments! That is a fantastic sound to enjoy and presumably on a regular basis (unless she has moved out again).

    I have had similar experiences to fannywatcher listening to young ladies disrobing and peeing a torrent where the gents toilets are adjacent to the ladies. It is lovely to get the different variety of sounds that help the imagination in visualising what is going on. Some girls thunder into the water, some tinkle gentle, others hose down the porcelain. Sometimes there is the accompaniment of a beautiful hissing sound. The anticipation is also great as the heels click across the hard floor surface, the door slams shut and the bolt is slid into place pre-empting the main event. I particularly love it when you can detect that they are desperate. The clicking of heels is faster, the door slams loudly and there is next to no pause before the torrent is released.

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  12. Anyone have an idea how Kevin could pee in a pool without being seen by lifeguard??

    I pee in the pool pretty much every time I'm there and nobody has ever mentioned anything to me, my thoughts are:

    - Make sure you are hydrated. That way you won't leave big yellow clouds.

    - Pee whilst you are doing something else, e.g. talking to someone or fixing your goggles or even whilst you are swimming. Anything that diverts attention somewhere other than your lower body.

    - Don't look down at your shorts to see if you are making a yellow cloud. That only draws attention to what you are doing.

    - Don't adjust yourself or your swimming shorts and don't put your hand anywhere near.

    - Don't simply get in the pool and stand by the edge stock still for 30 seconds. Move around, do it when you've been in there a while.

    - Don't stand in the pool facing the wall unless you have a very good excuse like talking to someone on poolside.

    - By all means sit on the side and pee through your shorts into the drains that go round the edge (if they have them), but again, don't just sit down, pee and then move off. Either do something else whilst peeing - e.g. fit goggles, fix your locker key to your wrist etc. or stay sat there far longer than necessary so that it doesn't look like you just stopped for a pee.

    - Don't wait until you get desperate. If you are showing signs of being desperate, then stop still for a minute, then carry on looking far more relaxed then it is obvious what you have done. If you let it go before you are desperate then you won't get to the stage of attracting attention.

    - Pee a bit at a time. It won't show, you won't be peeing for long enough that people would realise and you get the pleasure of peeing multiple times throughout your time in the pool.

    - If they have a jacuzzi/hot tub, that is a good option because it is natural to be sat still in one place and the bubbles hide everything. Again, don't be obvious by only getting in for 30 seconds. Make sure you stay in there for 5 or 10 minutes to look natural.

    I went to a leisure complex a while ago that had a normal pool, a moving water channel, jacuzzis and water slides. I peed in the pool, the jacuzzi and I peed whilst going down the slide. I even peed whilst climbing the stairs to the top of the slide. The steps were already wet from everyone going up in their wet costumes. Nobody noticed a thing. Finally, there were open unisex showers at the edge of the pool and I peed there whilst rinsing off the chlorine and standing with other people (male and female) close by.

    So the answer is you can pee freely, but don't draw attention to yourself (unless of course you want the attention......)

  13. Another one that I clearly remember which was quite blatant. I was at Disney's Blizzard Beach in Florida. There are plenty of toilets, a little way away from the beach, but certainly accessible. I was in the main beach pool when I saw a woman get up off her sun lounger where she had been reading. She walked down to the beach and sat on the sand right on the edge of the water with her legs stretched out in front of her. She stayed there for 30 seconds - no more, then casually got up and walked back to her sun lounger. There were loads of people all her round her and it was so obvious what she was doing.

    Whilst on the subject of Blizzard Beach, I've been there about three times now and never once used the toilet. I have peed in the lazy river whilst floating around on the tube, I've peed in the main pool whilst swimming, I've peed in the bushes and I've peed whilst sat on a sun lounger and allowed the pee to just drain through the lounger to the ground. I've even peed my shorts whilst standing in the queue for a water slide. Everything is wet anyway and letting it out a bit at a time, nobody notices.

    My wife didn't use the toilet at all either. She didn't always tell me when she was peeing, so I don't know all of her peeing exploits, but I do know that she peed in the main pool and on the lazy river.

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  14. Hi Maggie & Steve,

    I agree with Steve that you (Maggie) should not feel at all guilty about they way you led your children. I also agree that childhood experiences influence future behaviour in a major way and Steve, certainly don't beat yourself up over your experiences with your sister. I had similar experiences with my sister and I think for a lot of us - particularly in the days before the internet, our siblings were the obvious people whom we were close to and with whom we could discuss things - particularly concerning the differences between male and females although not realising the sexual connotations.

    My sister and I used to have role play games in the house, one of which included making a "house" in one of our rooms. We positioned furniture to break up the room and made den like structures with sheets and the like. Put cushions down to make a living area, had a sleeping area and yes, you've guessed it, we had a toilet area. This was usually made my moving the bed to create a gap between the bed and the wall, then if either of us needed a wee then we'd go in the gap and pee on the carpet. I used to be fascinated as my sister squatted down low and sprinkled the carpet. When we put the bed back in place after we'd finished playing for the day, nobody was any the wiser. We never used to try and soak it up or anything either.

    Sometimes we also camped out in the garden. In those cases, we never bothered to go inside if we needed to pee - even though the house was only maybe 50 metres away. I would stand and pee in the hedge and my sister would squat and pee between the tent and the hedge.

    Outside when playing with mates - boys and girls, if someone needed to pee, then they peed. One particular area where we played had an abandoned stone farm building that had feeding troughs down one side and walls jutting out to make sort of pens. We designated one pen as boys toilets and one as girls, but I used to always make my toilet trips co-incide with when I knew a girl had just gone in to pee, so I would walk in and walk past the girls area to get to the boys area. I used to enjoy seeing the way in which girls peed like that and we did develop on to the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" scenario, but for peeing rather than just body parts.

    A little later in life I started going out with the girl from next door and I encouraged her to pee behind the garage rather than going inside to the toilet. She seemed to quite like it, so after that we never bothered to go back inside just because one of us needed the loo.

    One of my favourite recollections was that there was an old railway line that we often walked along. It only served a nearby Naval Arms storage facility and had maybe one train per week, so we felt pretty safe in wandering along the railway. Anyway, one day I climbed the bank to get on the railway just next to an over bridge and low and behold I found a girl that I knew squatted down on the steel bridge hidden from the road by the parapet, but totally in view from where I had suddenly appeared up the bank. She was in full flow with her bum low to the ground and her skirt hitched up. She was a little embarrassed, but carried on regardless and I stayed and chatted to her whilst she finished peeing. I had an excellent view and it has stayed with me ever since.

    I'm absolutely convinced that all these experiences have led to my continued fascination with peeing and naughty peeing in particular.

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  15. Hi again Nopjans,

    ...... he would sometimes (a little shyly at first) ask to be taken into the elevator when he needed to pee in hotels. Similarly with my daughters, after a while they began to ask to be taken into the hallway or stairwell instead of using the toilet in our room.

    This takes on a completely naughty slant on the experience - it implies that there was a toilet nearby, but your children wanted to go out of their way to pee somewhere naughty and you were very co-operative and willing to make a special trip along the landing to the elevator or stairwell to indulge them. You were obviously very relaxed about it, which is brilliant. Did you ever take advantage and pee in the stairwell/elevator at the same time when you were taking your kids?

    I wanted to pee in naughty places when I was young, but I never asked my parents about it. If I needed to pee when I was away from the toilet, my parents never asked me to hold it for ages but would find a suitable place. However, it was never indoors or in a stairwell etc. I remember plenty of times when I needed to pee whilst outside they would just say "find a tree" or tell me to pee next to the car for example. When I was a little older and went out on my own or with friends, I would make a point of peeing outside and also on a building site I would pee in the rooms of the part built houses.

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