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Everything posted by Ilovethepp

  1. currently unemployed but was doing package delivery
  2. "Naughty peeing" on google was enough to bring me here. I've seen this site many times but finally decided to sign up recently.
  3. This is actually my second post here, but hello everyone! This is the first pee forum I've ever joined but I've liked pee ever since I can remember. My first memory of liking it was when I was a kid my cousin peed down the driveway as we were playing in the sprinkler, I knew because the water from the sprinkler was cold, and this water was warm. I was only about 5 but I was fascinated by her peeing like that. I never said a word to her about it, but never forgot the sensation either. I'm all about naughty peeing. Can't get enough of it. I've been searching for videos like that for 16 yea
  4. When I was younger and still experimenting I used to purposefully pee in my sleeping bag. I also peed in my trashcan, through my pjs, through my boxers, and one time all over the floor of a taco bell bathroom. I got in trouble with my folks for peeing in the shower [with no running water] and was embarrassed so I quit doing such things while i live at home.... Well... mostly. I still pee in the sink from time to time, and have also done that at work.
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