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Posts posted by walanuk

  1. You could prearrange it with someone you know is willing to be involved, removes the potential legality issue around exposure but role play the “passerby” thing if you want. 

    In a countryside area, there’s literally thousands of woodland paths, fields, even small roads where no-one would see you other than the person you arranged.  Come to think of it in most towns there’s places you’d get away with it too, especially at night. 

    Whilst personally it’s a fantasy for someone to do this there’s a lot of people who would want to see you arrested. And no way to tell in advance which is which 😂

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  2. I’ve joked before that on occasion I considered myself “omo-sexual” I consider myself straight for the most part, and have only had relationships with women but likewise have occasionally been turned on by a guy particularly desperate to pee, or who’s wet. 

    Maybe it’s because I like that situation myself and project it onto me imagining I’m in the situation, I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ 

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  3. 22 hours ago, Unipede said:

    So the owner will now have to buy a new mattress?


    And if it was my Airbnb then the person responsible would be getting a hefty bill for it together with compensations for any cancelled bookings.

    Destroying others property to engage in a fetish is not cool.  In the yard, on a tiled floor, even on a washable synthetic carpet which *you* then clean. Fine. If anyone used my property in this way I wouldn’t care (or know) indeed I might be a little jealous to have missed out on the fun, but it seems unfair to damage someone else’s stuff for your own enjoyment.

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  4. I’ve worked at many festivals like this, the girls often pee by the fence line and officially we’re supposed to discourage it, direct people to toilets that sort of thing. Obviously I rather enjoy it. 

    The best one has a fence next to one of the big arena stages that divides the public from the backstage area which as staff we walk around all the time so by going against the fence they’re discreet from the other festival goers, but we see their ass pressed up against the fence from inches away 😂

    Best show there 

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  5. Not necessary with the amount of content available on the public internet and I’d strongly advise against it given the amount of completely illegal material you may find there, much of which is associated with law enforcement “honeypots” 

    IMHO you risk being exposed to material you really wouldn’t want to encounter and also drawing attention to yourself in a way you don’t want to. 

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  6. Not something I’ve done often but a few weeks back in an unusually hot spell I was working in the yard all day for three days wearing boxers and my working shorts (which I didn’t change). 

    I never go back to the house to pee but as it was so hot I decided to just let go when I needed, it felt so freeing and dried quickly every time. 

    Definitely will do more often! 


    Did have a mild panic when the UPS truck pulled up and I accepted a parcel over the fence hopefully they didn’t notice!

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  7. Used to do this when I lived alone in a flat with laminate flooring everywhere. These days I still do if working outside m

    with all of us working from home ‘cause of COVID I take advantage of the good days and use the outside patio as a desk and go when I need 

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  8. On 8/1/2019 at 12:57 AM, Riley said:

    Ok the answer to both of these is when I go see theatre performances, mainly musicals. The bathrooms are always tiny and not at all equipped to handle the load of the auditorium. 

    I saw a show a few days ago and I had to go a little during intermission and so right as intermission started I bolted to the bathroom knowing the lines and by the time I got there there was already a like 30 minutes line formed for a 15 minute intermission so I went and sat back down. I did make it to the end of the show...... My bladder did not like me that day though......

    I used to work in a theatre with a 2000 seater auditorium. This is so true, and the lines were huge at shows that typically attracted more women we sometimes repurposed the gents in the circle as additional ladies rooms

    would love to know how many used the urinals!

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