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About Ponme

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  • Birthday 08/17/1987

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  1. Hello everyone! I haven't posted here in a while and I hope some still come back to write their stories. I know there are many who likes to watch women pee, as do I. Is there still some into drinking pee or getting peed on that still come and share their experiences and stories? For a long time, I have been into outdoor peeing experiences especially camping. I use to have a gf back then which she shared many golden showers on me, which I admit I do miss it. Things didn't work out so we went our separate ways however we remained friend and saw each other from time to time. Do so
  2. You are welcome, and I am happy that I am not alone feeling like that. Also, to add to this, she knows I have a girlfriend and she has a boyfriend as well, so I would rather be careful with my approach. If I were more gutsy, I would of told her it is okay to pee in my hands. I did say something about urine is steril. Today, we had to go inspect a diving board for serial number which was painted over. So she went into a squatting position to use a small exacto knife to remove the paint from where the serial number is located. She was there for a good 10 minutes in the same posi
  3. Ok, this just in, it happened to me about 30 minutes ago. If some can recall me talking about a chief lifeguard that peed on the toilet seat. This morning, she had a course to give in the water, when she was done, I went to see her and wish good morning. Besides, why should I pass up on seeing her in a bathing suit! :-)))))))) So, we are talking away about our work place as she's placing her materials away when she suddenly says: I need to pee so bad. So as a joke, I placed my hands together so that she can pee in it and once my hands are full, I did a motion of throwing the pee away
  4. At first, 3 of them were peeing while the other 2 stood there and waited, then the other 2 went after. Unfortunately, I didn't stay because tge other 2 I was with were walking away.
  5. @Brutus hey bud! That was quite the story and I wish I was there! I love to hear loud hissing sounds. Not sure of this is related but, I have noticed that bigger women make more noise when peeing.
  6. Wazzzup everyone! This is a true story, last saturday, i had a stag party to go to which we were downtown bar hopping right. And late at night, we were about 3 guys that went between buildings to pee next to a dumpster. Really not long after, 5 drunky women showed up and asked us if we can share spots, what am I suppose to say, no? Anyways, i tried being discrete but one said, no peaking and as a joke as i went to say sonething like, i didn't want them aiming at my head, one shouted out, wtf your pissing on my shoe, so my joke got disregarded. I took a second glance and there was nice la
  7. My head boss got tired of going to the washroom with a seat often wet and there's only 1 toilet available, so she asked the staff to keep the facilities clean. The unfortunate part is, the amazing looking boss that takes care of the pool, started cleaning up her seat which left me with no job to do LOLOLOL I use to love licking up the seat after she used it 😞 I still manage to find my recording device and get something from it. The lighting in that area is not great but nice to see. Enjoy!
  8. Struck gold lolol if I was single and had the guts to ask, i would love to get a golden shower by her. I would never use my phone to use to record it.. too risky and big. I do have a tiny device that I bought a while back because my neighbor use to dump his junk on my yard. I eventually caught and faced him. Anyways, if i can remember where i put it, i can try to locate a place hidden enough to hear and that i don't get in trouble and lose my job..ect Can i upload mp3 or videos here?
  9. Hey bud thank you for the interest in my experience. I wish I had more details, unfortunately, threw a freakin wall... It sounds like a deep hissing sound but with wisper because of the wall I presume. It is loud when splashing in the toilet everytime I can hear. I would like to get a device to record the audio, except i would be worried that she finds it.. i don't want trouble. About the blue colors, she does not like them because they are a bunch of slackers, and never get work done right and she is stuck deal with them. So maybe she has hate issues. To answer your que
  10. I would believe her.. as long as I get benefits from it lololol
  11. I have to agree with Brutus and i can personally say, i like coming here and share my stories and experiences so that it might be helpful ideas or different ways of expressing and communicating.
  12. Haha.. i guess we can call it destroyed. There is a bit of pee on the floor but from what I observed, it seems like it dripped from the side of the bowl. Like even the under seat is wet, which i will not lick. I heard her a few time pee from the other wall which was quite obvious and I noticed she doesn't even was her hands. I don't if she's a germ freak or just plain doesn't care. Once I spoke to the evening guy and he told me once he arrived to unlock the front doors to the building and she with 2 others but only her peeing down a set of 3 stair on the side exit because it had some cove
  13. Brutus, sorry for the late reply as I don't come here daily. I can always try to take a picture, the lighting is dim so it might not be great. That seat is clean when I am done with it, just the seat, the rest I wipe off with a cloth. We are not talking sprinkles.. it is covered with drops and splashes. I actually paid attention how many times it is getting used. My head boss shows up at 8h30am and uses it before she goes to yoga and she is quite fit as a boss and she's 42. Then she doesn't go back to that washroom until the end of the day. Which she has told me that the seat was in bad c
  14. My second experience was a breath taker and let me explain why. At the time, I was single and living in a cheap appartment building. Across from my appartment was a single young woman. I felt bad for her because she had a 1 year old and had no support from the ex.. donator if I may call it. I remember an occasion when she knocked on my door, when I answered, she seemed to have been crying. She had asked me if she could borrow $10 because she had no food for her and her child so I gave her a 20$ and told her not to worry about it. She just jumped in my arms and said thank you. Its not something
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