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"Andrea" pees in her old apartment (plus new follow-up story!)

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Hi there! "Andrea" here again.

I wrote in a few months ago about how I peed in several places in my old apartment. What a great naughty thrill that was! It also happened to be my first time peeing in such a naughty place having previously only gone in a dark alley at night, the shower - and the toilet of course.

I ended my previous letter by saying I strongly considered christening my new apartment with my pent-up pee. Well, sorry to disappoint, but I haven't actually done that yet (I'm too scared of the clean-up). My new apartment has carpeted floor in the majority of the rooms with the kitchen and bathroom being exceptions. This carpet is a soft, fairly thick white-cream coloured carpet, so I'm obviously a little concerned about stains. I should really buy some cleaning product specifically for carpets so I can finally let myself go (pun intended).

Anyway, that's not why I'm writing - I'm actually here to tell you about a pee experience I had at my new job some weeks back. If you couldn't tell from my last story, let me tell you now; when I pee, I pee a lot. I guess I just have a big bladder and it's not really that unusual for me to hold my pee throughout the entirety of a workday.

Well this day was a little different. I'd had about three (maybe four) cups of tea during my lunchbreak. Usually I only have one, but I kind of forgot about the time as I was talking to a colleague (my job is fairly relaxed - basically, as long as we get the work done, it doesn't really matter when). I returned to my desk on the second floor to continue working, knowing that I'd have to make a short break for the ladies' soon. Sure enough, about half an hour later my bladder started its nagging, but I pushed it to the back of my mind as I was working on something important.

An hour passed and I was beginning to feel pretty desperate. Time to hit the restrooms then.

I decided on heading to the ones on the third floor (there are only bathrooms on the first and third floor, and I hadn't tried the ones on the third yet - still haven't, but more on that in the coming paragraphs). In my initial tour of the building, I was told to take the door next to the stairs on the third floor if I needed to use the toilet, but I hadn't actually been through that door. I assumed it would just be the restroom separating into ladies and gents, but no - first a hallway with several doors on both sides. I started moving towards the first one when the lights suddenly went out.

"Great, so the power's out", I thought to myself. The hallway was dark now and I couldn't tell what the signs on the various doors said. Not looking forward to trying each and every door, I hoped the first one would be the right one. It wasn't. Just an empty conference room by the looks of the light shining through the windows. I left the door slightly open so as to allow some light to escape into the corridor, but it didn't do more than reach the next door to my left. "Office supplies" it said - so not this one either. I kept moving. I was beginning to hold myself now, pushing my hands into my crotch against the white knee-length skirt I was wearing. I had to go pretty badly now and tried my best not to leak. Part of me obviously wanted to pee on the carpet in the hallway, but knowing the power could come back any moment and that someone might come through any of these doors at any moment was too scary a thought for me. So I tried the next door which offered a room with a very small window so only a minimal amount of light was let in. In the dimly lit room I noticed two desks and a couple of chairs - they weren't set up as if in an office, so I figured this must've just been a room for storing furniture not currently useful elsewhere. Standing in the doorway, I felt another surge of the ache in my abdomen and realised that I wouldn't be able to hold it in much longer.

Instead of continuing on down the hallway, I found myself stepping into this storage room - or whatever it was - fearing my bladder would give in momentarily, and I was not about to let that happen in clear sight (almost, apart from the lights being out at said moment - but what if the power came back just as someone walked in!?).

Once inside, I promptly closed the door and frantically looked around the room with my both my hands pressed against my crotch. It wasn't a big room and due to the desks and chairs, there wasn't even much space to move around in. As I stood there in front of the door, one of the desks was placed to my right with a gap of about 3 feet between it and the wall. The desk blocked the majority of the light coming through the window, so it was fairly dark back there.

Another strong ache shot through me and I knew then that I'd decided where to release all of my pee (remember, I hadn't peed since earlier that morning before leaving for work and I'd had several cups of tea since then and it was now the middle of the afternoon).

I moved into the gap and once I reached the sidewall, I turned around and began raising my skirt. Then I squatted down and parted my legs slightly. With one hand holding my skirt in place, I used the other hand to pull my panties to the side, giving my pussy and peehole free aim to the floor.

And it was just in time because as soon as my panties were out of harm's way, I started peeing.

A strong hissing sound could be heard as my pee stream shot out strongly, showing no signs of abating. Due to the darkness in the room I hadn't noticed what type of flooring the room had, but by the sounds of it, I was peeing onto something hard - probably hardwood floor as in many other rooms in the building.

15 seconds in, I was still peeing strongly and I began to notice a faint smell of pee - nothing too strong, I imagined it would clear out soon enough. Several more seconds passed. I was still peeing, but the stream was beginning to diminish. When the stream finally ceased, I let out a sigh, clearly very satisfied by the relief I'd just experienced.

I usually have a pack of tissues on me, and fortunately that was also the case this day. I pulled out a tissue and wiped myself clean after which I dropped the damp tissue on the floor at my feet. Then I put my panties back in place, lowered my skirt and carefully stepped over the puddle (that I couldn't see). I listened for a few seconds before deciding the coast was clear and out into the hallway I went.

I returned to my desk on the second floor and shortly thereafter, the power returned, but I didn't manage much concentration for the remainder of the day. My secret naughty pee had clearly been too much for my mind to handle, and the moment I arrived home, I dropped to my knees in front of the door and began rubbing my crotch almost violently. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

Regarding the rightfulness of my actions, I'd have to say that it probably wasn't right to pee where I did, but what other choice did I have? Clearly, I wouldn't have made it far anyway.

I returned to the room a few days later. With the lights now working, I tried to locate my pee. Well, it appeared that it had dried up and there wasn't much to see. Perhaps there was a slight smell, but that might as well just have been from all the unused stuff in the room (it appears that it's rare anyone comes in there - maybe that's a sign I should "use" it more often?).

I'm sorry this is so long. I tried making it shorter, but I really wanted to make sure I got all the necessary details right.

Thanks for reading!


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