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The downtime was extremely minimal, but if you were one of the unfortunate few members to register in the past few hours then you will need to re-register. Sorry!

Likewise, any posts made or messages sent will need to be re-sent, but given the time of the upgrade I think this will be extremely few.

The upshot is we are on a new server. I am hopeful this will mean we no longer have those '500 Internal Server Errors' (or any errors for that matter). 

It also means we are in a much better position to facilitate many new features, such as the re-launch of the video gallery - stay tuned for more information.

Clubs have also relaunched and should be working. It would be good if someone could confirm they can upload to clubs they are a member of.


An example would be the random private message issue some people had on select messages where they couldn't type in the textbox.

Hopefully things will run much smoother now.

Thank you.


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I can confirm that uploading images to the clubs works. I'm having an issue trying to upload multiple images though.  The pictures upload fine, but if I try to edit the info (title, description etc) it works for the first photo, but upon selecting the next I just get the spinning loading icon.

Single images work fine however


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4 hours ago, CON2H4 said:

I'm getting a 502 error bad gateway. I would upload a screenshot, but currently that doesn't seem to be working either.

Please allow 24 hours for everything to fully update (could be up to 48 hours). 


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