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Filming yourself peeing

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Like @Jayj751, I just found this thread ... probably because jayj bumped it, lol.

So first, I echo the many responses about looks.  My motto has always been to do what pleased me.  If others don't like it or think I'm not smart/sexy/pretty enough, well, fuck 'em.  I obviously didn't do it for them.  If you want to share (and I seem to remember you have now shared at least one pic or vid) then go for it.  You have a thirsty audience here, pun clearly intended.

As for the actual filming, it can be quite hard to get the shot you want, especially in an impromptu moment.  I've taken quite a few videos of myself in public situations and it's almost always an opportunistic decision.  The surroundings, a gap, a need to pee (d'uh .. lol), etc.  The key is to be mentally ready for the moment and practice with your camera so you can use it with 5 seconds notice.  And, yeah, a fair number still come out looking shite.  Be willing to bin the bad ones .. that's the best thing about digital photography, just delete what didn't work and try again.  

With practice, you'll be able to spot the opportunity quicker and respond more efficiently.  It almost feels easy after a few (hundred) tries.  😎

Can't wait to see what you create.

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Hopefully you're already aware of my reactions to your photos.  I'm a huge fan of any 'real life' pictures, actually more than commercial porn - the fact that it's a real person who could walk past in the street or I could be talking to over a shop counter just adds to the heat.

I'm also personally a great fan of curves - perhaps again it's part of the real life girl thing - but curves (especially in a certain place) and consequently the 'real sized' figure definitely do it for me.

In a different universe, or at least in different circumstances I'd be there as you personal film crew...

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