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Outdoor summer party

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Must tell about the great outdoor party this weekend in a country house and garden on the edge of our village. On the edge of the garden there was a marquee to shelter from rain, but it was dry, and in the marquee were a few tables for plates, salads etc for the BBQ food which was being cooked the other side of the lawn. There was also a barrel of one of my favourite real ales right at the far end. It was a great party with a folk singer, two camp fires (fire pits) loads of lovely people some I know and (some I wanted to know) and a great atmosphere. There were not many drinking the beer so the barrel never ran dry, I was very happy enjoying my favourite beverage. I lost count of the number of pints I had and trips to the loo at the back of the house, often with ladies in the queue in front of me which I always enjoy! It was almost embarassing the number of times I had to go, but after it went dark half way through the evening I noticed the area beyond the barrel was completely dark and invisible from where the party were situated. No -one needed to go into the marquee again. I tried it once, and several times after that, to disappear into the darkness beyond the barrel, let fly into the hedge then a minute later re-appear into the half light to fill the glass again from the barrel. While I was peeing forcefully I could see clearly in the half light everyone in the party on the lawn, round the campfires etc no more than 20 ft away from me but no-one could see me or even wonder what I was doing. There I was openly enjoying much needed relief and yet so close to all the others. The 'improvisation' of finding different ways of peeing without having always to follow the 'conventional' trip to the loo is always the exciting and enjoyable bit for me, especially on a beery night out. Its a shame some of the girls never thought of the same idea that night!

Any other similar experiences? 

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I did have a similar experience some years ago. There was a field behind the party area and although they had booked some portaloos, most of the guys went into the field as it was closer. It was quite well lit so there was no where to hide. I used it many times and was quite nice to see other guys pissing.

Sadly I didn't see a single lady take advantage, they all used the portaloos :(

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Just the other day, I was walking in a town.  I needed to pee and was crossing a bridge over a river.  Photo courtesy of Google StreetView below


There was a kind of platform jutting out into the river, with about 6 steps down onto a lower viewing platform.   I sat on the top step, looking out over the river, slipped my dick out and peed onto the steps below whilst people were walking and driving across the bridge right behind me.   It was great to feel that I was peeing so discretely in full public view.


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Alex here


Ah ah ah! Alfresco you crazy fuck! :-D can't stop laughing due to how you described it :-D you're great man, that's exactly the kind of thing that I like to do, because is sexual and simply funny at the same time, like some kind of joke. By the way, is that your own town or did I got it wrong? Looks very nice... keep it up man!


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Nancy here :-)


That outdoor party sounds amazing! Was it at someone's house or at an outdoor club? It makes me remember a great evening this summer... When we signed in, we took the decision (don't know why, sincerely...) to write about things of the present only, not like "Six years ago..." but this story maybe deserves to be told. I'll write a new thread about it

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On 9/8/2017 at 0:30 PM, spywareonya said:

Alex here


Ah ah ah! Alfresco you crazy fuck! :-D can't stop laughing due to how you described it :-D you're great man, that's exactly the kind of thing that I like to do, because is sexual and simply funny at the same time, like some kind of joke. By the way, is that your own town or did I got it wrong? Looks very nice... keep it up man!


I love to pee in very public places but be discrete so people are within a few metres of me but don't even notice.  It is amazing how oblivious most people are to things right in front of them.  If a bloke stands in a corner facing a wall then people will assume he is peeing, but if he adopts a position that could be natural such as sitting or leaning on something then he probably wouldnt be noticed - especially if he is also on a mobile phone or reading a map or looking through his bag at the same time.

No that is not my home town.  I was just there for the day.

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I am another who enjoys peeing in public places, discreetly of course.

My favourite is to wear loose shorts and to find somewhere quiet to sit and hitch one leg up and pee through the leg. I have managed this in a few places, in a park, on a park bench, in a pub beer garden. I find it extremely horny to be peeing so publicly and no one knows.

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On 9/8/2017 at 0:57 PM, spywareonya said:

That outdoor party sounds amazing! Was it at someone's house or at an outdoor club?


It was one of those lovely spontaneous summer parties given by country-lover friends of ours, its the third time they have held these parties but definitely the most adventurous I have been. The previous party arrangements didn't lend themselves to peeing in quite the same way, but I sure hope this party is held again. I have to say no-one in this village knows about my own pee pleasures because word here gets around so quickly and I would hate them to get to know. So mostly I enjoy outdoor pee fun with adventurous ladies  in other locations in the UK.

It would sure have been fun to have you at the party with me!

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Nancy here


Ih ih ih it would have been funny for sure! Yet, my attitude sometimes discomfort people, and since you look like a very good fella, I think I have to explain to you that I am very flirtitious, yet utterly devoted to my man. People can see me peeing in full view, and even look at my little pussy, they even touch my bare ass while I dance, but nono of them ever get further. If you imaginary invitation is for just having another friend there doing naughty things with you, feel free to imagine me accepting, and doing whatever you would like me to do. But if you fantasy went a bit further... I would have laughed and declined, gently :-D anyway, thanks for the imaginary invitation!


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