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Chat Disconnecting

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Chat box disconnects on ipad, maybe an issue with ipad software (Safari) appears to happen when you go off the home page to a sub-forum, and then return back to the home page.

Bottom of the Chat Box shows "Chat Box Disconnected" with a retry button. Reconnecting works, just a minor pain to reconnect each time when navigating the site. 

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I've tried something that may have fixed it, but it's unlikely to have been the problem. I've contacted the chatbox developer in the hope they can provide some light on the subject.

In the meantime, if reconnecting is a bit of a hassle, the other option would be to have a separate tab open with the full chatbox (open it from the navigation bar), and then browse the forum in a separate tab. If sound is enabled, you'll be notified whenever there's a message so won't miss anything, and since you're not leaving the page (on that tab) it shouldn't disconnect.

Will keep you updated if I find a full solution - sorry about that. However, since it's fine for me on Windows, I do wonder if maybe it's an iPad/iOS configuration rather than a site issue?

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12 minutes ago, bpb said:

I apologize for my computer ignorance, but how to you form two tabs??

Generally: On a desktop/laptop, right click the link and press 'open in new tab'. On a phone/tablet, hold down the link and then click 'open in new tab'. Feel free to send me a screenshot if your device looks differently.

Bpb, are you using an iPad too or is the chat disconnecting on another device? Or were you just wondering about tabs rather than having an issue with the chatbox?

On a similar note, does the site still log you out at times or has that been resolved?

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My machine is a desktop.

I haven't been using Chat, so any problems that I might have with it are unknown to me.

I thought that my timing outs were resolved, but I did get dropped from my session just a couple of days ago.  I don't remember the exact situation, so I can't quote it.

There are times when I am on Personal Messenger that I would like to have a second tab to look something up without leaving Personal Messenger which is why I ask.  I will stumble around and see what I can make work.  I do have a second signon, but I am not sure it will fill the bill in all cases.

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