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A typical reaction?

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I found this account in one of those cheap real life story women's mags. Not only is a woman reacting in utter horror at the discovery that her husband has a secret pee fetish, but has left him over it and gone public in a national magazine, photograph of him included. In her article she first describes her happy marriage to the guy called Mike who is hard-working and puts in a lot of hours, even working from home on his computer. I will type here what she then wrote.....

To the outside world we probably looked like the perfect couple. That's why the shock of what happened was all the greater.

I was at home that day using a laptop in the kitchen......

I needed to use a printer, so I went up to the attic to use Mike's computer.

But before switching off  the computer again - and I still don't know why I did it -  I opened Mike's document history.

A folder caught my eye. It was named "x" and, when I opened it, it contained around 400 video files. I double clicked on one.

......The screen was immediately filled with flesh tones.

"I knew it!" I laughed to myself. "Working indeed! Mike's up here watching porn! Wait till he gets home."

I watched for a  minute, shaking my head and chuckling at the corny dubbed German dialogue.

I was just about to turn it off  when all of a sudden the actors began to - and I don't know how else to describe it - go to the toilet on each other.

The sight of it almost made me physically sick. Mucky movies were one thing but this? This was filth!

What sort of man had I married that he got his kicks from this? And what if we had children? What would happen if they ever stumbled across this sort of thing?

Maybe I was over-reacting. Maybe this was just a one off. I opened a few more video files to make sure.

They all contained stuff which was utterly revolting. My stomach turned.

Was this the sort of thing Mike wanted to do in bed with me?

It broke my heart to know the man I loved was secretly into all this disgusting stuff..

I needed to pull myself together. It would be hours until Mike got home from work and I could confront him.

When he finally did get home, I was in bed reading.

"Hiya, love. Good day?" he asked.

"Is everything all right?" he asked, frowning.

"I was on your computer today", I said. "I saw your stash of filth"

Mike looked like he'd swallowed a bad cockle........After trying to explain himself, Mike's shoulders eventually slumped.

"I'm sorry", he said weakly. "I just find it interesting to look at that stuff. I suppose I'm a pervert."

"That's exactly what you are!" I yelled. "And if you think you're sleeping in this bed tonight, you're insane!"

"Oh come on..." he pleaded.

"You're lucky I don't throw you out of the house!" I screamed.

The following day I watched him delete all the files from the computer. "is that better?" he asked.

"No", I replied, bursting into tears. "I can't live with a man who is into this sort of stuff. You're not the person I thought you were. It's over. I can't carry on with this hanging over me."

I couldn't bear the thought that he might be secretly downloading this stuff again to satisfy his sick desires.

So Mike moved out. He's getting counselling, but it isn't enough for me. He admitted he was a pervert and that's exactly how I see him -  a filthy, vile, disgusting pervert.

I made a huge mistake in marrying him. Our time together has been wasted.

And now she has gone public with this in an article that includes a photo of the guy for all the public to see.

Personally I think HE made a terrible mistake in marrying HER. In all other respects he was exactly the same person he'd always been and showed her enough respect never to even mention his fetish interests to her. To react as she did was an over-reaction to say the least, but then to out him publicly for a fetish that consenting adults can indulge in, just because SHE finds it disgusting, including a picture of him, not to mention the over the top language she applies to him publicly, shows a degree of contemptuous malice that is just pure evil on her part. Live and let live is obviously beyond this judgemental narrowmind's ability to comprehend.

But is this a typical reaction? Or an extreme one? It is obviously considered normal enough for the magazine to print it.

Am curious what anyone else might think.

Personally, I wouldn't share my facebook page with someone like that, let alone my bed.

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Rejecting him without a speck of understanding or compassion was bad enough but outing him like that was despicable. Two lessons to learn - 1) Tell your partner before you marry 2) Do a better job hiding your files :-)

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I don't know if this is the normal reaction, but I really think that said magazine is not allowed to post a picture of that man due to data protection issues.

Anyway, this story shows once more how important it is to not keep something of that magnitude a secret from your partner.

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1 hour ago, WantonLee said:

I don't know if this is the normal reaction, but I really think that said magazine is not allowed to post a picture of that man due to data protection issues.

Well they have indeed printed two photo's - one of her and one of him.

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On Sunday, 12 February 2017 at 6:51 AM, steve25805 said:

Personally I think HE made a terrible mistake in marrying HER. In all other respects he was exactly the same person he'd always been and showed her enough respect never to even mention his fetish interests to her. To react as she did was an over-reaction to say the least,

Totally agree Steve.   In fact I think he is lucky that she revealed her ill-mannered prudery to him in time for him to escape.  He's better off without her.

I hope that being outed leads to him getting lots of mail from sexy women who want to pee on him.


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  • 3 weeks later...

That was an extreme reaction and she had no right to be the judge of whether he is a pervert. The lack of compassion or empathy is disgusting. She reacted as if he had videos of children or something. And to go on a mission to destroy him publicly seems like she already harbored hate toward him anyway and this was an excuse to explode on him like she probably already wanted to for many years. That's not what a person does to someone they love. She would've been willing to talk to him and understand his point of view, just as I'm sure she expected him to be accepting of her ways, if she loved him. 

In addition, he should have stood up to her and fought back instead of cowering and agreeing with her that he is a pervert. Women hate men that don't stand their ground and he buckled. He should've said in a loud voice "damn right I have a pee fetish. I work to keep this roof over our head and have been nothing but respectful and loyal to you and if you want to tear down the man you're supposed to love, then maybe you're the one who has a fucking problem here, bitch." Reactions like this are why men don't share themselves with women on the deepest level. They react with this hateful demeaning judgement of ''how dare you like things that I don't'' and wonder why men keep to themselves and refuse to talk.


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Not all women are so narrow-minded though, Brutus.

I made the potentially disastrous mistake of discussing the fetish with someone I know who is into it on FB - thankfully no sexual details but I did mention the Peesearch forum - but sent it to a work colleague instead!!! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

But she was actually cool about it, totally non-judgemental, just laughed it off and promised me she'd say nothing to anybody. And she hasn't. And we have become great friends.

And no, it is not because she is secretly one of us herself. She truly isn't. She just happens to be someone of totally non-judgemental live and let live values.

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You got lucky. She could've had the same reaction as in the op story. Then you would've had to move to a different country, shave your head and change your name to Milton.

True that not all womem are like that, some open minded ones are among us here in the forum. In general though, women are usually disgusted by mens fantasies. Most of them are baffled as to why men look when they wear mini skirts, or any tight form fitting attire. They just dont understand how the female form affects us, and thus are often horrified by our desires.  Maybe that can be a topic for a new thread.

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6 minutes ago, Brutus said:

You got lucky. She could've had the same reaction as in the op story. Then you would've had to move to a different country, shave your head and change your name to Milton.

Yeah, I realise how bad it could have been had it been somebody else. I guess I did get exceptionally lucky. Almost anyone else and it would have been all over the workplace in nanoseconds.

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