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Unisex restrooms and the future of pee porn

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One of the reasons I have had such a strong pee fetish is the naughtiness element of defying societal induced privacy laws by viewing something that Western culture prevents us from seeing, or even hearing.

Therefore, when intentionally provided, peeing has a strong intimacy element.

I believe that both the naughtiness and the intimacy elements would have been be greatly compromised if we had grown up with multi stall unisex restrooms.

As our Western culture becomes more liberal, I believe that in the near future, nearly all public restrooms will be unisex regardless of sexual orientation. In the intermediate future, I would not be surprised if women will be peeing next to men in partitioned urinals.

I have mixed feelings about this.

I confess that initially, I will probably become a pervert and make it a point to spend as much time as possible in public restroom stalls to enjoy the close proximity to peeing women. Needless to say i would regularly change the venue to avoid suspicion.

I suspect, however, that the novelty would wear off in a couple months, and I might no longer be aroused by sitting next to peeing women.

I wonder what would happen to the demand for pee porn. Would reducing the intimacy and naughtiness factors lessen the demand for pee porn?

Or, could hearing all these pee streams without seeing them, peek the curiosity and appetite of others, hence giving pee porn a boost?

How do others here feel that mainstream unisex restrooms will affect the general interest in pee porn, and pee arousal in general?

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Guest UnabashedUser

In parts of rural Japan and the Phillippines I experienced co-ed bathrooms closeup and personal while in the navy. It was a common practice to have young ladies of all ages walk in, drop their undergarments, and piss right next to you over a hole in the floor . Sometimes even more. In many of these areas sex is also regarded as commonplace as breathing -- a totally natural function. Just the way life is. While riding trains or busses its common to see people pissing and crapping in the fields along the tracks or roads.

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In parts of rural Japan and the Phillippines I experienced co-ed bathrooms closeup and personal while in the navy. It was a common practice to have young ladies of all ages walk in, drop their undergarments, and piss right next to you over a hole in the floor . Sometimes even more. In many of these areas sex is also regarded as commonplace as breathing -- a totally natural function. Just the way life is. While riding trains or busses its common to see people pissing and crapping in the fields along the tracks or roads.

The Japanese seem to be the world leaders in graphically staged EFRO, so I guess open unisex restrooms have not calmed their appetite for this form of porn.

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To be honest,i would not welcome mixed toilets.Im sure most females would be very reluctant to change a tampon in front of a queue of men waiting to use the stall.No,i think toilets are just fine as they are.If there is a move to mixed toilets,you can bet it will be the building sector saying"its what people want",when really it will be their way of making profit by having to build less toilets.I would also be uncomfortable getting my penis out to pee in front of strange girls in bars etc..

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Guest Anonymous
I would also be uncomfortable getting my penis out to pee in front of strange girls in bars etc..
I suppose so.

But, it doesn't seem to stop many of us from showing it off once we take them home.

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Just suppose how awkward it would be.There you are,and right next to you a girl is pissing like a camel.What about if you get erection?What would you do,wank it away in front of everyone?Which im sure could happen.This would be a public place dont forget,not a porno set!I say in this one case,leave it as it is..

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I do not think that we will ever have truly unisex restrooms here in the US with stall type partions. Here in Texas there is a chain of gas stations on major highways called "Bucky's". They have huge clean restrooms for each sex. This is what makes them an attractive place to stop on a trip. The toilets are in little individual rooms. The doors are just high enough to get a mop under the edge, maybe a little bit higher. They have someone that cleans it just about after each use. They also sell food and tons of other junk and tourist crap. I could see all restrooms being like this in 20 or so years and possibly urinals off in a separate area. It will be a very long time before Americans will be comfortable enough with nudity and genitals for true unisex restrooms.

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Just suppose how awkward it would be.There you are,and right next to you a girl is pissing like a camel.What about if you get erection?What would you do,wank it away in front of everyone?Which im sure could happen.This would be a public place dont forget,not a porno set!I say in this one case,leave it as it is..

This is my point. The erections would soon subside as peeing next to women would be commonplace.

The novelty of pee porn would diminish

Many women might be surprised to learn how modest many men are about peeing next to other men.

I would estimate that at least 50% of all men here in the states will enter a stall to pee instead of use the urinals.

An analogy would be public nudity. If there was no law stating that people had to wear clothes in public, nude women would be so commonplace that that there would be no demand for nude bars.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't think it would reduce interest in pee porn. Even if men and women use the same restroom in public, you still would not get to see women peeing, you would just hear them. The urge for visuals would remain and possibly strengthen overall because men who may not have otherwise developed a pee fetish might become intrigued by hearing women peeing. Look at it like this, any guy can walk down a city street and see sexy women in tight clothes any day of the week but that does not make men lose attraction to women's asses due to regularly seeing them with leggings wedged up their ass or losing interest in breasts because their tits are showing in a really tight shirt. If anything, it makes us more aroused seeing women in tight revealing clothing because they are showing their body without being fully naked. It's hard not to be aroused when women show so much skin. So pee porn would probably go through the roof.

On a side note I wouldn't bet on unisex restrooms happening in America anytime soon if at all. We might try it but I don't see it gaining ground because of our hostile culture. The media drills into our psyches that all men are eventual rapists and women are helpless victims incapable of making their own decisions. This programming, plus the fact that some guys will unfortunately cross a line, guarantees that most women would feel very uncomfortable in a restroom where men are around, especially when no one else is. It would also create a goldmine of opportunities for pedophiles to have their way with young kids if no one can stop them from following children of the opposite sex into a restroom. These realities are why it is probably a pipe dream. It may happen in other cultures but America is a culture that does not lend itself to this level of comfort between the sexes, at least for our lifetime.

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