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Time for a Change

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I have sold my house, we are moving further inland, something smaller with less maintenance and without the grief the Department of Sustainability keep dumping on us. My backup diesel generator for instance, is now a pollution issue, they don't seem to care that it runs my sprinkler system.

The summer bush fires also contributed to this, my ladies don't find this forest so appealing anymore.

Will let you know how we go, things may go pretty quick, people that want this place are eager beavers. The work I have done has paid off, they never even blinked at the asking price, just said "do it"

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This is not as easy as it seemed, apparently, I can't just set a price and walk away. Have an appointment with some lawyers today, already seen them once, they need to put a value on everything I've done here, solar panels of the roof, 2 battery plants, the fire service I put in, the contract with the power company that owns the turbine in the yard and so on, it's nuts. Everything needs to be certified by an engineer and electricians, the approval I had when the installs were done are not good enough, has to be done again. Someone even tried to measure some obscure radiation that supposedly comes from the turbine, never got a reading. Tried to tell me the things are dangerous, I laughed at the clown, the only danger is if the thing fell on you. There are a hundred of the things spotted along this part of the coast, and the worst I've seen is a hapless seagull that got slapped by a blade. Argh, can't wait until June 25, this is madness.

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I suppose it protects you and the potential buyer any comeback on anything faulty, they cant come back and say something isnt up to scratch or unscrupulous sellers passing on defective goods, but it sounds like laywers lining their nests a bit tho.

Ive never heard of radiation being a problem with wind turbines, would that be to do with rare earth metals in the magnets?

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Not sure what the issue is, Government hates the things, maybe just a scare tactic to stop people putting their own up. Origin Energy never said anything, we had the option of renting the land it was on, or taking power from it. It's 50 meters away (30 if you take in the blade arc) and we can barely hear it, only makes noise when it cycles (feathers and shuts down for 15 min of every hour) and we have an app on the phone that monitors the thing. The 2 battery packs I put in are deep cycle things but I can run the house for 2 days, I should have waited for the Tesla Power Wall, much more efficient. We don't glow in the dark, lol

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