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Not Always As Planned

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Hello, everyone! since I was asked to elaborate on something I hinted at, I've decided to import all the real-life experiences I've had from PeeSearch. It'll probably go slow, but hey, I'm pretty sure no one will mind!

When I started my recreational wetting, I was still living with my parents. There were indeed moments when I panicked a little bit; like when I needed to wash my peed-in clothing and was asked why I was loading laundry so often, or coming in the house with wet shorts and hearing "Wow honey, is it raining out?" They never actually caught me in the act, but those moments sure made me sweat.

As I got older & moved out, I slid into the habit of wetting myself all the time, and it became a lot easier to do, since I was alone in my own home. But in the moments that I needed a pee while I was out & about, I had to be a little more careful. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Are you in an area that a lot of people walk through? Are you in a restroom with reliable stall doors?

There are a lot of things to think about. I've been pushing the envelope so much, I think I'm almost at the point that Bill Murray was in the movie "Groundhog Day". I've done things in full view of the public eye and not a single head turned. Why? There have been studies about it, but to sum up: The attention span of an average human being is very bad. And it's mostly self-absorption; especially in today's age of pocket-sized electronic devices that have dozens of trendy capabilities. Odds are, no one's going to look up from their phone and notice the busty pink-haired chick leaking from under her skirt.

Or would they? After all, part of the reason Alice & I hooked up is because she caught me in the act. I was just lucky she turned out to be very open-minded. But maybe everyone sees me all the time? Maybe people notice things and just keep their head turned, choosing to not get involved? Well... yes, that is a possibility. But if that's actually the case, then I'm still not going to think twice. I'm enjoying myself. It's not like these people know me or interact with me on a daily basis.

But what if they did?

This one time, I went to a backyard get-together with some of my acquaintances. We had a fun time; chatting back & forth & enjoying some home-grilled food. Soon, I felt the familiar urge; it was time for a pee. I went back into the house and grabbed my purse, heading into the bathroom. As I slipped the panties on under my skirt, I had a really naughty idea. I was going to skip the toilet wet and push the envelope. I thought I could get away with wetting outside where everyone else was!

I walked out of the bathroom, put my purse back among the others, but took my phone with me. I headed back outside and blended back in, waiting for everyone to stop paying attention. When I had my moment, I pulled out my phone and casually walked further into the backyard towards a big tree. I had the phone to my ear, making-believe I was trying to hear something and have a conversation, but in reality, all I was doing was making an excuse to be by myself.

I sat down on the opposite side of the tree and spread my legs. I was facing a fence, so no one else could see me. I made sure I wasn't sitting on my skirt, took a deep breath, and bore down. My warm pee flooded the panties, surrounding my crotch in the hot wetness I so love. I shut my eyes and relished the sensation...

...and then one of my friends (we'll call her Susan) came around looking for me. "Hey Grace, you OK?"

I froze up. "Uh, yeah! I'm good!" I looked around the tree with the phone to my ear, and winced as the last of my pee filled my panties.

Susan walked right over and stood next to me. To be honest, she's not very observant. "You're awfully quiet over here."

It occurred to me very quickly; she couldn't see my pee from the angle she was at. My skirt was obscuring the mess I probably made on the ground. "Yeah... just wrapping up a phone call!" I admit, I was sweating. But I did my best to keep my cool.

"So, how did you like the salad? I made it myself!" Here she was, making conversation with me. I wasn't about to stand up until she wasn't looking at me, but she obviously wasn't going anywhere on her own. I had to just sit in my obscured puddle and chat with her until she got the point.

Eventually she did get bored and wandered off. I finally stood up and took a look; there was indeed a large wet patch on the ground where I was sitting. Luckily my skirt didn't catch any of the wetness, so I just trotted back into the house and threw those panties right off. I didn't even go into the bathroom; I knew everyone was outside so I stripped them off quick and shoved them in my purse. What a relief!

I went back outside and noticed Susan was whispering to another party-goer. When Susan walked away, they came over to me and looked a little concerned. "Hey Grace, are you alright?"

Was I caught? "Yeah, I'm fine. Why, what's up?"

"Well, Susan said you were a little red in the cheeks. We were just a little concerned, that's all."

"Oh, I'm alright. Just enjoying the day." They didn't know just how much I was enjoying it... or did they? I may never know. I've gotten together with my friends since then and there was no specific change in their attitude, so whatever.

The point is; I have been caught. Plenty of times. I can usually work it so I can totally get away with it... usually. Goodnight, folks!

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Thank you for sharing Gracey,

It is true as you say, most people don't notice what is going on around them.

Going back even to parties in the 70' s my now wife would often just pee where she stood, sometimes no panties under her dress, and one memorable one wearing black jeans. Glad you are enjoying and also writing it as well


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That was indeed a hot story. I think you are absolutely right that you can get away with quite a lot in plain sight without anybody noticing just because people are wrapped up in their own little world. As long as you are at least partially discrete, you can do things without drawing attention. The "being on the phone" tactic is a good one because it is something that so many people do that nobody else would take any interest and it gives you a great excuse for being away from others. I think for ladies, sitting on a wall in a skirt and letting their pee fall down behind the wall has got to be an excellent disguise. To anyone walking along, you are just sitting on a wall. Only if they chose to look over the wall (highly unlikely), would they see the wetness on the back of the wall or on the ground. You could get away with this on a very busy street if there was enough noise to hide your peeing noises.

I have peed in alleyways just a few metres from a road and people have walked past without even batting an eyelid. They don't even notice I'm there let alone clock what I am doing. I also find, as a man, that it is less obvious if I don't adopt the standard "stand facing a wall or tree" position. Doing that advertises what I am doing, but sit astride a wall and pee down the back of it with a newspaper or jacket covering my penis or kneel on the floor and pretend to be looking through a bag and nobody notices a thing. I've done this in a busy park in London with people walking by within a few metres.

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When wearing shorts, what's worked for me is dropping to the ground on one knee and pretend to be looking for or doing something as I quickly point my penis through an opening and towards daylight.

You'd be amazed how many times I need to tie my shoes in the course of a day.

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When wearing shorts, what's worked for me is dropping to the ground on one knee and pretend to be looking for or doing something as I quickly point my penis through an opening and towards daylight.

You'd be amazed how many times I need to tie my shoes in the course of a day.

totally agree. if the weather was good enough I would wear shorts all year round. Sadly that is not the case so I make the most of it in the short UK summer.

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My girls have been kind of caught too, we had a night in the city once, went to the football, and instead of waiting hours for a taxi, we decided to walk the 20 city blocks to the hotel. Within 5 blocks, Mary was getting uncomfortable, and she said she had to go, with nothing available she had no alternative. She was wearing black jeans which don't show very much when wet, so she just did it as she walked. She tells me that this takes practice, to pee while walking, Maigh can't do it, she has to stop, but Mary just keeps going. I was walking behind her and I saw it happening, the jeans got the shiny wet look, which faded quickly, then I noticed the drippy trail she was leaving, her little white Bobby socks were soaked. While waiting at a crossing it was noticeable, she did smell a little, and some people were tittering to each other, so I gave her my jacket to tie around her waist. She made the other 10 blocks in silence, with a look in her eye, I didn't know if she was angry or horny, lol.

When we got the hotel, she was into the shower, clothes and all, when she was done, both of them giggling and laughing trying to get her wet clothes off, we found out she was horny, and she had us both, when she gets like this she is brilliant, holds nothing back.

The second time wasn't exactly noticed by anyone, but it still made them horny. They walked around the Public Gallery of the Melbourne Cup, wearing long ankle length dresses, tinkling as they walked about the grassed area, thick with people, just the thought of peeing with so many people around them had them both a little flustered. They were stopped and interviewed by some obscure news team, smiling sweetly with soaked knickers and stockings. They eventually waited in line to get into a toilet for some mutual relief, and I'm not talking pee here, lol.

Most times we are careful, but our inability to hold anything can get us in trouble. We need to know where conveniences are at all times. It's turning into a curse, but we love every minute of it.

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