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The day I met sexysinna

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I was thinking.. what if I met a customer.. let this be fictional at first.

You write stories themed "the day I met sexysinna" where you describe anything you would dream of happening that day, hour.. it's up to you. The setting - hotel room, at my home, at your house, in a park, train, restaurant.. also up to you. Flirting, wetting together, wetting together in public, wet sex.. extreme watersports, everything is up to your imagination.

I would post the best / most arousing stories on my homepage - with your permission and full credit of course. The stories would not only be arousing to me, but might be a blueprint for a fun day - one day...

I can also imagine writing a sort of "from my point of view" story as a reply to the best story.

If this doesn't belong in the stories forum, sorry. I thought most story writers would be here :)

You can get some inspiration in my picture thread here.

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I will give it a go.....

Something incredible happened the other day. I rarely drink much these days but for some reason on that particular day I just fancied a pint. That was all I could have, though, because I was driving. I was supping in one of the higher quality bars in the centre of my city, when three very smartly dressed women walked in speaking a foreign language which I couldn't place but which was definitely European. One of them was saying something to the other two, then embracing each in turn, before they left, leaving her alone at the bar to order her drink in English. She spoke the language exceptionally well, albeit with a very sexy foreign accent. She smiled pleasantly at me, and seemed like quite a friendly and happy person.

No one else in the bar recognised her. She was just another lady in the bar for a drink or two. But I did recognise her! And I could barely believe it! I recognised both her appearance and her voice. And the girl was definitely the girl I only knew as Sinna. I'd bought video clips of her pissing on her bed, and on her couch, and things like that before. And here she was having a drink in a bar only a few feet away from me! And seeing her there, knowing and remembering what I'd seen her doing in those vids, was just so doing it for me right then.

She smiled at me again, albeit with a slightly quizzical expression. Did she recognise recognition in my expression? Anyway, I decided to approach her and offered to buy her a drink, mentioning that she definitely looked familiar to me. She was intrigued enough to accept my offer of a drink, and smirked as she asked me where I'd seen her. She must have known that but possibly wasn't sure if I realised who she was myself. I mentioned the name "Sinna". She responded with a one word question. "Videos?"

I nodded, and then it was all out in the open, with me telling her how sexy it is when she pisses everywhere and obviously enjoys doing it. She admitted that it was a fun way to make some extra money.

I wondered what brought her to my home town, which is surely a bit off the beaten track for her. Seems she came with a couple of female friends - the two girls she'd came in with who were now off on a shopping spree. Sinna likes shopping too sometimes but was not in the mood for it today. Apparently, one of her friends has met a local via a dating site and has been with him now for years. They are getting married locally in a few days time. So that is what brings Sinna here - her friend's wedding.

Anyway, she admitted that whilst here she was planning to spend a night in a hotel room, indulging in some pissing fun for the camera so she could make new video clips to sell. Part of the reason some of her clips are higher priced is not only a reflection of their good quality. There is also the huge expense of actually paying for a hotel room for the night, the huge hassle of cleaning up afterwards, and the ever present risk of still having to pay compensation for piss damage.

That's when I made my suggestion. She could pee wherever the hell she liked in my flat - I would even be on hand to help with camera-holding tasks if necessary. She could make as much mess as she wanted and leave the aftermath for me to deal with. No need to pay large sums for any hotel room. And no risk of being approached to pay for piss damage. All I'd want is to be able to watch her do it - I'd be totally out of sight and sound of the camera myself - and a free copy of the clips myself afterwards.

She was slightly uncertain - she had only just met me after all - until I revealed my online identity. Steve25805, forum moderator and contributor on peefans.com. She recognised that right away - she is a member of that forum herself - and was put very much at ease. I agreed that any clips would not be shared by me with anyone else, on which basis she actually agreed,

Her camera equipment was back at her hotel, so when she finished her drinks, she left to fetch it. I waited in the bar drinking non-alcoholic drinks, wondering if she might have a change of heart and never show. But she did! With a warm smile of greeting, she walked into the bar with a shoulder bag of some kind containing her equipment. I bought her another drink, feeling a surge of excitement at the realisation that this was actually likely to happen.

Well, it was obviously going to happen today. I bought her several more drinks, then grabbed a crate of lager from a store on the way back to my flat with her. By the time we arrived she was already quite badly in need of a pee. I again gave her carte blanche to be as naughty as she liked, thereby increasing the selling potential of her vids. And then I watched her setting up her equipment in the living room. Was interesting watching her doing this. She decided that the first clip was going to be a naked shoot. When the camera was rolling, she basically squatted over my living room carpet, telling the camera how she was going to pee on the carpet.

And then she was doing it. Sinna - totally naked - was actually right there in my own living room, squatting and pissing on my own living room carpet! And clearly enjoying it! As was I!

Then we chatted as she drank cans of lager for a bit, though to avoid getting stupidly drunk she later switched to tea and coffee. And during the course of that afternoon, several more clips of her peeing in outrageously naughty places were made.

Her second pee was a naked squat upon my bed, her piss soaking through the sheets and into the mattress.

Her third pee took the form of her standing naked in front of my living room sofa, and swaying her hips from side to side as she gleefully pissed all over it.

Her next pee was I think partly a favour for me, because she knows I love this kind of thing. It involved her standing in the middle of my bedroom with her legs apart and hands on her hips, enjoying a very long piss all over the carpet.

She peed one more time before leaving. And this one followed a suggestion from me, basically urging her to piss in the naughtiest place either of us could imagine. Upon my suggestion, in my kitchen she opened the door of my fridge and stood there pissing in it, swaying her hips to spray everything inside it. Sexy as fuck!

Well, she got dressed and left soon after that, thanking me for the use of my premisses.

But one thing is absolutely certain. I shall never ever forget, nor cease to get off on, the memory of the day I met sexy Sinna.

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*applause* what did I start here - I just finished reading, no, actually I was just reading the last paragraphs of another story that was submitted to me directly a few hours ago, when I got the forum message that you posted something. Coming here I didn't expect a full story!

I expected your story to go in a totally different direction at first, with the girls leaving and us two alone at the bar, I thought we would do something together - well, we did. But something that I didn't expect. You inviting me over to wet your flat. Which is really so naughty.. and I must admit, filming it to be able to watch it back and sell it in my studio would be so hot. I might have asked you permission to masturbate on your couch, off camera, after that carpet scene.. I would probably be too shy to get you involved in anything on my own :O

P.S. You had me puzzled with "Did she recognise recognition in my expression?" but after reading that 2 times I got it :P

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THE DAY I MET SEXY SINNA....Out one night in a club,i got chatting to a very sexy girl.Wearing a very sexy tight black short dress.She told me her name was Sinna.Very unusual name,but very nice i said.So we got talking,and drinking,i must admit,after a few glasses of wine,and a few beers,she got quite tipsy.She asked me if i would mind escorting her to get a Taxi,back to her place,no funny business of course...As we were walking to the Taxi rank,she said she needs a wee,and could we find a toilet,but quickly.I suggested making for the nearest bar,but none were open.As she was tipsy,i think she lost a few inhibitions,because she said to me,she knew of a little back alley,where she could wee..So we found this alley,and she made her way down it,only about 3 yards.It was quite secluded,and,of course,i being the gentleman,offered to mind her back for her.She thought was nice,and i waited at the end of the alley,not looking at all,but my mind racing,and becoming a little aroused at the thought of this sexy girl urinating not far from me,but averting my gaze all the same.

Anyway,as i turned away,i saw her raising her skirt,and pulling her knickers down.Then i turned away.There was a quick splash,then a more sustained flow,i couldnt help but look around.I saw her,with her back to me,her buttocks there,with a fast flowing stream of piss,running down the alley between her legs towards me.I turned around,and couldnt help just watching,this lovely sight.After 30 seconds,she stopped,the stream of her piss,now pooling near my feet.I turned around quickly,in case she thought i was watching.She asked quietly,giggling,if i had a tissue or something.I did have a hanky,so she asked if she could have it.I asked why,she said it was to wipe herself,as she had got some wee on her legs,i said ok.She said can i bring it to her,which i did,trying not to see her pussy,but as she wiped,my eyes couldnt help looking,and i saw her lips as she wiped,putting the now a little damp hanky in my hand.She giggled and stood up,pulled up her panties,straightened up her dress,and walked on.She quickly ran her hand over my crotch,and said that she could see i enjoyed the show...As we got in the Taxi,i wondered what delights were yet to come at her place......

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I like how your character admits that he couldn't help looking :) First turning away, but then, closer by, looking at the lips. Naughty :) I also think you captured me quite well when I had something to drink. It could very well happen that, in a situation like that, I run my hand over that bulge just to tease. I guess I wouldn't give back the used hanky though :P (not unless I know that the guy is into pee). Thanks for writing!

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Hey there :)

no no, it's all up to you. Like the content of the story, you decide on everything, including the time you take to write. I will happily read every story and might be able to make some pictures for stories that can go onto my page, to make them a little visual. Only if the writer agrees though. So take your time, I hope a lot of stories pour in over time and I'll keep this open as long as I am able to.

Just tell me if you want a deadline - I know that problem of never getting things done when there is no deadline :P

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Inspired by your writings and enthusiasm with which you tackled that "The day I met Sinna" theme, I just felt like writing a story myself. But how would I be able to participate, after all, I can't meet myself, can I?

Here is my effort:

Sinna meets Sinna

It was a beautiful sunny day in late April. The birds were chirping happily and a flair of creativity lingered around the streets. I was feeling hungry, but I didn't want to stay at home. I wanted to enjoy nature and some good, traditional food.

So I left the house, walked barefoot across the warm streets to a food truck just at the edge of a large park with a small lake and beautiful, yet artificially created, landscape. I ordered a light meal with a delicious sauce and a bottle of water. It was ice cold water and the guys at the truck only had big 2 liter bottles left.

A bottle was cheap at $2, so I bought one despite it being too much for me to drink. With that bottle and a full stomach, I realized that I was actually well prepared to take a walk in the park, maybe even find a quiet spot to rest a little.

After walking around the little lake, I left the artificial pathways and went to a large tree further away. Thinking back, it was in the middle of nowhere really. I sat down against the tree on the sunny side – it would have been too cold to sit in the shadow and I wanted to charge up on some sun-energy anyway.

While I sat there, watching the surrounding, observing some ducks and pigeons, I dozed off a little. I didn't fully fall asleep – at least I think so – but I was a little numbed from the food intake. That's when I heard myself talking to me.

I know it sounds strange, but it was definitely my voice. It wasn't just IN my head, like usual thinking. It was somehow coming from the outside. You know, when you are thinking, or talking to yourself in your head, you KNOW that it's you. But this felt like it wasn't me. It was someone else, but with my voice and, well, since there was no one around it must have been me. Somehow. Right?

This voice started to tease me a little. It said "Sinna, why are we so boring?". I didn't "reply" at first – I mean, HOW do you reply to someone who is you, but who doesn't feel like you and, you know – I was a little confused.

Then my hand moved. I swear, my right hand, which had rested on the neck of the water bottle, which was standing between my legs, gently grabbed the bottle and pushed it against my crotch. I wore some light leggings and normal cotton panties underneath, so I felt the bottle against my... you know. Against my... self. My.. womanhood.

The hand moved so diligently that I didn't stop it. It's like someone pulling at a blanket that you sleep on. If they pull gently enough, you won't wake up, right? You'll just roll over and let it happen.

This.. I don't know. This other me was pulling at my inner blanket so to speak. It was cautiously manipulating my body so that I wouldn't "wake up" and resist.

The hand – excuse me, MY hand, was sliding that cold water bottle softly up and down my crotch. Actually, if I had been naked, it would have slid just between my lips. It was right at that perfect spot – obviously, my other me knew how to handle myself.

The water bottle had been so cold when I bought it that water had condensed on the surface of the plastic. By having the bottle touch up – I wouldn't say grinding, but it was a firm touch – against my leggings, the water soaked into the fabric. My hand turned the bottle so that all the water from the whole circumference would stroke off into my crotch. It did that in such a slow manner, that my .. you know.. lips .. were gently pushed to the side, revealing just a micro part of my clitoris. That very sensitive part that I had barely "used" in my non-existent and boring self-sexual life. I had merely discovered it once, by accident, a few years ago and never got it out to play ever since. Back then it didn't really feel good when I touched it. It was just TOO sensitive and hurt a little.

The exposed micro part of my clitoris was just brushed against lightly by that bottle, cushioned by those two layers of clothes I wore and, I admit, quite a bit of hair that I had growing wildly there. It didn't cross my mind back then to do anything about all that hair. No one ever saw that place anyway, so why bother?

When that touch started, it didn't feel awkward. In fact, it felt.. like spring. I don't know. I could feel the smell of delicious food, I could feel the birds chirping, I could feel this amazing sensation that I had never felt before.

And it was just starting. With the continuous turning of the bottle, the feeling was getting better. Yes, even better than it already was. The cold from the bottle and the wetness .. from the water I guess.. added to that unique sensation. I didn't know what was going on, but my hand continued to turn the bottle and push it gently into my crotch and it all just felt smooth.

Then my heart started pounding heavily.. like... in my throat! I felt like there was an alien trying to deliver itself from my chest.. I started sweating heavily.. I heard myself breathe. It seemed as if a storm rushed through my airways, over and over. My head felt light, I saw some white spots in the surrounding nature, as if I had stared into the sun for too long.

I was not afraid. Instead, I felt relaxed. A thunderstorm is rocking your body, but you feel more and more relaxed. Is that normal? I guess it's as normal as having someone talking to you and touch yourself with yourself – and that someone be you.

I got so relaxed that I thought I'd pass out any second, but instead, all of a sudden, a shock of PURE ENERGY electrified my body. As if a nuclear reactor had had a catastrophic meltdown, concentrated into the size of a grain of rice – my clitoris.

Instead of exploding, the enormous amount of energy was diverted into the most amazing fibre network in the world. The only network that could take a hit from such a devastating nuclear reaction without getting destroyed. The system would "merely" overclock and get out of control – my nervous system, charged into every last cell of my body.

The control room – my brain – would get seriously hit and shaken, it would become unstable for a while, but it wouldn't break.

The energy had to be discharged somehow though, so my body was shaking as if I had a serious epileptic shock. I bit my lip and tongue, blood and saliva ran down my chin as I helplessly wet myself with a powerful urine stream that must have shredded my panty and leggings. Like a huge earthquake had hit my body with the epicenter in my bladder. An eruption and relief that I had never felt before. I was but a witness from the inside, as I couldn't do anything than feel.

Everything had been out of control, so my body shut down as a safety precaution. At least that's how I would explain my very first orgasm today.

I just wasn't prepared for it, neither was my mind, my body and whatever was moving my hand that had established itself inside my world of thoughts – and manifested in motor activity that had led to this amazing total meltdown.

Then everything turned black and the chirping bird noises faded... I had "suffered" a knockout orgasm.

I woke up. I felt cold and warm at the same time, the sun was grazing my skin... when I heard keys getting dropped. What?

I opened my eyes. I was in a flat! Shit. I wanted to jump up and hide but then I noticed that I felt so light underneath this brown blanket that was covering me half-way. I took a quick peak – and was not wearing anything below the waist..

What was going on?! I pushed the blanket down from the outside with a hand resting on top of my crotch - just to be sure - and sat up, expecting whoever just returned home to whatever place I was in. Was I a hostage? Did someone.. sexually assault.. oh no. I wanted to start crying.. okay, I'll be honest. I started crying. I did sit straight up though. I braced myself as well as I could.

Then I heard steps come closer. The door opened and...

The End

written by Sinna 24mar-2016

© 2pee4you, www.sexysinna.com

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  • 1 month later...

Here's my story this is my 1st attempt at a story

One night I was at this very fancy club I saw this very hot girl she had this very sexy pair of cutoff jeans I walked over to her she said her name was Sinna I said that's a sex name then we started chatting and having drinks she asked me if she can go to my place I said sure why not soon by the time we got to my place she said she needed to pee badly I said the toilets are down I'm so sorry she said its OK can I go on your carpet I love peeing in naughty places I just realized she was that chick who made naughty pee videos I was so turned on I said you can pee on me she said OK I pee like a racehorse ;) I said no problem In a swift motion she took off her jeans and panties and standed over me she then started peeing her pee tastes so warm then I started to stroke my dick nothing is better then jeking off and having a hot girl pee on you after her torrent was reduced to a trickle she got dressed and said thanks for being my toilet and left

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Here's a hotter version of my story

One night I was at this very fancy club I saw this very hot girl she had this very sexy pair of cutoff jeans I walked over to her she said her name was Sinna I said that's a sex name then we started chatting and having drinks she asked me if she can go to my place I said sure why not soon by the time we got to my place she said she needed to pee badly I said the toilets are down I'm so sorry she said its OK can I go on your carpet I love peeing in naughty places I just realized she was that chick who made naughty pee videos I was so turned on I said you can pee on me she said OK I pee like a racehorse :wink: I said no problem In a swift motion she took off her jeans and panties and standed over me she then started peeing her pee tastes so warm then I started to stroke my dick nothing is better then jerking off and having a hot girl pee on you after her torrent was reduced to a trickle after that hot incident we went to sleep naked while in bed I can't resist touching her pussy it looked so hot she woke up and said bad piggy you such a naughty boy :wink: I then decided to slip my hard dick into her tight pussy she said I had a nice cock and started moaning it was so hot we then had a few drinks it was the best night ever when we woke up she said she needed to pee again I got hard again and I said go head she then stood over me and started peeing all that beer out I then realized I needed a pee to and when she was done I asked her can I pee in her mouth she said go ahead my pee started with a tiny trickle then it gradually got bigger a few seconds later I was peeing all that beer out really hard she seemed to enjoy it she said mmmmm your dick was bigger then before then she started sucking it let me tell you getting your dick sucked is the best thing a woman can do for you after I emptied my bladder she said she needed to go to work and she will give me her number

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, thanks for that story. Inspires me to also try a 1 sentence short-story sometime. @holyknight3 did you finish your story yet? :)

No, though I could probably post the first two parts of it tonight. It kinda ran away from me, but I'll post what I have when I get up.

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This was a few years back, before I had settled down, and was still traveling during my summers. I was on summer break from college and visiting a war buddy of mine I had not seen since I had gotten out of the service. I had spent a few days with him reminiscing about old times, and on that weekend he took me to a party in a nearby city that was being hosted by friends of his.

When we got there, the party was being hosted in a large house near the northern outskirts of town. The party turned out to be a much bigger affair than I expected, with almost a hundred people dancing to the DJ in the large backyard. Paranoia or preparedness prevented me from indulging in the party, and I found a corner to observe people from while I sipped some of the drinks I had brought, expecting the party to be a much smaller BYOB affair. My friend found me after about an hour, having found a girl who was into soldiers, and was informing me that he was leaving for her place. I assured him I would be able to find my way back to the guest house, or worst case scenario, had the funds for a hotel room. I made a quick check of my front pocket to make sure I still had my cab fare and my debit card there just in case, and that is when I saw it.

About 30 feet away from me there was a tall, handsome, man chatting up this gorgeous brunette in a nice crop top and a short black skirt. Apparently, things weren't going fast enough for him, because I could swear I saw him put something into her drink when he moved forward and touched her hand. I barely knew what city I was in, but there was no way I was going to let him get away with what he might be planning. In this instance, my preparedness paid off, and I grabbed a fresh beer from the pack I brought, and butted my way into their conversation.

“You look like you could use a fresh beer. Courtesy of me,” I said as I offered her an unopened beer.

“Thanks, I guess. I haven't finished this drink yet though,” her beautiful eyes looking at me with suspicion and confusion.

Her large companion didn't take kindly to my insertion into their conversation, “Hey asshole, I was talking to the lady, back the fuck off.” He started to puff up his chest and I half expected him to take off his shirt right there.

I pulled out a coaster from my wallet. “Pour some of your drink on here.”

The girl hesitantly complied. The coaster changed color to blue. “Well, look at that, says here blue indicates the presence of rohypnol. How about that, you tried to roofy her. Smile.” I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the would be date rapist. “Now, if I see any girls mysteriously passing out, this pic is going to go all over the internet, and more importantly, to the local police. So, fuck off, and don't try that shit again.”

“That was pretty cool of you.” the lovely girl said an enticing accent as we made introductions.

“If you don't want the beer, you are under no obligation to drink it, I just needed an opening.”

“No, I would love to have a drink with you. That guy was kinda cute, but something about him kinda creeped me out. Now I know. So, why do you have a case of beer with you?”

“I have ice too. In the case. I came here with a friend, thinking this was a house party, and that it would be rude to show up uninvited without a peace offering. Party crashing 101, right? Well, when I got here, it turns out that this was more of an event type party, which not really being my scene, or my sound, or do I want to pay $6 a drink, I decided to hide in the corner and people watch. Lame, I know.”

This gets a laugh from her. “Where is your friend at now?”

“Oh, he met a girl early on, and left with her, which is pretty typical of him to be honest. At least I don't have to sleep in the other room while he fucks her this time.”

“Your friend sounds like kind of an asshole.”

“Oh, he isn't kind of an asshole, he is the genuine article. I trust him with my life, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is an asshole. To be honest, I'm an asshole too. As soon as I leave this place, I'm posting that guys pic to let everyone know exactly what his game is. Best case no girl ever gives him the time of day again. Worst case scenario, he tries to find me, I beat his ass, end up in jail, and my friend has to pull out of the girl to come bail me out. So win-win.”

That gets another laugh from her. “If you want to go somewhere else, I would be game.” I can tell by the look that she is giving me that I we could go get a room right now, and she would be down for that. I'm so tempted to take her up on her offer, she is easily in the top 10 of women I have met in real life, and hey, I did protect her from a date rapist. On the other hand, I have no idea how much she had had to drink before we started talking, and we had both gone through more than two beers in the hour we had spent talking. “How about we grab a bite to eat? Soak up some of that alcohol, rehydrate, and then we don't have to yell over the DJ?” I ask reluctantly.

She gives me a warm smile, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

I'm personally just happy to spend more time with this enchanting lady. “This is embarrassing, but even though we have been talking for the last hour, I don’t think I caught your name. I’m (Name redacted), I didn’t catch your name?”

“Oh, no need to be embarrassed, I think in the rush of things we forgot to make proper introductions. I’m Sinna.”

As we left the area, the girl starts heading in the direction of a black BMW convertible, with the top left down. “This is his car!”

“Whose car?”

“The asshole back at the party.”

“No shit. What did you want to do?”

“I really need to pee.”

A bulge immediately starts to form in my pants. “Any way I can help?” I try to say as innocently as possible. Watching this amazing girl piss anywhere would be a dream come true. Watching her piss all over an expensive car interior? I would be lucky if I didn't blow my load right then and there. Sweet golden justice was the icing on the cake for me.

“Do you think you could lift me up over the edge?”

“Not a problem.” I'm not a small guy by any means, and back then I was still in great shape. I put both my hands around her waist and lifted her to about my chest height.

“Oh my, you are really strong. That won't work, I might pee all over you.”

“I wouldn't mind,” flashing her a naughty grin.

“Maybe after we grab that bite to eat, no? I want to get as much in the car as possible. Grab me by the thighs, would you?”

I didn't need to be asked twice. I grabbed her right leg in one hand and with a little bit of a jump on her part I grabbed the other so she was more or less spread eagle in mid air. I briefly wondered if she was just going to pull her panties to the side or pee right through them, when to my surprise I saw that she wasn't wearing any. A mischievous grin crossed her face as she directed her stream all over the dashboard and steering wheel. She paused briefly as she reached down to open up the center console, and pee all around it, while getting a fair amount inside it as well. Her stream came to a stop as she asked me to take her to the other side. She opened up the glove compartment, and in a feat of precision pissing, pissed all over the documents he was keeping in there before covering the passenger’s seat with hot, beer smelling urine. She took aim for the interior of the windshield, giving it a few quick blasts from her shaved pussy.

“Alright, move me to the back, and help me open the cover.”

We found the snaps that opened the automatic cover, allowing us to peer inside. This time she hung off my neck as she hovered above the canopy well, and peed for close to thirty seconds inside.

Watching her piss made my need all the more pressing. After she was done, I got my dick out and started to piss in his car as well.

“Can I hold it?” She asked, excitement in her eyes.

Not one to turn down a girl when she asks to hold my cock, especially one as sexy as her, I said, “By all means.”

Like a kid with a new toy, Sinna aimed my dick at every part of that car that looked even halfway dry. When we were done, I think we soaked the entire inside of that car.

“We had better leave before he comes out here,” she said with a giggle. I heartily concurred and we walked down the road a ways looking for the all night dinner I saw on the way to the party.

“Why didn't you just stand in the car and piss there instead of having me hold you?” I asked after we located the diner on my phone and had directions.

“I didn't want to have to walk in wet shoes,” was her matter of fact reply.

“Fair enough.”

“Maybe I wanted you to hold me, see what kind of man you were.”

“And what do you think?”

“I don't think you are an asshole. You seem like a decent enough guy.”

I found my phone and posted his photo on the party's facebook, with a short blurb about what he had tried to do.

“Still think I'm not an asshole?”

“I think you are trying to keep a lot of people safe.”

“Doesn’t mean I'm not an asshole. I did lie to the guy and help you piss all over his car and then pissed all over the car myself.”

“I asked you for help, and I aimed your dick for you. If anyone is an asshole here, it's me. It was my idea to piss all over his car.”

“I'll concede we are both assholes then, in our own way.”

“Fair enough.”

We got to the diner, which was only a short walk from the property the party was being hosted at. The place was nearly dead, being in the middle of the night before the bars closed, so we were able to find an isolated booth near the back so we could talk in peace. We ordered classic drunk food, burgers and fries, which are good for soaking up the booze and replacing lost electrolytes.

“So, why were you at that party in the first place?” she asks, looking at me with her big, brown eyes.

“Well, we were both in the service together, and I try to get together with my old battle buddies from time to time. Sometimes the surviving members all get together as a group, sometimes it's just a few of us, but we try to keep in touch. He had a four day weekend, and I'm on summer break from college so I road tripped it out here. Why were you there?”

“To be honest, I was looking to get laid. I would have probably fucked that guy fair and square had he not tried to drug me.”

“His loss then. Are you from around here then?”

“No, I'm just here, visiting a friend. She had just had a baby, and I stopped by to help her out and to see the baby. It's good to see her and everything, but I needed some me time, you know? I heard about the party, and figured it wouldn't be too hard to hook up there. I would normally just take care of myself, but it is so hard with a newborn that seems to wake up every time I really get into it.”

“I can imagine, what every time you find some decent porn, and just start to get into it, the baby cries.”

This gets her to laugh, “No, more like every time I'm about to cum, I get called away to something. Then I have to hide my toy, close my laptop, put on at least a shirt. And don't even think about going beyond simple toying. It's like I'm living at home with my parents again.”

“What do you like to do beyond just 'simple toying'? Are you talking like anal play, or do you like to put on a full body fursuit or something?”

“No, nothing like that. Well, I don't mind anal play now and then, but promise you won't judge me?”

“As long as you don't masturbate with the remains of small children you murdered, then no, no judgment.”

“Fair enough. I like to pee when I play.”

“That is awesome!”


“I've only met two girls who were actually into pee play, and both of them were already taken. And unfortunately for them, their partners in both cases weren’t. I mean, one was a lesbian, so I didn't even have a shot there, but still. I've only gotten a few girls to fool around with pee a little bit, mostly outdoors or in the shower.”

“I don't always pee play, but if given a choice between peeing and not, I would choose pee every time. There is just something that turns me on even more being covered in piss, even if it is only my own. When I'm at home, I have a special area just for pee play. I'm not so lucky when I'm away.”

“If I had a place where you could piss, I would gladly let you use it, if only I could watch the show.”

“If you are watching the show, why not join in?” she asked coyly.

“Well, it would be rude if I wasn't asked. I'm going to have to take care of something myself before too long.”

With a grin she said, “If you start jerking off here, you will get us kicked out.”

“Funny, though you are starting to tempt me. No, I need to go take a piss.”

She bit her lower lip as she asked, “Would you mind holding it for me?”

“Well, what am I going to get out of it?”

“I promise I will make it worth your while.”

Now, I generally don't hold for my own pleasure, but I can usually go several hours between breaks. Not as much when I've been drinking, especially beer. Add that on top of several glasses of Sprite, and I was starting to get pretty desperate. With no real definition of ‘worth my while’ to go with, I didn't really have much to go on, other than an extremely pretty girl who had managed to push all of my good buttons so far was asking me to. This was on top of the fact that she was openly talking about her masturbatory habits, and that was a sure sign she would be up for just about anything, as long as she had hope of getting a good hard fucking at the end of it. One of my personal rules, and an all around good rule of thumb, is don’t give people you just met control over you. In the past, this meant no S&M stuff on a one night stand. The story for how that came to be a personal rule of mine is a funny one, but I’ll save it for another time.

A small part of me still felt like I could be taking advantage of her in a compromised state, but we had stopped drinking over an hour ago, and had somewhat sobered up. Besides, there is only so much temptation a man can take, and the thought of this absolutely stunning woman of her fucking herself with who knows what while pissing all over a bed or a couch, that was the stuff of my wildest fantasies.

“Will you be holding too?” I asked, thinking the question only fair.

“Do you want me to?”

I thought about that a bit. The thought of her bouncing around desperately, begging for release, until the dam breaks and she floods herself and everything around her with hot piss. Tempting, to be sure, but I broke one of my personal rules and decided to let her have complete control, and see where it took me. What is life without risk, right?

“No, I want you to pee whenever and wherever you want to.”

“I love the sound of that, and I'm glad you said that, because I am dying to pee too.”

“I hope you aren't going to go to the restroom and leave me to my imagination.”

“The thought never even crossed my mind. Though I will wait until after we have paid the check.”

“Don't worry I've got this.” I said as I waved to get the attention of the one waitress working that night, who was chatting with someone who appeared to be a regular. About 5 minutes later we had paid the check, and she was starting to look a little desperate

“We'll just finish our drinks and then head out, if that is ok?” Sinna asked the waitress.

“Take all the time you need. Do you want any refills before I go?”

“No, we are fine, we will be leaving soon. Thank you very much.”

Having exchanged the necessary courtesies, the waitress returned to the front of the diner to talk with her regulars, none of whom were paying either of us any attention. My companion gave a quick look over her shoulder, to ensure that no one was looking this way. As we were in a rather isolated section of the diner, there wasn't even another person in line of sight. She turned back towards me, flashing a devilish grin, and casually dropped her fork on the floor. “Could you get that for me?” she asked sweetly, with just a hint of mischief in her tone.

I was intrigued at this point, and ducked under the table to retrieve the lost silver wear. Figuring I had basically been invited to covertly check out my female companion in all of her glory, I quickly focused my gaze on her spread legs. I was soon rewarded by an excellent view of the torrent of piss pouring out of her pussy and splashing nosily onto the tiled floor. She peed with force for a good fifteen seconds, and then abruptly stopped. There was a large puddle on the floor spreading outwards that faintly smelled of alcohol. I almost forgot to grab the fork she had dropped before I returned to my seat, I was so focused on committing every detail to memory for later.

There was a look of worry and extreme arousal on her face after her spectacle. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“I would put that at 2 or 3 on the list of the most awesome things I had ever seen, no joke. Though seeing you go made me need to go even worse.”

“Good,” she said, eyeing me hungrily, You still have to wait. Do you think we should try to clean that up?”

“I've got this.”

In all honesty, I would of licked her piss off the floor had she asked me, but that would raised some questions if the waitress came by. So I knocked her mostly empty glass on to the floor.

“Oops. Come on, let's get out of here.” I said, taking a $10 bill out of my pocket and leaving it on the table. I find leaving a good tip generally smoothes over most problems that can arise, and it makes people much more forgiving of a drunk and clumsy customer.

I apologized to the waitress on the way out for the spill, which she reacted to with reserved annoyance. As we walked out and by the window, we saw her take the tip we left, and that seemed to brighten her opinion of the matter as she called out the only bus boy who was working that night to grab the mop and clean it up. We called for a taxi, and spotted a nearby bench.

“So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?” she asked me as we sat down on the bench.

“Well, it's too late to make it back to the base, so I'm probably going to grab a hotel room somewhere and ride back with my buddy in the morning. You want me to have the taxi driver drop you off at your friends after he drops me off?” I said, trying to play it cool even though our time together was coming to an end.

“I could come to the hotel with you. How will you know when you can finally pee otherwise?”

“Maybe I hoped you had forgotten about that. Besides, I didn't want to presume anything. I don't think I'm quite ready to say good bye to you just yet anyways.”

“Awww. I think you were trying to weasel out of your end of the bargain. Just for that I should make you wait longer.”

The thought of having to wait even longer made my bladder cringe. There was a part of me that thought she just might want to see me lose it somewhere and piss myself. I wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of having to explain to my friend why I smelled of beer and piss, and was going to do everything I could to avoid that outcome.

“What is your price range on hotels?”

“$60 to $200. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; I would just prefer one that wasn't a complete shit hole.”

“I think I know of a decent place that will serve our purposes. Do you mind if I pick?

“Not at all. I don't really know this city that well as it is.”

“I've been here a few times. Hey look, there is our taxi.”

She gave the driver the name of one of the nicer chain hotels, and I figured that it wouldn't be too bad to have to wait until I got to the hotel to piss. What I figured would be a short trip turned into an excruciating ordeal. Every bump in the road reminded me of my growing need. There was part of me that entertained the idea of whipping my dick out and pissing in the back seat of the cab, and maybe all over her for making me hold it so long. It wouldn't have been so bad had I been able to distract myself with conversation, but she was playing coy by only responding to my questions with two word sentences and gestures. Though she was definitely enjoying watching me suffer, and to see her visibly turned on helped me to make it through the trying journey.

When we got to the hotel, I paid the cab driver and she put her hand in mine as we went to check in. The concierge desk informed us that the only rooms they had available were some of their suites. They were just inside of my price range, and I wasn't wanting to sit through another taxi ride, so I went ahead and got the room. It was on the fifth floor, but being a decent hotel the place had an elevator. When we got in the elevator, my companion looked around quickly and then asked, “Do you think this has any cameras in it?”

I gave the ceiling tiles a quick inspection. All of them were standard ceiling tiles, no camera blisters, no black plastic. “No, pretty sure there aren't any. Why?”

She flashed me a quick grin as she lifted up the front of her skirt. Three quick bursts shot from her pussy, hitting the controls, the door, and covering the floor. “That should hold me for now, I didn't even finish at the diner. I'm surprised you've made it this long. Soon, I promise.”

With that, like clockwork, the doors to our floor opened.

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The day i met sexy Sinna was when i was working in a ladies fashion shop..One day,a very sexy fit girl came in and walked up to me and asked if there were fitting rooms available."Yes of course"so i led her to the area.As we got there she asked if there were any toilets,as she also mentioned "i need to piss".Her saying "piss" kind of aroused me,but thought nothing of it."Sorry madam,no customer toilets"."Ok ,i can hold i think"she replied."Is it ok i go in and try this dress on?"she enquired,"of course,ill wait outside,shout if you need help".So off i went a few yards..Suddenly there was a sound like hissing,and splashing,rather like the sound a girl urinating..surely not i thought,but id better go investigate.So i shouted in to the changing area,"Are you ok Miss in there?"She replied,"Im sorry,i had an accident".So,as it was my day to clean the area i asked if she was decent and id better look.Opening the curtain,was a girl,stood wiping herself with a few paper hankies from her handbag,and a large steamy wet patch on the carpet.I tried to avert my gaze,as she carried on wiping her pussy,but couldnt help looking!Then,she just asked me if i could throw away her wipes,as she thrust a pile of warm soggy tissues into my hand.

By now,i cant hide the fact that my trousers look like i keep my bananas in there.I said"Im sorry Miss,im going to have to ask you to leave the store",also noticing she had discarded her panties in the corner.By now,im secretly wanting her to leave the shop so I can enjoy this experience alone..."My name is Sinna",she suddenly says,"im sorry if you find my piss exciting".I suddenly realised i could get more from this situation."Yes Sinna,as you see ive a hard-on for you now.""Well why not show me she says".

At this,she reaches out and unzips my fly.My cock springing out and pointing at her.Without saying anything,she begins to stroke it with the tips of her fingers,it now twitching with each touch.Then,she picks up her damp panties off the floor,and begins to rub them over the tip of my cock.

Of course,there are other women in the next cubicle,unaware of the situation,as i begin to pant with excitement,and Sinna begins to laugh quietly at my embarrassment.The thought of other women next door excites me all the more,and the fact im standing in a pool of warm girly piss.

Then she takes her wet wipings and rubs them on my cock,at this i grunt and splatter her new dress with my sperm."Feel better now?"she says."Yes thank you"..then she says"This dress seems to be shop soiled id better change it"Then i pull myself together,and agree to change it,after she licks my cum from it....The life of a shop assistant has it benefits!

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This was a few years back, before I had settled down, and was still traveling during my summers. I was on summer break from college and visiting a war buddy of mine I had not seen since I had gotten out of the service. I had spent a few days with him reminiscing about old times, and on that weekend he took me to a party in a nearby city that was being hosted by friends of his.

When we got there, the party was being hosted in a large house near the northern outskirts of town. The party turned out to be a much bigger affair than I expected, with almost a hundred people dancing to the DJ in the large backyard. Paranoia or preparedness prevented me from indulging in the party, and I found a corner to observe people from while I sipped some of the drinks I had brought, expecting the party to be a much smaller BYOB affair. My friend found me after about an hour, having found a girl who was into soldiers, and was informing me that he was leaving for her place. I assured him I would be able to find my way back to the guest house, or worst case scenario, had the funds for a hotel room. I made a quick check of my front pocket to make sure I still had my cab fare and my debit card there just in case, and that is when I saw it.

About 30 feet away from me there was a tall, handsome, man chatting up this gorgeous brunette in a nice crop top and a short black skirt. Apparently, things weren't going fast enough for him, because I could swear I saw him put something into her drink when he moved forward and touched her hand. I barely knew what city I was in, but there was no way I was going to let him get away with what he might be planning. In this instance, my preparedness paid off, and I grabbed a fresh beer from the pack I brought, and butted my way into their conversation.

“You look like you could use a fresh beer. Courtesy of me,” I said as I offered her an unopened beer.

“Thanks, I guess. I haven't finished this drink yet though,” her beautiful eyes looking at me with suspicion and confusion.

Her large companion didn't take kindly to my insertion into their conversation, “Hey asshole, I was talking to the lady, back the fuck off.” He started to puff up his chest and I half expected him to take off his shirt right there.

I pulled out a coaster from my wallet. “Pour some of your drink on here.”

The girl hesitantly complied. The coaster changed color to blue. “Well, look at that, says here blue indicates the presence of rohypnol. How about that, you tried to roofy her. Smile.” I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the would be date rapist. “Now, if I see any girls mysteriously passing out, this pic is going to go all over the internet, and more importantly, to the local police. So, fuck off, and don't try that shit again.”

“That was pretty cool of you.” the lovely girl said an enticing accent as we made introductions.

“If you don't want the beer, you are under no obligation to drink it, I just needed an opening.”

“No, I would love to have a drink with you. That guy was kinda cute, but something about him kinda creeped me out. Now I know. So, why do you have a case of beer with you?”

“I have ice too. In the case. I came here with a friend, thinking this was a house party, and that it would be rude to show up uninvited without a peace offering. Party crashing 101, right? Well, when I got here, it turns out that this was more of an event type party, which not really being my scene, or my sound, or do I want to pay $6 a drink, I decided to hide in the corner and people watch. Lame, I know.”

This gets a laugh from her. “Where is your friend at now?”

“Oh, he met a girl early on, and left with her, which is pretty typical of him to be honest. At least I don't have to sleep in the other room while he fucks her this time.”

“Your friend sounds like kind of an asshole.”

“Oh, he isn't kind of an asshole, he is the genuine article. I trust him with my life, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is an asshole. To be honest, I'm an asshole too. As soon as I leave this place, I'm posting that guys pic to let everyone know exactly what his game is. Best case no girl ever gives him the time of day again. Worst case scenario, he tries to find me, I beat his ass, end up in jail, and my friend has to pull out of the girl to come bail me out. So win-win.”

That gets another laugh from her. “If you want to go somewhere else, I would be game.” I can tell by the look that she is giving me that I we could go get a room right now, and she would be down for that. I'm so tempted to take her up on her offer, she is easily in the top 10 of women I have met in real life, and hey, I did protect her from a date rapist. On the other hand, I have no idea how much she had had to drink before we started talking, and we had both gone through more than two beers in the hour we had spent talking. “How about we grab a bite to eat? Soak up some of that alcohol, rehydrate, and then we don't have to yell over the DJ?” I ask reluctantly.

She gives me a warm smile, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

I'm personally just happy to spend more time with this enchanting lady. “This is embarrassing, but even though we have been talking for the last hour, I don’t think I caught your name. I’m (Name redacted), I didn’t catch your name?”

“Oh, no need to be embarrassed, I think in the rush of things we forgot to make proper introductions. I’m Sinna.”

As we left the area, the girl starts heading in the direction of a black BMW convertible, with the top left down. “This is his car!”

“Whose car?”

“The asshole back at the party.”

“No shit. What did you want to do?”

“I really need to pee.”

A bulge immediately starts to form in my pants. “Any way I can help?” I try to say as innocently as possible. Watching this amazing girl piss anywhere would be a dream come true. Watching her piss all over an expensive car interior? I would be lucky if I didn't blow my load right then and there. Sweet golden justice was the icing on the cake for me.

“Do you think you could lift me up over the edge?”

“Not a problem.” I'm not a small guy by any means, and back then I was still in great shape. I put both my hands around her waist and lifted her to about my chest height.

“Oh my, you are really strong. That won't work, I might pee all over you.”

“I wouldn't mind,” flashing her a naughty grin.

“Maybe after we grab that bite to eat, no? I want to get as much in the car as possible. Grab me by the thighs, would you?”

I didn't need to be asked twice. I grabbed her right leg in one hand and with a little bit of a jump on her part I grabbed the other so she was more or less spread eagle in mid air. I briefly wondered if she was just going to pull her panties to the side or pee right through them, when to my surprise I saw that she wasn't wearing any. A mischievous grin crossed her face as she directed her stream all over the dashboard and steering wheel. She paused briefly as she reached down to open up the center console, and pee all around it, while getting a fair amount inside it as well. Her stream came to a stop as she asked me to take her to the other side. She opened up the glove compartment, and in a feat of precision pissing, pissed all over the documents he was keeping in there before covering the passenger’s seat with hot, beer smelling urine. She took aim for the interior of the windshield, giving it a few quick blasts from her shaved pussy.

“Alright, move me to the back, and help me open the cover.”

We found the snaps that opened the automatic cover, allowing us to peer inside. This time she hung off my neck as she hovered above the canopy well, and peed for close to thirty seconds inside.

Watching her piss made my need all the more pressing. After she was done, I got my dick out and started to piss in his car as well.

“Can I hold it?” She asked, excitement in her eyes.

Not one to turn down a girl when she asks to hold my cock, especially one as sexy as her, I said, “By all means.”

Like a kid with a new toy, Sinna aimed my dick at every part of that car that looked even halfway dry. When we were done, I think we soaked the entire inside of that car.

“We had better leave before he comes out here,” she said with a giggle. I heartily concurred and we walked down the road a ways looking for the all night dinner I saw on the way to the party.

“Why didn't you just stand in the car and piss there instead of having me hold you?” I asked after we located the diner on my phone and had directions.

“I didn't want to have to walk in wet shoes,” was her matter of fact reply.

“Fair enough.”

“Maybe I wanted you to hold me, see what kind of man you were.”

“And what do you think?”

“I don't think you are an asshole. You seem like a decent enough guy.”

I found my phone and posted his photo on the party's facebook, with a short blurb about what he had tried to do.

“Still think I'm not an asshole?”

“I think you are trying to keep a lot of people safe.”

“Doesn’t mean I'm not an asshole. I did lie to the guy and help you piss all over his car and then pissed all over the car myself.”

“I asked you for help, and I aimed your dick for you. If anyone is an asshole here, it's me. It was my idea to piss all over his car.”

“I'll concede we are both assholes then, in our own way.”

“Fair enough.”

We got to the diner, which was only a short walk from the property the party was being hosted at. The place was nearly dead, being in the middle of the night before the bars closed, so we were able to find an isolated booth near the back so we could talk in peace. We ordered classic drunk food, burgers and fries, which are good for soaking up the booze and replacing lost electrolytes.

“So, why were you at that party in the first place?” she asks, looking at me with her big, brown eyes.

“Well, we were both in the service together, and I try to get together with my old battle buddies from time to time. Sometimes the surviving members all get together as a group, sometimes it's just a few of us, but we try to keep in touch. He had a four day weekend, and I'm on summer break from college so I road tripped it out here. Why were you there?”

“To be honest, I was looking to get laid. I would have probably fucked that guy fair and square had he not tried to drug me.”

“His loss then. Are you from around here then?”

“No, I'm just here, visiting a friend. She had just had a baby, and I stopped by to help her out and to see the baby. It's good to see her and everything, but I needed some me time, you know? I heard about the party, and figured it wouldn't be too hard to hook up there. I would normally just take care of myself, but it is so hard with a newborn that seems to wake up every time I really get into it.”

“I can imagine, what every time you find some decent porn, and just start to get into it, the baby cries.”

This gets her to laugh, “No, more like every time I'm about to cum, I get called away to something. Then I have to hide my toy, close my laptop, put on at least a shirt. And don't even think about going beyond simple toying. It's like I'm living at home with my parents again.”

“What do you like to do beyond just 'simple toying'? Are you talking like anal play, or do you like to put on a full body fursuit or something?”

“No, nothing like that. Well, I don't mind anal play now and then, but promise you won't judge me?”

“As long as you don't masturbate with the remains of small children you murdered, then no, no judgment.”

“Fair enough. I like to pee when I play.”

“That is awesome!”


“I've only met two girls who were actually into pee play, and both of them were already taken. And unfortunately for them, their partners in both cases weren’t. I mean, one was a lesbian, so I didn't even have a shot there, but still. I've only gotten a few girls to fool around with pee a little bit, mostly outdoors or in the shower.”

“I don't always pee play, but if given a choice between peeing and not, I would choose pee every time. There is just something that turns me on even more being covered in piss, even if it is only my own. When I'm at home, I have a special area just for pee play. I'm not so lucky when I'm away.”

“If I had a place where you could piss, I would gladly let you use it, if only I could watch the show.”

“If you are watching the show, why not join in?” she asked coyly.

“Well, it would be rude if I wasn't asked. I'm going to have to take care of something myself before too long.”

With a grin she said, “If you start jerking off here, you will get us kicked out.”

“Funny, though you are starting to tempt me. No, I need to go take a piss.”

She bit her lower lip as she asked, “Would you mind holding it for me?”

“Well, what am I going to get out of it?”

“I promise I will make it worth your while.”

Now, I generally don't hold for my own pleasure, but I can usually go several hours between breaks. Not as much when I've been drinking, especially beer. Add that on top of several glasses of Sprite, and I was starting to get pretty desperate. With no real definition of ‘worth my while’ to go with, I didn't really have much to go on, other than an extremely pretty girl who had managed to push all of my good buttons so far was asking me to. This was on top of the fact that she was openly talking about her masturbatory habits, and that was a sure sign she would be up for just about anything, as long as she had hope of getting a good hard fucking at the end of it. One of my personal rules, and an all around good rule of thumb, is don’t give people you just met control over you. In the past, this meant no S&M stuff on a one night stand. The story for how that came to be a personal rule of mine is a funny one, but I’ll save it for another time.

A small part of me still felt like I could be taking advantage of her in a compromised state, but we had stopped drinking over an hour ago, and had somewhat sobered up. Besides, there is only so much temptation a man can take, and the thought of this absolutely stunning woman of her fucking herself with who knows what while pissing all over a bed or a couch, that was the stuff of my wildest fantasies.

“Will you be holding too?” I asked, thinking the question only fair.

“Do you want me to?”

I thought about that a bit. The thought of her bouncing around desperately, begging for release, until the dam breaks and she floods herself and everything around her with hot piss. Tempting, to be sure, but I broke one of my personal rules and decided to let her have complete control, and see where it took me. What is life without risk, right?

“No, I want you to pee whenever and wherever you want to.”

“I love the sound of that, and I'm glad you said that, because I am dying to pee too.”

“I hope you aren't going to go to the restroom and leave me to my imagination.”

“The thought never even crossed my mind. Though I will wait until after we have paid the check.”

“Don't worry I've got this.” I said as I waved to get the attention of the one waitress working that night, who was chatting with someone who appeared to be a regular. About 5 minutes later we had paid the check, and she was starting to look a little desperate

“We'll just finish our drinks and then head out, if that is ok?” Sinna asked the waitress.

“Take all the time you need. Do you want any refills before I go?”

“No, we are fine, we will be leaving soon. Thank you very much.”

Having exchanged the necessary courtesies, the waitress returned to the front of the diner to talk with her regulars, none of whom were paying either of us any attention. My companion gave a quick look over her shoulder, to ensure that no one was looking this way. As we were in a rather isolated section of the diner, there wasn't even another person in line of sight. She turned back towards me, flashing a devilish grin, and casually dropped her fork on the floor. “Could you get that for me?” she asked sweetly, with just a hint of mischief in her tone.

I was intrigued at this point, and ducked under the table to retrieve the lost silver wear. Figuring I had basically been invited to covertly check out my female companion in all of her glory, I quickly focused my gaze on her spread legs. I was soon rewarded by an excellent view of the torrent of piss pouring out of her pussy and splashing nosily onto the tiled floor. She peed with force for a good fifteen seconds, and then abruptly stopped. There was a large puddle on the floor spreading outwards that faintly smelled of alcohol. I almost forgot to grab the fork she had dropped before I returned to my seat, I was so focused on committing every detail to memory for later.

There was a look of worry and extreme arousal on her face after her spectacle. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“I would put that at 2 or 3 on the list of the most awesome things I had ever seen, no joke. Though seeing you go made me need to go even worse.”

“Good,” she said, eyeing me hungrily, You still have to wait. Do you think we should try to clean that up?”

“I've got this.”

In all honesty, I would of licked her piss off the floor had she asked me, but that would raised some questions if the waitress came by. So I knocked her mostly empty glass on to the floor.

“Oops. Come on, let's get out of here.” I said, taking a $10 bill out of my pocket and leaving it on the table. I find leaving a good tip generally smoothes over most problems that can arise, and it makes people much more forgiving of a drunk and clumsy customer.

I apologized to the waitress on the way out for the spill, which she reacted to with reserved annoyance. As we walked out and by the window, we saw her take the tip we left, and that seemed to brighten her opinion of the matter as she called out the only bus boy who was working that night to grab the mop and clean it up. We called for a taxi, and spotted a nearby bench.

“So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?” she asked me as we sat down on the bench.

“Well, it's too late to make it back to the base, so I'm probably going to grab a hotel room somewhere and ride back with my buddy in the morning. You want me to have the taxi driver drop you off at your friends after he drops me off?” I said, trying to play it cool even though our time together was coming to an end.

“I could come to the hotel with you. How will you know when you can finally pee otherwise?”

“Maybe I hoped you had forgotten about that. Besides, I didn't want to presume anything. I don't think I'm quite ready to say good bye to you just yet anyways.”

“Awww. I think you were trying to weasel out of your end of the bargain. Just for that I should make you wait longer.”

The thought of having to wait even longer made my bladder cringe. There was a part of me that thought she just might want to see me lose it somewhere and piss myself. I wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of having to explain to my friend why I smelled of beer and piss, and was going to do everything I could to avoid that outcome.

“What is your price range on hotels?”

“$60 to $200. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; I would just prefer one that wasn't a complete shit hole.”

“I think I know of a decent place that will serve our purposes. Do you mind if I pick?

“Not at all. I don't really know this city that well as it is.”

“I've been here a few times. Hey look, there is our taxi.”

She gave the driver the name of one of the nicer chain hotels, and I figured that it wouldn't be too bad to have to wait until I got to the hotel to piss. What I figured would be a short trip turned into an excruciating ordeal. Every bump in the road reminded me of my growing need. There was part of me that entertained the idea of whipping my dick out and pissing in the back seat of the cab, and maybe all over her for making me hold it so long. It wouldn't have been so bad had I been able to distract myself with conversation, but she was playing coy by only responding to my questions with two word sentences and gestures. Though she was definitely enjoying watching me suffer, and to see her visibly turned on helped me to make it through the trying journey.

When we got to the hotel, I paid the cab driver and she put her hand in mine as we went to check in. The concierge desk informed us that the only rooms they had available were some of their suites. They were just inside of my price range, and I wasn't wanting to sit through another taxi ride, so I went ahead and got the room. It was on the fifth floor, but being a decent hotel the place had an elevator. When we got in the elevator, my companion looked around quickly and then asked, “Do you think this has any cameras in it?”

I gave the ceiling tiles a quick inspection. All of them were standard ceiling tiles, no camera blisters, no black plastic. “No, pretty sure there aren't any. Why?”

She flashed me a quick grin as she lifted up the front of her skirt. Three quick bursts shot from her pussy, hitting the controls, the door, and covering the floor. “That should hold me for now, I didn't even finish at the diner. I'm surprised you've made it this long. Soon, I promise.”

With that, like clockwork, the doors to our floor opened.

Very good story, really my taste of girl

***Edit by EGW to separate quote from new comment***

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