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Peeing every twenty minutes ?

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As a middle aged man if I go out drinking all evening I after six/seven pints I get to the point when I start having to pee really urgently and really often , I know it's not just me and even my kids ( in there twenties ) say it affects them as well , but the question is I've often wondered if women get to the same point if they were to drink pints for example, my wife picked me up from a pub last year and we had to stop next to a busy car park or I'd had peed my pants in the car and it was only a short ( 15 minute ) journey, is this why so many girls pee openly in towns nowadays ?

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We can easily go every 15 min, if we've had a few, first couple do nothing, but break that seal and we're done, it's like clockwork. Suits us though, when we get messy with it, lol. Always one of us ready to go again.

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As a middle aged man if I go out drinking all evening I after six/seven pints I get to the point when I start having to pee really urgently and really often , I know it's not just me and even my kids ( in there twenties ) say it affects them as well , but the question is I've often wondered if women get to the same point if they were to drink pints for example, my wife picked me up from a pub last year and we had to stop next to a busy car park or I'd had peed my pants in the car and it was only a short ( 15 minute ) journey, is this why so many girls pee openly in towns nowadays ?

I believe it depends on each person as none are simular. In general, i would go ever 3 hours maybe because i do drink a lot of water during the day. When i end up drinking wine and a lot of it, i could be peeing every 45 minutes or so. If my memory is good, at the time, i was told that when you consume alcohol, it produces more urine, which i can't remember the medical term. Which also means that the person will go more often.

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I once had a condition,luckily cleared up very quickly by anti-biotics,and NO it wasnt an STD thank you very much...It was that which is known as NSU,or "Non-specific Urethritis",it can be caused by allergy to soap,or washing powders,or swimming baths.Anyway,it made me urinate very often,about 5 times an hour,but tiny amounts,like egg cup fulls...We should do a thread maybe,about things like STDs etc.If anyone had one,it would be interesting,were all friends,no-one judging.

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I believe it depends on each person as none are simular. In general, i would go ever 3 hours maybe because i do drink a lot of water during the day. When i end up drinking wine and a lot of it, i could be peeing every 45 minutes or so. If my memory is good, at the time, i was told that when you consume alcohol, it produces more urine, which i can't remember the medical term. Which also means that the person will go more often.

Alcohol is a diuretic. What this means is, when you drink alcohol, you produce more urine. This happens because alcohol suppresses release of arginine vasopressin or anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), the hormone that allows your kidneys to return water to your bloodstream. The effect is additive, so drinking more alcohol increases the level of dehydration. Another part of the reason you visit the bathroom more often is because alcohol also stimulates the bladder, so you'll feel the urge to pee sooner than you would ordinarily.

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Alcohol is a diuretic. What this means is, when you drink alcohol, you produce more urine. This happens because alcohol suppresses release of arginine vasopressin or anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), the hormone that allows your kidneys to return water to your bloodstream. The effect is additive, so drinking more alcohol increases the level of dehydration. Another part of the reason you visit the bathroom more often is because alcohol also stimulates the bladder, so you'll feel the urge to pee sooner than you would ordinarily.

This is what also causes the hangover effects the next day, when we are done for the night, we have a couple of glasses of water to re-hydrate and wake up less crappy then we normally would have. We may wake up ordinary looking, but no blinding headaches anymore. Know how your body works, then you know what you can do with it.

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Alcohol is definitely a diuretic, but I still find it amazing how differently it seems to effect different people, and how differently it acts from other diuretics like water or caffeine.

For example: I have a lady friend with who I go out drinking on a regular basis. We tend toward quite alcoholic things like wine and cocktails, or very strong beers, and are usually fine over the course of a long evening without more than a casual visit to the facilities. And indeed, arriving home there may be some amount of urgency, but nothing like a desperate, overwhelming need to go every 20 minutes.

Once, though, we went to a different sort of establishment. Not far from her home, but serving not much more than light American lagers at the amazing rate of a dollar a bottle. At 4% ABV or so, it too quite some number to feel more than bewildered, and they had a lot of different brands to try, leading us to initiate a sort of experiment ( the conclusion of which was that - yes - they are definitely all like sex in a canoe ). We ended up drinking something on the order of 4 pints apiece - not a lot of alcohol, all things considered.

However, the effect was extraordinary. My ladyfriend, somewhat suspicious of the restrooms to begin with, was obliged to use the facilities not only one time during our fairly short stay, but also just before we left, and was left curtsying and nearly grabbing herself in the elevator on the way up to her apartment, despite it being quite close by. I'm quite sure that if it were further, it would have been a choice between finding a bush behind which to squat, and arriving home with some very damp undergarments. I can only conclude by saying that I'm all for light lagers.

What I'd also conclude is that it's not just the alcohol. There are other factors. But yes - drinking leads to peeing. Sometimes quite urgent.

As for girls peeing more openly these days, perhaps there are fewer places to hide, less of a stigma associated with being unladylike ... whether that means drinking heavily or squatting in a parking lot. :)

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There are some "natural" type water retention concoctions going around, supposedly used to rid the body of excess water, never tried them, though. Just doesn't seem feasible, given the way the urinary function of our bodies works. Our amazing Dr, who knows a little of what we do talked to us about it, and although diuretic drugs are available, she has advised us not to use them, the balance of liquids / salts required is just too delicate to fuck around with. We have found that the way we do things works, with no harm to any of us, lite to mid strength alcohol and plenty of water creates enough "fun" for what we need. We don't do this every day either, if we want to fool about, we plan it, seems a little cold and clinical, but the anticipation is worth it.

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In the hospital where I work, the emergency room sees an occasional (sometimes more than occasionally) severely intoxicated patient. The biggest danger is from dehydration and loss of minerals. These patients are treated by using what's called a "Banana Bag". It's administered as an IV to correct the dehydration and restore the chemical imbalance. The dehydration and chemical imbalance is what causes a hangover. We make up these Banana Bags in the pharmacy:

1 Liter of normal saline (sodium chloride 0.9%) with:

Thiamine 100 mg

Folic acid 1 mg

MVI 1 amp (I ampule Multivitamin for infusion)

Magnesium sulfate 3 g

The Thiamine gives the solution it's yellow color, hence the name "Banana Bag".

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In the hospital where I work, the emergency room sees an occasional (sometimes more than occasionally) severely intoxicated patient. The biggest danger is from dehydration and loss of minerals. These patients are treated by using what's called a "Banana Bag". It's administered as an IV to correct the dehydration and restore the chemical imbalance. The dehydration and chemical imbalance is what causes a hangover. We make up these Banana Bags in the pharmacy:

1 Liter of normal saline (sodium chloride 0.9%) with:

Thiamine 100 mg

Folic acid 1 mg

MVI 1 amp (I ampule Multivitamin for infusion)

Magnesium sulfate 3 g

The Thiamine gives the solution it's yellow color, hence the name "Banana Bag".

Is that what my boys girlfriend had , some years back she was found nearly in a coma at a party , we and an ambulance flew to the hospital , she'd already peed herself and was given a huge nappy and massive amounts of fluid and just peed and peed without even knowing , this even stopped her having a hang over evidently , she did get a huge bollocking from the nurses and quite right too ,!!

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