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How Did Get Into Peeing and What age ?

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Carol, my wife of many years got us both into it.

She lived next door with her grandma for a few years, moving away when she was about 10, I saw her occasionally but caught up when she was 18 (at her 18th Birthday party)

We were sitting next to each other she was 10, me 13, we were just talking and then I heard a hissing sound and she was sitting there wetting her pants. I never thought about in a sexual way (didn’t have much of an idea of sex any way at that age back then).

In later years when we met up, I mentioned the incident, she went quiet for a moment and I thought I had stuffed it up. She looked up and said, I really need to pee, oops, I just did a little squirt in my panties.

From that point on we have had all types of wet fun

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When i was young I always hated toilets, I was scared by the noise they made and how dirty they were. So I always tried to find somewhere outside to pee. I even now remember being at a cousins house and choosing to pee on the grass outside than to use the toilet. Then one time with some friends, we were trying to dare each other to pee in different places, but never did it. That was the biggest spark in my interest in pee though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In grade 1 saw I girl pee her panties during school prayers. She asked to go as she stepped into class and was told to wait until after prayers. She looked scared and kept looking at the clock as she sat with her legs squeezed tightly.  I wondered how bad she needed to pee and if she was afraid she would pee her panties in class.

She started trembling near the end of rollcall and I wondered why she was trembling.  There were no announcements so the teacher told us to kneel for prayers She trembled even harder as she knelt and it occurred to me she was trembling harder and harder because she needed to pee so bad that it was so hard to hold it that it made her tremble.  The pee soon ran down her thighs and off her chair as she cried.  I became fascinated about what it felt like for her, especially as she trembled.   


So it is a fascination about what goes through a girls mind and what it physically feels like as the trembles.   

I created a survey about the trembling aspect of a girl peeing her panties in class to see what other folks saw and thought about when a girl in their class was trembling because of her desperation for the girls room  https://s.surveyplanet.com/9l69agxp

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