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Simone and Karla

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  • 7 years later...
On 1/26/2014 at 3:05 AM, steve25805 said:

I'm Karla, and last New Year's Eve I was out drinking in a pub with my best friend Simone, bringing in the New Year in the traditional way - down the pub getting plastered, haha. Of course drinking resulted in a need to go to the loo quite often, but as the place grew more and more crowded, this became more of a hassle. Eventually, the queue for the ladies' grew very long - quite a problem when we needed to pee again, and badly, because neither of us could stomach that long and boring wait.

We noticed that some girls were abandoning the queue and going outside to pee, whilst others were just going into the gents', and we were considering doing something similar. In fact, we'd had this same problem the previous year and had done just that ourselves, leaving our seats to go into the gents to pee. When we got there, though, all the cubicles were in use, as were all the urinals. Two guys were pissing in the two sinks. Several others were still waiting, whilst one, who decided he couldn't - or didn't want to - wait anymore, was pissing against the wall, right in front of his squatting girlfriend, who was in there too and pissing on the floor. She was looking right at his pissing dick and grinning widely. Simone and I just hoisted our skirts, lowered our knickers, and squatted there in the middle of the room - and pissed all over the floor in full view of all these guys. One of the guys still waiting took his cue from us, got his dick out, and started pissing on the floor too right in front of us. I could feel tiny droplets splashing onto my legs but I was in no mood to complain. In fact, I found the whole situation highly erotic, to an extent that surprised me.

Problem was, when we got back from the gents', our seats had been taken and we had to spend the rest of the evening standing. Neither of us fancied that this time. So whilst we contemplated using the gents' again, enjoying the memory of last year's "adventure" in there, we decided that we wanted to keep our seats and began to ponder other possibilities. We considered going into the gents' one at a time whilst the other looked after our seats. But neither of us thought it advisable to be in the gents' on our own.

I suggested we take turns peeing outside as an option. But Simone didn't want to risk being seen peeing in public -especially if there was any chance of being seen, arrested, and prosecuted by the police for urinating in a public place. And she had fears of being spotted - and filmed - by one of her pupils passing by. You see, she has a respectable job as a secondary school teacher and could risk losing it if either of these things were to happen.

But smirking naughtily, Simone actually had what proved to be a much better idea. "Why don't we just piss here under the table?"

At first I was mildly shocked at the suggestion, yet strangely excited too. "What! On the carpet? We can't do that!" But I giggled at the naughtiness of the idea.

"Why not? No one is going to notice us doing it, tucked away in this corner. And it'll save us the hassle of having to get up. And it's a lot safer than taking turns going in the mens' toilets, or outside, on our own. It'll be kind of fun anyway, don't you think?"

I laughed and said, " Yeah maybe, but won't it ruin the carpet?"

"So what! It's not our carpet is it? Besides, just think how much wine and beer must get spillt on it every day. I don't think our pee will really make all that much difference, do you?"

"Simone, you're so naughty!" I laughed.

But I took my knickers off and stuffed them into my handbag, as Simone did likewise. And pretty soon we were sitting on the front edge of the seat, the backs of our skirts pulled up, and our muffs overhanging the seat.

And then we both just started to pee - right there all over the pub carpet under the table, both grinning at each other. Simone said, "I've always wanted to be a dirty cow like this and just piss anywhere, but never done it. I'm a highly respectable lady you see!" And we both laughed as we carried on pissing all over that carpet.

We must have peed for over a minute. Our bladders were really full. It was a real turn on, and I was disappointed when I ran out of pee. Right then, I wished I could have peed for ever, haha.

With our bladders empty, Simone grinned at me, saying, "I really enjoyed that."

"Me too", I responded immediately, and we both laughed.

I couldn't resist taking a quick peek under the table to see the damage. "Fucking hell, Simone! Have you seen the state of the carpet? It's fucking soaked! Haha."

Simone took a look for herself. " I see what you mean, haha. But so fucking what! I don't know about you, Karla, but I am sure we are going to need to pee again before this evening is out, and I'm not intending to bother going anywhere else."

"Nah, me neither" I grinned.

"Well, Karla, if you think that carpet looks in a bad way now, it's going to look a whole lot worse by the time we leave, haha."

And sure enough, we each needed to pee three more times before the evening was done, each time a pretty full bladder. By the time we left, not only was the entire carpeted area below the table quite obviously soaked, but a large pool of pee rested upon part of it, the carpet too saturated to absorb anymore.

With a last giggle at the sight of this, we finally departed the scene of our crime.

Not sure how I missed this one! Simone and Karla sound like hot ladies!

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