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The Camping Trip: Conclusion

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Another incredible story, WetWulf. I saw a suggestion on your last story that you continue writing about these characters now that they're home from the camping trip. If you decide to do this, I would love to read more about thesr girls, especially Larissa and Savanna.

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Another incredible story, WetWulf. I saw a suggestion on your last story that you continue writing about these characters now that they're home from the camping trip. If you decide to do this, I would love to read more about thesr girls, especially Larissa and Savanna.

Yeah, it is very possible you will hear from these four again. I may pull away and follow each girl individually, just to mix it up a bit, and then bring them together as more stories progress. I get into the habit of making my stories very formulaic, which is sometimes good and sometimes predictable and not so good.

Thanks for the input, everyone.

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  • 10 months later...

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