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UK porn regulations.


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As of December 2014, in the UK, it was made illegal to produce or distribute porn content which depicts various kinky sex acts.

The people responsible for the above law are a quango made up of unelected civil cervants, who call themselves the association of television and film on demand (ATFOD) and because they are unelected, they are not accountable to the British public.

The list of now banned sex acts in the UK are:



Aggressive whipping,

Verbal or physical abuse (regardless of whether it is consensual),

Penetration by any object which could be used in violence,

Golden Showers/Watersports


Female ejaculation (a.k.a. squirting)

My question is what does everybody think about this law? Do we agree there should be an outright ban on all of this porn content in the UK, or do we think this whole idea of being told what we can and can't watch is completely unjustified and impeaches on our personal freedom of identity and sexual liberation? I certainly know which camp I'm in.

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The idea that any government can restrict what happens between consenting adults is nonsense. And their justification that they are protecting people is a farce.

It's the nanny state on a puritanical campaign to turn people into conformist sheep. It's amazing how they trumpet sexual equality as long as you're doing things within their narrow definition of "proper."

Well, piss on that, I say.

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