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Desperation comments made by complete strangers

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Have you ever been somewhere when a complete stranger starting talking about how bad that have to pee in front of you?

The other day I was at a gas station when the clerk behind the counter (A rather cute young lady maybe in her early 20's) suddenly told her co-worker "Oh man I really have to pee and I hate these bathrooms...you have to hover over them and hope you don't pee on your feet....I can't hold it your going to have to take the register" At which point she made a bee line to the bathroom. I could only imagine what was going on in the rest room after she got in there :biggrin:


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When at work,there used to be a small crack in the plaster between the mens and ladies rooms,you could put your ear to the crack and listen to the sounds of girl pee,if i overheard any of the girls say,"ooh,i need a wee" i would sometimes go into the cubicle,if free,ear to wall,and take it all in.Knowing who it was made it more sexy.It has since been re-plastered.Bastards.:laugh:

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Reminds me of a place I use to go swimming...their was a hole between the Men's and Ladies showers. Of course I never looked through it. :angelic::whistling::wink:

At college the wall for the ladies didn't quite meet up with the outside wall of the building, there was like a two inch gap at the top half of the wall which lead straight into one of the stalls. You couldn't see anything because the wall was really thick but on the other side was a seating area so people could hear every little drop!

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Thredbo, ski resort in NSW, you can imagine everyone in ski pants, right?

The toilet block is a shared affair, males and females all share this thing, individual lockable cubicles, common wash area, you get the idea.

Maigh and Mary had scuttled off into one of the first available, while I waited for the next. When I got one, I was getting my gear off, take off the jacket, undo the ski pants, push everything down ....... While I was doing my thing, a couple of giggling girls entered the cubicle next to me, and I sat back to listen to the fun. One of them must have been desperate, frantic may have been a better description, asking the other girl to help her, get her boots off, get her pants off, lots of giggling and hurry the fuck up. The long drawn out "ahhhh" said it all.

When they changed places, the second girl apparently took a dump with the other girl still in there, all the happy fun evaporated, and the first girl was giving the other one brain damage over her protests that she couldn't help it ........

I was out soon after, and hung around long enough to see them come out, they didn't talk much, lol.

We saw them during day, and they had resolved their differences, looked happy enough. Maigh and Mary had a laugh over it, basically said when ya gotta go, ya gotta go.

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