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UK Heatwave

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Sally ,

The video was a good one to watch :thumbsup: :cool:

That of a Heat wave experience I once had . Was back in 1980 . It was so Hot that summer in the State of Texas . That we were experiencing a major drought . With temps in the 100's . Which is pretty Hot for anyone to live through . The lakes around my area were way down. With watering restrictions in place . To curb over usage of water for outdoor use . Like watering your lawn / washing your car . Which wasn't allowed at that time . Since we were not getting any rain fall at all..

So my family decided to go out to the nearest lake for a couple of days to camp out and enjoy the in swimming in the lake close to where I had lives to try to cool off . In having some fun in the sun.

The lake was so far down in the level of water in it . That there were sand bars fully exposed . Which normally would be under water but due to the drought . These were fully exposed . Which made it possible to drive our dune buggy on some of them . To explore the lake shore . Where we were camping one weekend . Which was a lot of fun in doing . In that we discovered some brick foundations of buildings that were dated back to the 1800's. That were exposed for the very first time . Since the lake was man - made. That those brick foundations would have been under some 20 - 30 ft. of water normally and would be out of sight . Though the drought had exposed them to the daylight as it was so dry that particular year .

Now that was amazing to discover since I do like to explore areas rich in History. So it really had me interested in what was there before the lake was dammed and flooded with water to make it useful for use in supplying water to the general area around it .

Along with also finding a pair of black cotton panties / knickers . Where we had stopped to get out of the dune buggy . We were riding in . To take a break and get into the shade of some trees . To cool off some from the heat . From running around on the sand bars in the area . With our dune buggy.

I discretely hid the pair of panties I had just come upon . In looking over the area . Where we had stopped and had found them near a tree. Where I was just sitting by . Taking a break to cool off. When I had spotted them . Laying on the ground close to where I was sitting at that moment when I had spotted them.

I had wondered about the girl who might have worn them . Then might have taken them off to have sex with someone she was with . Some summer night . not too long ago ! This aroused me in thinking what type of girl she was and how Her pussy might have looked in them . When she might have worn them. Now this fueled my imagination quite a bit and had lead me to using them . To stroke off my cock several times over. In getting myself off into them. During the evenings when I was in bed at night :wink: :wink:

That was my Heat Wave experience I had enjoyed in at one time . Some time ago. During the drought of 1980. When I had discovered that pair of balck cotton lace panties on the ground near where I was sitting taking a break from the heat and the exploring the lake shore that particular summer :)


I recall a website here in the UK...possible called UK-Exhibitionists, where one of the threads was a kind of 'Treasure Hunt' in the local beauty spots, woods, nature trails etc. Basically females would deposit a pair of 'used' panties in a spot, with a contact telephone number or a little message that encouraged men to find her in order to participate in group outdoor sex, or 'dogging'. I tried it once! It was fun...;-)

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I recall a website here in the UK...possible called UK-Exhibitionists, where one of the threads was a kind of 'Treasure Hunt' in the local beauty spots, woods, nature trails etc. Basically females would deposit a pair of 'used' panties in a spot, with a contact telephone number or a little message that encouraged men to find her in order to participate in group outdoor sex, or 'dogging'. I tried it once! It was fun...:wink:

Wow Sally,did you get many takers,guys found your knickers etc,then have some kind of sex with them?Do tell!!:)

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I recall a website here in the UK...possible called UK-Exhibitionists, where one of the threads was a kind of 'Treasure Hunt' in the local beauty spots, woods, nature trails etc. Basically females would deposit a pair of 'used' panties in a spot, with a contact telephone number or a little message that encouraged men to find her in order to participate in group outdoor sex, or 'dogging'. I tried it once! It was fun...:wink:

Sally, I used to visit that website a lot, it was one of my favourites at one time being a bit of a voyeur.

There used to be some great pee pics on there as well.

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