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Tua, the naughty little panty wetter. Part 2.

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As I promised, here comes the second part about Tua. It continues the first part.


While Mary continued to prepare breakfast for the three of them, Tua went up to her room to dress for school. When she returned downstairs she came across Mary, who was fetching a towel from the hall cupboard.

"Oh, Mary, by the way," Tua said, "I hope you don't mind, I've borrowed nylon stockings and a garter belt from you! Look! Don't I look sexy? It's the first time I'm wearing nylon stockings..."

And she pulled up her skirt to the waist. Mary stood speechless and stared at Tua, who exposed her girlishly rounded legs in chestnut-coloured nylon stockings held up by a laced light blue garterbelt with garters running up her pale thighs. Slightly in contrast with her ordinary pink cotton girl panties, which she also wore... With a proud air she took a glance at her vision in the hall mirror.

"Ooops!" She exclaimed. "Jeez! I've got so excited by my own sexiness that my panties have got a wet spot on the crotch!"

Finally had Mary found her tongue:

"Stop talking rubbish, young thing! Breakfast is served, come on!"

Reluctantly Tua pulled down her skirt and followed Mary to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Tua!" John greeted from behind his paper.

Tua returned his greeting and went to the cooker, where Mary served her tea. Still aroused Tua let the Evil One take possession of her. She looked behind her and noticed that John, sitting with his back against them, was still occupied by his paper. Then, standing beside Mary, holding her tea cup with one hand, she quickly sneaked her other hand in under the front-end of Mary's skirt . Before Mary had a chance to react, Tua had reached all the way up to the crotch of Mary's panties. Mary didn't know what she should do. Her primary thought was to not make John to notice them. So she didn't know better than to stand still and do nothing. Tua put down her tea cup and turned to Mary. She gave Mary a mischievous smile and began to caress her pussy outside her panties. With eager strokes she pushed her fingers into Mary's pussy. Mary squirmed.

"Tua, stop it!" She whispered.

"Why?" Tua whispered back. "I can feel that you like it. You're already getting soo very wet!"

But in that moment they heard rustlings from John's paper. Quickly Tua drew back her hand from Mary's pussy. As quickly Mary pulled down her skirt and went to sit down at the table, opposite to John. She was careful to not sit on her skirt. She was very aware of that her panties were dripping wet. All sorts of thoughts whirled around in her head. She'd become so excited; as a fact she hadn't been far from getting an orgasm under Tua's eager fingers. The thought that she'd been so suggestible made her embarrassed. And today she couldn't blame her arousal on being drunk. She gave a profound sigh.

John looked up from his paper.

"What's up, Mary? Your face is all flushed!"

"Is it?" She hesitated. "Oh, I was careless when I took the teapot from the cooker and got steam on my face."

Nice rescue, Tua thought and giggled. She went and sat down beside Mary. She moved her chair close to Mary's, and cheekily she placed her right hand upon Mary's thigh. Mary reached down under the table and tried to move away Tua's hand. But Tua availed herself of the opportunity to drag Mary's hand over to her lap. With her other hand she pulled up her skirt and then she swiftly brought Mary's hand up between her parted thighs all the way up to her crotch. Mary tried to free her hand from Tua's grip, but it was firm, and Mary didn't dare to struggle too much, as she was afraid of drawing John's attention to what was going on. Helplessly she experienced how Tua brought her hand to caress her little step daughter's pussy upon her damp and warm panties. She felt Tua's poking clit throbbing against her fingers. Against her will her fingers began to nibble at the stiff clit. But when she noticed Tua beginning to pant, she got afraid, that John would notice them. Think if Tua orgasmed! She would probably scream. The thought scared her so much, that she managed to withdraw her hand, taking Tua by surprise. Quickly she rose from the table, not giving the young girl another opportunity.

Having finished his breakfast (and his paper) John rose from the table, took his jacket and his briefcase and left for work.

Tua gave Mary a mischievous smile.

"As much as I wanted you to continue, I guess you made the right thing to stop it. I was so close to come, you know, and John would surely have noticed that! I guess you really don't want him to know, do you?"

"Of course, I don't! And he won't. From now on there will be no more of this nonsense. You hear me?"

Tua rose from the table and went up to Mary. She gave her a hug and a quick kiss.

"Maybe!" She said. She took her rucksack with her schoolbooks and left the house. She led up her bike and rode away to school. Her sticky panties were clinging round her pussy, and she could feel the saddle now and then rubbing against her clit. She also felt a sensation of a rapidly growing desperation to pee. She recalled that she'd forgotten to pee this morning. She tried really hard to hold on, it would feel so embarrassing to arrive to school in pee-soaked panties. On top of the dampness from her pussy juices... At the same time the saddle rubbing her pussy made her more and more aroused, which wasn't at all propitious for her ability to hold back her pee.

Suddenly she lost control and started to pee her panties. She stopped biking and straddling the bike with one foot on each side she completely peed herself. She'd at once hitched up her skirt to avoid wet stains on it, and now she was showing nylon stockings, garters and pink panties, through which her pee was really cascading onto the bikepath. Luckily there was nobody near her apart from two girls coming from a distance against her. She tried to stop peeing before they would come too much closer, but it was impossible. Instead a built-up, approaching major orgasm hit her body and made her give away a scream. Her whole body shook, her knees almost gave away and she had to lean against the handlebar. Her orgasm made her pee force her panties in splashes.

While her orgasm ebbed out, the two meeting girls came closer. Passing Tua they looked fascinated at her and the big puddle between her feet. And she was a sight, where she stood leaning against her bike with her skirt around her hips, revealing the poor girl in her nylon stockings, garterbelt and panties, still dripping from her pee!

"At least I don't know them!" she muttered to herself.

Her first reaction after she'd wetted herself and orgasmed was to turn and get home again. But then she realized that she had an important math test, for which she'd put a big amount of studying. So she went on to school.

When she arrived, she met Kate, one of her best friends. She took her aside and whispered:

"Kate, I peed myself on my way to school! My panties are so soaked! What shall I do?"

"Tua, you can't wear those panties all day! They'll smell awfully! You've better get rid of them. Let's go to the toilet, in there you can wash yourself too."

They went to one of the girl's toilets. Kate locked the door behind them. Tua began to undress.

"What a luck I managed to hitch up my skirt before it got wet", she said and stepped out of the skirt. Kate stared at her.

"You're wearing nylon stockings and garterbelt! Oh, you look so sexy!"

"They belong to my stepmother, I pinched them this morning! I'll better take them off as well so they won't get wet. Luckily I don't seem to have got any pee on them too."

Kate sniffed in the air.

"What's that smell? It's not just the smell of pee... It's something else... Right! It's pussy smell! I can feel it!"

Tua blushed.

"Nah, it's nothing...", she mumbled.

Naked from the waist and down she began to wash her pussy. She was very careful, she rubbed the inside of her pussy thoroughly with soap putting her fingers deep inside. Looking at her Kate felt twitches in her lower abdomen. Then she realized that they hadn't much time before their first lesson.

"Hurry up, you horny minx!"

Tua put on the nylon stockings and the garterbelt again, but threw the soaked panties in the wastebasket.

Having finished school, it was a very content Tua, that biked homewards. She was pretty confident that she'd done well on the math test, and was satisfied that she'd decided to continue to school after her wetting accident. And what a luck to have a good friend like Kate. She giggled. She'd noticed, that Kate hade become quite horny seeing Tua wearing nylon stockings and then when she washed her pussy!

Tua continued her ride home. She felt the fresh wind sweeping around her bare pussy. When she stopped at the traffic light showing red, she touched the saddle with her hand and felt, that it was quite wet!

When she came home she met her stepmother in the living room.

"Oh, Mary, would you believe it! I had an accident on my way to school this morning! No, no, I'm not hurt, it was a wetting accident! At first I thought I'd better return home, but then I remembered the math test today so I went on. When I arrived, I met Kate and told her, that I'd peed myself. She convinced me that I shouldn't wear the soaked panties all day and took me to the toilet, where I washed my pussy. You should have seen Kate, when she noticed, that I had your nylon stockings and garterbelt on! Anyway, I threw my wet panties in the wastebasket. And what a luck I continued to school! The math test went really well! And Mary! You should really try to ride your bike without panties! It felt so nice to feel the wind caressing my pussy. Haha, the saddle got so wet! But not from pee this time..."

"Hush, hush Tua, John is in the kitchen, I don't want him to hear such talk! But well done with the math test! I'm proud of you!"

"B... but I didn't say anything about you and me... I just said I'd an accident. Oh, and that about the saddle..."

"Anyway, those kind of things are not for your stepfather's ears, remember that!"

"Promise, Mary, I'll be more careful! And I understand, that what you and I are doing, doesn't concern him!"

"What you call 'you and I are doing' will never happen again! Do you understand that?"

"Whatever...", Tua answered and went up to her room, by that ending their discussion.


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As I promised, here comes the second part about Tua. It continues the first part.


While Mary continued to prepare breakfast for the three of them, Tua went up to her room to dress for school. When she returned downstairs she came across Mary, who was fetching a towel from the hall cupboard.

"Oh, Mary, by the way," Tua said, "I hope you don't mind, I've borrowed nylon stockings and a garter belt from you! Look! Don't I look sexy? It's the first time I'm wearing nylon stockings..."

And she pulled up her skirt to the waist. Mary stood speechless and stared at Tua, who exposed her girlishly rounded legs in chestnut-coloured nylon stockings held up by a laced light blue garterbelt with garters running up her pale thighs. Slightly in contrast with her ordinary pink cotton girl panties, which she also wore... With a proud air she took a glance at her vision in the hall mirror.

"Ooops!" She exclaimed. "Jeez! I've got so excited by my own sexiness that my panties have got a wet spot on the crotch!"

Finally had Mary found her tongue:

"Stop talking rubbish, young thing! Breakfast is served, come on!"

Reluctantly Tua pulled down her skirt and followed Mary to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Tua!" John greeted from behind his paper.

Tua returned his greeting and went to the cooker, where Mary served her tea. Still aroused Tua let the Evil One take possession of her. She looked behind her and noticed that John, sitting with his back against them, was still occupied by his paper. Then, standing beside Mary, holding her tea cup with one hand, she quickly sneaked her other hand in under the front-end of Mary's skirt . Before Mary had a chance to react, Tua had reached all the way up to the crotch of Mary's panties. Mary didn't know what she should do. Her primary thought was to not make John to notice them. So she didn't know better than to stand still and do nothing. Tua put down her tea cup and turned to Mary. She gave Mary a mischievous smile and began to caress her pussy outside her panties. With eager strokes she pushed her fingers into Mary's pussy. Mary squirmed.

"Tua, stop it!" She whispered.

"Why?" Tua whispered back. "I can feel that you like it. You're already getting soo very wet!"

But in that moment they heard rustlings from John's paper. Quickly Tua drew back her hand from Mary's pussy. As quickly Mary pulled down her skirt and went to sit down at the table, opposite to John. She was careful to not sit on her skirt. She was very aware of that her panties were dripping wet. All sorts of thoughts whirled around in her head. She'd become so excited; as a fact she hadn't been far from getting an orgasm under Tua's eager fingers. The thought that she'd been so suggestible made her embarrassed. And today she couldn't blame her arousal on being drunk. She gave a profound sigh.

John looked up from his paper.

"What's up, Mary? Your face is all flushed!"

"Is it?" She hesitated. "Oh, I was careless when I took the teapot from the cooker and got steam on my face."

Nice rescue, Tua thought and giggled. She went and sat down beside Mary. She moved her chair close to Mary's, and cheekily she placed her right hand upon Mary's thigh. Mary reached down under the table and tried to move away Tua's hand. But Tua availed herself of the opportunity to drag Mary's hand over to her lap. With her other hand she pulled up her skirt and then she swiftly brought Mary's hand up between her parted thighs all the way up to her crotch. Mary tried to free her hand from Tua's grip, but it was firm, and Mary didn't dare to struggle too much, as she was afraid of drawing John's attention to what was going on. Helplessly she experienced how Tua brought her hand to caress her little step daughter's pussy upon her damp and warm panties. She felt Tua's poking clit throbbing against her fingers. Against her will her fingers began to nibble at the stiff clit. But when she noticed Tua beginning to pant, she got afraid, that John would notice them. Think if Tua orgasmed! She would probably scream. The thought scared her so much, that she managed to withdraw her hand, taking Tua by surprise. Quickly she rose from the table, not giving the young girl another opportunity.

Having finished his breakfast (and his paper) John rose from the table, took his jacket and his briefcase and left for work.

Tua gave Mary a mischievous smile.

"As much as I wanted you to continue, I guess you made the right thing to stop it. I was so close to come, you know, and John would surely have noticed that! I guess you really don't want him to know, do you?"

"Of course, I don't! And he won't. From now on there will be no more of this nonsense. You hear me?"

Tua rose from the table and went up to Mary. She gave her a hug and a quick kiss.

"Maybe!" She said. She took her rucksack with her schoolbooks and left the house. She led up her bike and rode away to school. Her sticky panties were clinging round her pussy, and she could feel the saddle now and then rubbing against her clit. She also felt a sensation of a rapidly growing desperation to pee. She recalled that she'd forgotten to pee this morning. She tried really hard to hold on, it would feel so embarrassing to arrive to school in pee-soaked panties. On top of the dampness from her pussy juices... At the same time the saddle rubbing her pussy made her more and more aroused, which wasn't at all propitious for her ability to hold back her pee.

Suddenly she lost control and started to pee her panties. She stopped biking and straddling the bike with one foot on each side she completely peed herself. She'd at once hitched up her skirt to avoid wet stains on it, and now she was showing nylon stockings, garters and pink panties, through which her pee was really cascading onto the bikepath. Luckily there was nobody near her apart from two girls coming from a distance against her. She tried to stop peeing before they would come too much closer, but it was impossible. Instead a built-up, approaching major orgasm hit her body and made her give away a scream. Her whole body shook, her knees almost gave away and she had to lean against the handlebar. Her orgasm made her pee force her panties in splashes.

While her orgasm ebbed out, the two meeting girls came closer. Passing Tua they looked fascinated at her and the big puddle between her feet. And she was a sight, where she stood leaning against her bike with her skirt around her hips, revealing the poor girl in her nylon stockings, garterbelt and panties, still dripping from her pee!

"At least I don't know them!" she muttered to herself.

Her first reaction after she'd wetted herself and orgasmed was to turn and get home again. But then she realized that she had an important math test, for which she'd put a big amount of studying. So she went on to school.

When she arrived, she met Kate, one of her best friends. She took her aside and whispered:

"Kate, I peed myself on my way to school! My panties are so soaked! What shall I do?"

"Tua, you can't wear those panties all day! They'll smell awfully! You've better get rid of them. Let's go to the toilet, in there you can wash yourself too."

They went to one of the girl's toilets. Kate locked the door behind them. Tua began to undress.

"What a luck I managed to hitch up my skirt before it got wet", she said and stepped out of the skirt. Kate stared at her.

"You're wearing nylon stockings and garterbelt! Oh, you look so sexy!"

"They belong to my stepmother, I pinched them this morning! I'll better take them off as well so they won't get wet. Luckily I don't seem to have got any pee on them too."

Kate sniffed in the air.

"What's that smell? It's not just the smell of pee... It's something else... Right! It's pussy smell! I can feel it!"

Tua blushed.

"Nah, it's nothing...", she mumbled.

Naked from the waist and down she began to wash her pussy. She was very careful, she rubbed the inside of her pussy thoroughly with soap putting her fingers deep inside. Looking at her Kate felt twitches in her lower abdomen. Then she realized that they hadn't much time before their first lesson.

"Hurry up, you horny minx!"

Tua put on the nylon stockings and the garterbelt again, but threw the soaked panties in the wastebasket.

Having finished school, it was a very content Tua, that biked homewards. She was pretty confident that she'd done well on the math test, and was satisfied that she'd decided to continue to school after her wetting accident. And what a luck to have a good friend like Kate. She giggled. She'd noticed, that Kate hade become quite horny seeing Tua wearing nylon stockings and then when she washed her pussy!

Tua continued her ride home. She felt the fresh wind sweeping around her bare pussy. When she stopped at the traffic light showing red, she touched the saddle with her hand and felt, that it was quite wet!

When she came home she met her stepmother in the living room.

"Oh, Mary, would you believe it! I had an accident on my way to school this morning! No, no, I'm not hurt, it was a wetting accident! At first I thought I'd better return home, but then I remembered the math test today so I went on. When I arrived, I met Kate and told her, that I'd peed myself. She convinced me that I shouldn't wear the soaked panties all day and took me to the toilet, where I washed my pussy. You should have seen Kate, when she noticed, that I had your nylon stockings and garterbelt on! Anyway, I threw my wet panties in the wastebasket. And what a luck I continued to school! The math test went really well! And Mary! You should really try to ride your bike without panties! It felt so nice to feel the wind caressing my pussy. Haha, the saddle got so wet! But not from pee this time..."

"Hush, hush Tua, John is in the kitchen, I don't want him to hear such talk! But well done with the math test! I'm proud of you!"

"B... but I didn't say anything about you and me... I just said I'd an accident. Oh, and that about the saddle..."

"Anyway, those kind of things are not for your stepfather's ears, remember that!"

"Promise, Mary, I'll be more careful! And I understand, that what you and I are doing, doesn't concern him!"

"What you call 'you and I are doing' will never happen again! Do you understand that?"

"Whatever...", Tua answered and went up to her room, by that ending their discussion.


A very saucy tale!I bet Kate also fancies a little feel of Tua now?Brilliant.

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I haven't written any more stories about Tua. But maybe I will! I've put parts of my own experiences in the stories. (Not that I've seduced my foster mother in real life. I might have if I'd had a foster mother *giggle*. But I've only had my real wonderful mother...)

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Thanks for another hot story Vikka! This story absolutely cannot end here. First there's Tua's seduction of Mary, which absolutely has to continue until Mary lets her desire take over and relents. Then there is Tua and Kate, another relationship that has to be explored further. You could even have Tua run into those two girls who saw her wetting herself, and explore that further. Whichever stories you want to persue, please continue this story, it's fantastic.

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@wsvoyeur: Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!! I'm so overwhelmed by your nice praise! Yes, now I'll really consider to let the adventures of Tua continue; I like her, she's cheeky *giggle*

Vikka, trust me, you earned every word of that praise. By the way, your story reminded me if a story I wrote several years ago on PeeSearch.net about a girl who seduces her step aunt. I just posted it on this forum under the title "Aunt Kathy". If you're interested please read it and let me know your thoughts.

Oh, and I can't tell you how happy I am to see that you are going to continue Tua's story. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

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