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Returning from the Library

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Many years ago I was a teacher in a little primary school in an English city, and I had the privilege of being the class teacher for the top year of that school, so 10-11 year olds. The school didn’t really have its own library so once a week, after school, I would walk with most of my class to the central library to help find suitable reading material for my pupils, and then we would walk back to school where parents/ guardians would pick their children up.

This one time, I walked with about 20 pupils to the library and, when we arrived, I suddenly realised that I had an urgent need to wee. The problem was that, even if the library had a public toilet, I could not leave my class alone in the library so I was in a fix. I quickly sat down at a table to wait for the class to bring me the books they thought they would take out, and sitting down really helped. I guess we were in the library for around 30 minutes whilst books were selected and then stamped out by the librarian, for which I had to stand up. I also had to count that I was leaving the library with the same number of children as I started with, and I remember that once I had completed the count that I was in real trouble, I knew that I had experienced a small leak straight after the head count and I rapidly clamped my legs together.

We begun the walk back to the school, and I must have minced my way along the pavements talking to a couple of the class, anything to take my mind off my predicament; it was about a 10 minute walk and I could feel my wet knickers all the way. Somehow I managed to hold on and then, we turned the final corner, the school was in sight, I could see parent’s cars parked and so close to being able to relief myself when the dam burst. My pent up wee just began to run out of me as I was walking the final 100 yards or so back to the school, I felt so embarrassed. I could feel a steady stream running through my knickers and down my tights, I’m sure there were one or two or several drops which went onto the pavement but no one noticed. Most must have run into my boots, and I was conscious that I was squelching for the last part of the walk. I had largely emptied my bladder so that was a relief, as was the fact that no one picked up on my accident but even so I was mortified.

I remember to this day that I was wearing green M&S knickers, tights, and a green “A” line skirt with boots that went up nearly to my knees. I eventually got to the staff toilet and examined the damage. My knickers were soaked, my tights were soaked, my skirt was dry on the exterior but some wet marks were visible on the inside lining. My boots had  caught it, I took them off, and I was literally pouring wee from them into the toilet basin. I took off my knickers and tights and drove home ashamed of myself in soaking wet boots.

I was still young, living at home with my parents, and hadn’t at that time appreciated the joy a good desperate wetting would provide to me. My Mum thought it strange that I should want a bath when I reached home I remember. It took ages for my boots to dry out properly and they never fully recovered truth be told. I was  a teacher for most of my life, and I never wet myself in a class, I made a point of always using the toilet during breaks. 

i believe this was the first wet accident I experienced as an adult, I was appalled with myself. How that changed! I didn’t enjoy the library wetting in any way so I am sorry that I can’t write about it in a more sexy way. I saw a post elsewhere on this site that stories should be posted properly rather than by DM, and it prompted me to share this, I hope you don’t mind.

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What a great story, even if you didn’t appreciate it at the time. I remember having a crush on one of my teachers in school, and heard her peeing in the toilet on a school trip once. Oh how I longed to be in the cubicle!

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@riverflood7 - Huge thanks for sharing, and even after the time that's passed -  sending massive hugs.   Hugs because clearly it was humiliating and not at all the way you wanted to experience peeing.

I'm guessing by your closing sentences that since then you've got a much different view of peeing, and hopefully you can look back with feelings now apart from being mortified.  Hopefully.

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