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Manchester advice

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Hey everyone, I am visiting Manchester next week and have been before, my question is, where are some good spots to see some sightings? Or to find people interested in this topic? It has been quite some time (years) since I last indulged in piss play and saw a woman piss in front of me rather than porn, just want to experience some of those thrills again and thought what better way to do it then in a city nobody knows me and will afterwards haha.

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Must admit, I only really know Manchester as a daytime city and haven't really been there in an evening at all.  Looking at the date of posting, you may already have been or it may be this weekend ?

But the same sort of principles apply as most other places - and there are those on the site who've posted lots about their success at sightings - @Alfresco & @Big Bear being the two that spring to mind.   The general principles I'd suggest are that obviously alcohol has to have been consumed for inhibitions to be suitably lowered.

Clearly there are three factors on pissing - bladders being overfull,  conventional toilet alternatives not being available and in terms as above, inhibitions being lowered.   So perhaps places and times when alcohol has been consumed, but it's not as simple as just walking into a pub or club to use the toilet - after closing time for example.  Perhaps around taxi ranks, food outlets and similar public spaces where people are milling about at the end of their nights.

Guys are more likely to piss in a doorway or alley than girls, until the need is great enough, so it's possible you'd see a lot more guys pissing than girls.   Obviously pissing 'could' take place anywhere between the club and their home doorstep.  But in terms of maximising the chances, where there are more people there's more chance someone will need to piss.  Simple law of averages.   And as we all know, when you're standing still is when the need hits more - hence taxi and bus queues, outside takeaways and where people are congregating waiting for their mates.

Final observation from me - people seem to be more inclined to piss in a slightly shabbier place, like an older cobbled street for example that a glossy pedestrian shopping area - even if the latter is the main thoroughfare back towards home.


Good luck - we'd love to know how you got on... 


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I haven't been on a night out in Manchester either, so can't give any specific tips, but if I were going there I would look on Google Maps for night clubs and find the area where they are concentrated.  Having just done that, I see that there are several areas of clubs, so you are going to have to pick one that looks promising or do a lot of moving around.     You could look on Street View to see what looks to be a large and busy club or you might be able to do things like look on student forums or trip advisor to get hints on popular areas.

When you get there, you can do a quick tour around to see where seems to be busy.   There are four things that I find work well.

- Places where public transport brings people into town - particularly buses, but other forms too.   People often drink before they go into town, then their bladders fill whilst they are on the bus, then they get off and look for the first available alley/bush/park/corner to empty their bladders.

- Nightclubs with queues to get in.   People leave the pub or arrive into town as above and join the queue for a club.  The queue doesn't move as fast as they want so they need to pee.   Watch the queue and when you see people leave the queue, there is a fair chance that they are leaving to find somewhere to pee - especially if there are a group of people and only one or two people leave the group.   They usually don't go far as they want to pee and get straight back to their place in the queue.

- Fast food outlets, particularly late at night.  They often don't have customer toilets or they are closed at that time of night.   People order their food and whilst waiting they realise that the last couple of drinks at that last bar are finding their way to their bladders.   They will leave the establishment and go for a pee - but again they won't go far as they are waiting for their food.  Also, quite often people will eat food on the premises or nearby and by the time they finish they will be needing to pee so watch people who leave the takeaway or get up after eating outside.

- Transport hubs to get home.   Especially at the end of the night (I'm rarely able to stay up that late) but people come out of clubs and need to get home.  They are waiting for night buses or taxis.   Everyone wants a taxi at the same time, so there is often a wait.   People need to pee whilst they are waiting and they also come to the conclusion that even if the taxi does come now, they are not going to make it home without peeing, so they go and find a quiet corner.

Those are the things that I've had success around with nightlife.   There are other options which might be less obvious but still worth considering.   Some people enjoy gathering in a park for drinks.   They won't have access to toilets so they have to use bushes.   Then you have people who are just generally milling around with less of an obvious pattern, but can always be worth keeping a look out.   Don't forget to use your ears too - many a time I've heard a lady shout to her group "I need a wee" or similar; sometimes that means they need to get to a bar quickly but more often that not it simply means I'm going to find the first place I can to pee.

One more tip.   Look out for any of those street urinals that sometimes appear on the streets on Friday and Saturday nights.   I don't know if Manchester has them, but if so, they will be located in the areas with the biggest public urination frequency.   And if men have the portable urinals, women will also need to pee and they often get left out of the equation so you are likely to be in the right area to find ladies peeing in the street or nearest alley.

Good luck and definitely report back.



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