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The first time naughty peeing turned you on?

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Hello all,


I've lurked for years on here and finally decided to post. Met a couple cool people (feel free to DM me m or f) and I'd love to meet more as I have no one to discuss my kinks with. Anyway, my question for the community:


When was the first time you got turned on by someone else peeing, or you yourself holding or peeing in naughty places? What was the event where you knew that piss turned you on? And as a bonus question, what did you do in the years that followed to satisfy your kink?


Anyway, I hope someone answers as I love hearing these stories! I'll post my own shortly. 

Have a great day everyone!

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I started peeing on the floor and other naughty places when I was quite young, but that wasn't a "turn-on", just risky behaviour.  Like @chubbyjack, I think the sexual aspect started in my late teens.

There was a girl down the road during high school who liked to leave her bedroom curtains open when she was partially or completely nude.  The local boys knew, and she knew they knew, so it was something of an open invitation.  We always limited it to one boy ... if you went by and another boy was already there, you just walked on (a crowd would have drawn unwanted attention).

Anyway, one night I was the lucky viewer and she was just out of the shower, in a towel.  I needed a pee so I took a sneaky one while I watched.  I did wonder what she'd think if she saw me.  Then she dropped the towel and stood there completely naked.  Needless to say, I was instantly hard and it took no time at all to leave a different deposit on the grass.

 I remember that evening fondly, but never really connected the two acts before.  But since my teens, I can't take a naughty pee without getting turned on, so maybe that was a more seminal (semen-al?) moment than I realised.  

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I don't know when I first got turned on by it, tbh. I've always been kind of intrigued. I never did it growing up because I was so terrified of getting in trouble for anything, but once I was out on my own, I started to experiment with it more. 

During my last year of college, my suitemates had a really awful habit of locking the bathroom between our rooms. Thankfully, the sinks were in our individual rooms, so rather than go bother them to open the door, if I needed to pee, I'd just go in my sink. I know for sure I was turned on by that because after a while, I started mostly just using the sink to piss.

Around the time when I transitioned is when I started getting really into naughty pissing - testosterone just did something to my libido and amped up my kinks, apparently. I started pissing on public bathroom floors as frequently as possible, and sometimes I would go on mall trips by myself just so I could piss in changing rooms. I was doing it so frequently for a while that I thought for sure someone would catch on and I'd end up in serious trouble. That never happened though, thankfully.

I've wanted some naughty piss friends, but I'm too damn shy to reach out to anyone. Feel free to DM me.

Edited by fourluvclover
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I can't really think of an exact moment when it started...

I do remember being a young teen walking down the shopping street with my mom when she suddenly sees someone she knows and starts talking to her. As I'm a young teen i couldn't care less about friends of my parents. I stood there waiting and waiting whilst they talked. All that time I wast just waiting I tried to let drips of pee go down my leg, but was at the same time afraid it would show on my pants...

This must be one of the earliest moments I can remember that I wanted to enjoy the feeling of pee on me.

Since then more things happened off course, otherwise I wouldn't be here 😅

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The first time I realised was in my teens and was watching my girlfriend at the time (only girlfriend who has been into it) it all started one day when we drove back to hers, she didn’t say she needed to pee or anything but as I was getting something out of the drivers seat in the car I just suddenly heard this hissing sound then a flow of liquid running past my feet, this was on our drive which was quite big and on a hill, never knew I was into it before that but got turned on by the sound and thought it was just the sound that excited me.


go a couple days later and we pull up on her drive again, this time and without warning that hissing sound appeared again but this time I turned and watched her piss on the drive and I fell in love with women peeing, watching the stream leave her pussy was such a beautiful sight and it was at that moment I knew I was into it.


she used to tease me at times and tell/show me places she has pissed which used to really turn me on at the thought of it. Unfortunately I am no longer with her and it has been 8 years roughly I think since I last saw a pussy piss in person or had any fun with it.

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