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Child regression games and other role-playing games with your partner

Mary Moon

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I would like to talk about something really very intimate: when in adolescence my incontinence worsened, causing various accidents and my mom made me wear diapers even at school to avoid having more diapers. At that time i was still quite young, and mum helped me change clothes, etc... And if the part of me that now felt like an adult felt very embarrassed, another part of me felt good about being looked after. Obviously this didn't last long because i was growing up, even if it displeased me. So over the years I've let that go a little bit this thing. When i met my current girlfriend this year, one day i decided to tell her about this fantasy of mine. Even though we haven't been together long, there is a lot of intimacy between us and she made me feel at ease when i confessed my incontinence to her. So one night, while we were watching TV, i told her about this temporary regression fantasy of mine, and she raised an eyebrow, laughed, and said that if we wanted to do it one day, we could. Of course i was really over the moon.
To explain the details of the role play: we purchased special products for children, in this case pacifier and bottle. In these moments we are really a mommy and a baby and she starts to rock me or simulates breastfeeding and obviously changes my diaper if i'm wet.
I admit that after these sessions, we both feel very relaxed and the stress completely slips away. It's not a sexual thing, but a truly intimate and beautiful connection. Obviously this thing is kept very confidential, it's not like it's talked about among family or friends, it would be too strange for those who aren't open-minded. 

Has anyone ever had a similar fantasy or does any type of role play with their partner?

Edited by Mary Moon
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From a male perspective...Well my own opinion... The fascination with the breast, nipple is much more than a sexual thing, in that as you say it is a warm and intimate connection thing. Following on from that, yes, I think it is a kinda regression thing, but more commonplace than is obvious at first glance.  Yes! Guys like tits, playing with them and suckling them, they are very reassuring 🙂 . That reassurance ( I think) is a semi maternal path back to or regression thing which we live as part of what we are and need as humans.

Apologies if I have hijacked the role play aspect of your thread. I think it is quite natural that it would be played out as and if we feel.

Second apology for not being as articulate as I would like to be....

xx Euro

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I think that this fantasy of mine is a consequence of having had to live with incontinence at a difficult age like adolescence, just when i should have started to feel like an adult, i was forced to wear diapers. If on the one hand I tried to be as independent and adult as possible, trying to fight with this situation of mine, on the other hand it made me develop this desire to let myself be looked after.

From what i've read on the internet, there are a lot of Adult Babies. 

However, as i was saying, my girlfriend and I don't use these moments for sexual purposes, but often to release stress and feel good. For example, a few weeks ago, i was particularly anxious and tense about an exam and so she suggested that we relax by playing, so we spent an entire evening like this, and it was really nice and relaxing. Obviously you need to have great intimacy and complicity as a couple to make the experience truly fulfilling and fun

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