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Have you ever been embarrassed because a family member or friend helps you with pee problem, after an accident, etc.?

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Due to my condition this has happened to me several times, and although i'm used to it, it's always incredibly embarrassing:
When around 12/13 years old i started having accidents and wearing diapers again, it was very bad for me, i was in puberty and was finally about to become a woman, but suddenly i found myself becoming a child again. I remember that after the first nocturnal accidents, i was in a state of shock, and my mother helped me clean and wash myself, and my sister who was in the room with me witnessed everything (luckily she has always been a fantastic sister and never made the matter weigh). However, i was still mortified. Even worse when mum decided that i should wear nappies at night, at first I didn't want to know but then i gave in to the evidence that it was the most sensible option. At first they got me big diapers and mom helped me put them on, luckily then we moved on to pullups which were more discreet.
Around that time i had a couple of bad accidents at school and mum decided it was better for me to wear protection even during the day, i was horrified at the idea, but in the end i realized it was better than having more humiliating public accidents, luckily the pullups they were very discreet and not noticeable but i was still terrified that they might be seen. I remember that mum had the idea of putting on a bodysuit of the kind that fastens with two press studs on the crotch, so the elastic of the diaper would not be seen and the bodysuit would look like a normal t-shirt outside the jeans. Although when i had to go to the bathroom at school it was a bit of a pain to undress.
Other humiliating episodes of this type were a fairly recent one from a few months ago, i had dozed off while reading on the bed, i woke up desperate but i didn't get to the bathroom in time and i practically wet myself in front of my sister, i burst into tears because 19 years old it's horrible to get wet like that, but unfortunately in these cases i can do very little about it and she tried to console. telling me that she will take care of it and that she wouldn't tell mom and dad.
Another time it happened to me in middle school coming back from school, the bus took forever because there was snow, and when i got off I was very desperate, and on the way home i got into an accident in front of my best friend, you can imagine how i felt. She, without my knowledge, had noticed my incontinence because some time before she had noticed my pullup, even if she hadn't said anything, so she took me to her house which was free at that moment and gave me some ' of her clothes and panties to change me and try to get away with my parents. Has any episode like this happened to any of you?

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Posted (edited)

I have been enbarassed not peeing myself, but helping another family member. When I was in college, I had an aunt who was not much older than myself, that lived nearby that had a broken leg from an auto accident and it rapidly became infected. While recovering at first she was not supposed to get out of bed or a reclining chair, so I went by first thing in the morning and again at night and helped her with the bedpan (my mother visited her for help with #2 during the middle of the day, while I was at class).

It was embarassing because her vulva was not well covered by her nightgown and she didn't seem to care, if it was partially exposed during normal conversation.  She was also always bursting in the morning and I had to help her onto the bedpan to try make sure she was properly oriented staring right at the very hairy vulva and not knowing exactly how a woman's stream would go in that position. Then she would start her loud stream before I could even leave the room - every time. When she was done, I had to remove the full pan and clean it, which was easy, since it was just pee (but a lot of it).

I feel it was embarassing, because she did not try to be modest at all and seeing a woman's vulva in a non-sexual situation was strange to me. Luckily after a few weeks she got a better walking cast and could walk on her own.

Edited by DoctorDoctor
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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, DoctorDoctor said:

I have been enbarassed not peeing myself, but helping another family member. When I was in college, I had an aunt who was not much older than myself, that lived nearby that had a broken leg from an auto accident and it rapidly became infected. While recovering at first she was not supposed to get out of bed or a reclining chair, so I went by first thing in the morning and again at night and helped her with the bedpan (my mother visited her for help with #2 during the middle of the day, while I was at class).

It was embarassing because her vulva was not well covered by her nightgown and she didn't seem to care, if it was partially exposed during normal conversation.  She was also always bursting in the morning and I had to help her onto the bedpan to try make sure she was properly oriented staring right at the very hairy vulva and not knowing exactly how a woman's stream would go in that position. Then she would start her loud stream before I could even leave the room - every time. When she was done, I had to remove the full pan and clean it, which was easy, since it was just pee (but a lot of it).

I feel it was embarassing, because she did not try to be modest at all and seeing a woman's vulva in a non-sexual situation was strange to me. Luckily after a few weeks she recovered and could walk on her own.

It seems like he took it pretty well. i would have died if I had to pee like that in front of a man 🤨

I almost died from embarrassment when mum helped me put on a nappy when i was 12/13 or when my sister helped me clean and dry myself some time ago after an accident and i was naked from the waist down

Edited by Mary Moon
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I had an operation and the anaesthetic really effected me and they had me on a drip all day. I knew I needed the toilet but held it as long as I could but it was painful so had to ring the bell. I was attached to tubes and wires and my leg was bandages up, I asked if they could disconnect me so I could hop to the toilet but they refused. Said sue to the anaesthetic effects I had to use a bed pan. I argued it but they wouldn’t budge and I was busting at this point so bad to agree. 

they bought me a bedpan and I said I was worried I’d fill it but they laughed and left the room for me to go. Thankfully they put a mattress pad thing down under it! I manoeuvred myself onto it while laying down and couldn’t work out how to pee laying down so pulled myself up to sitting. Eventually managed to go and it went on forever. I felt the instant relief when I started to pee but then the concern as it went on longer and longer. Eventually I felt my butt get damp just as I finished and then wriggled back onto the mat which dried me. 

I called the nurse in and she lifted the covers and said something like oh wow you really meant it when you said you had to go!  Then she had to wrap the pan in the puppy pad things as it was full and as soon as she moved it it overflowed. I was embarrassed but I had warned them and begged to use the toilet! Plus thankfully I was still quite dopey otherwise I think I might have been mortified hah 

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On 5/19/2024 at 8:19 AM, DoctorDoctor said:

I have been enbarassed not peeing myself, but helping another family member. When I was in college, I had an aunt who was not much older than myself, that lived nearby that had a broken leg from an auto accident and it rapidly became infected. While recovering at first she was not supposed to get out of bed or a reclining chair, so I went by first thing in the morning and again at night and helped her with the bedpan (my mother visited her for help with #2 during the middle of the day, while I was at class).

It was embarassing because her vulva was not well covered by her nightgown and she didn't seem to care, if it was partially exposed during normal conversation.  She was also always bursting in the morning and I had to help her onto the bedpan to try make sure she was properly oriented staring right at the very hairy vulva and not knowing exactly how a woman's stream would go in that position. Then she would start her loud stream before I could even leave the room - every time. When she was done, I had to remove the full pan and clean it, which was easy, since it was just pee (but a lot of it).

I feel it was embarassing, because she did not try to be modest at all and seeing a woman's vulva in a non-sexual situation was strange to me. Luckily after a few weeks she got a better walking cast and could walk on her own.

I know you said it was awkward, but were you at least a bit curious/excited as well?

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4 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

I know you said it was awkward, but were you at least a bit curious/excited as well?

Not excited really, because she was my aunt, and I was concerned that if I didn't help her well, it would be reported back to my mother.

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