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A Very Wet Holiday

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3 hours ago, Rikki Bare said:

You will need to register on this free site if you wish to read my story.

Sorry to be blunt, but my browser was throwing me warnings about the security risks. Should we really be logging into an http website?
Can I suggest, that if you want us to read your stories, you post them on a more modern website than that one.

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Moderators Note:-

Text removed from the original post where external content link was posted.   Peefans policy is not to have links to content which is not freely visible.  ie links to content that needs a sign-up, or 'friends-of', paid content etc.

There is no reason why a fictional story cannot be posted on the site here (assuming it doesn't fail on other site rules) - rather than expecting people to sign up to a third party site to read.

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On 4/21/2024 at 10:55 PM, Rikki Bare said:

Sorry moderator,

I will re-post the stories here. They have nothing that is objectionable to peefans  although there is very little peeing there.


Very many thanks Gledenwetgoose. You have stopped me being lazy and just posting an old less good story.

It will take a few days to post my original Fountains Hotel story as I am re-writing it to include the extensive peeing bits I had censored out for the old insecure wetlookstories.eu site. I won't be using that site any more.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Can't wait for the next bit. 

Solving Jane's delema. Just an idea no offense either way go for it or not  it is In Jane's words. 

Jane here finally decided since I wasn't able to undo my pants I would make an impromptu pee straw with a few straws taped together and  When I have to go bad enough I put it down my pants/underwear  line up the end at my urethra on my pussy hold it there  with my hand outside my pants  grabbing it and moving it in place  and  just let go  the pee then  travels up the straw and goes splashing unto the road  I am standing beside so  I get relief and no pants are pulled down or unbuttoned. 

 Just saying You need a inventive solution that solves the problem. It's a wonderful start so keep writing.



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Posted (edited)

Hi Pee2poop,

An interesting idea. Perhaps Jayne will try this and it will be an embarrassing disaster. Perhaps she really WANTS it to be a disaster!

She has certainly been holding on too long and something's got to give soon.


Edited by Rikki Bare
Brain glitch
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 8/11/2024 at 7:37 PM, Rikki Bare said:

Continuing A Very Wet Holiday:

This episode is inspired by two members of peefans. Firstly Paulypeeps who’s plans to Dress to Wet’ by wearing black Lycra, which I love, Secondly Pee2Poop for his beautifully crazy idea.

Chapter 2 A solution to Jane’s dilemma?

Jane said seriously.“It’s all very well for you to laugh Amanda. Your patterned dress won’t show a lot if you piss through it.”

They thought for a few minutes and then Jane had an idea. “Suppose you go and buy me that black dress we were just looking at,” she fished her credit card out of her purse. “You are about my size so you can try it on and all. She looked her new friend in the eye and added with a smile, “it will cover me and won’t show wet.”

Amanda gave a wry grimmace. “I would do it except I’ve just wet myself, peed right through my dress into the chair so I can’t go into the shop like this. We’ll have to think of something else.”

Jane looked down and saw a river of piss flowing from under Amanda’s chair and into the gutter. She pressed her hand into her crotch to suppress a spurt as she looked around for inspiration. Her eyes caught sight of of a clear plastic twisty straw sitting in a glass a child had left on the next table.

“Eureka I’ve solved it,” she shouted and reached across to grab the straw. It was made of soft flexible clear plastic. She examined it carefully. Then pulling out the waist band of her baggy jeans she thrust the curly end of the straw inside, leaving the long straight end sticking out. After some jiggling she managed to press the tip into her urethra.

The jiggling and manipulating Jane's pudenda was the last straw (sic) for her bulging bladder. Almost at once piss fountaned out of the end of the straw and she only just managed to direct it out and down onto the tiles. She gave a great sigh of relief and relaxed. “I’ve won,” Laughing she watched as her piss flooded down towards the gutter.

But Jane spoke too soon. Her laughter dislodged the straw and suddenly she was flooding her jeans. her piss erupted from her crotch and then poured onto the seat of the chair and ran down her legs. She was publicly totally soaked.

Just at that moment a woman of around 40 dressed in lightweight cotton shorts and a striped tank top, was coming past carrying a tray of drinks. Jane felt super embarrassed as she looked at her still emerging flood and said with a friendly smile,“oops.”

“Sorry I couldn’t help it, I’ll clean it up.” Jane said sheepishly.

“Don’t worry I’m used to wee since my daughter started working at Fountains. She’s rarely dry since she stopped bothering to hold it at work. Lost all pee toilet training she has. Why don’t you order lunch here why your pants dry? I’m just off for a quick swim and then I will be ready to take lunch orders.” She headed town the cobbled street towards the sea.

Amanda watched her go. “Do you think she’s going to swim in those clothes?”

“Probably she’s not carrying anything with her.” Jane took a bite of her pastry and drank a large swig of her coffee.

Ten minutes later the woman, who it turned out owned the bar, returned with sea water still dripping off of her clothes.

Jane and Amanda stayed for more refreshments as invited by the woman owner who was called Penny. They each ordered ice cream sundaes and water as Jane was feeling dehydrated after the coffee. After eating these they decided to wander the shops, before going swimming. Just as they were getting up to go Jane realized that she needed to wee again, very badly.

Amanda’s skirt looked only slightly damp and was not noticeable. Not so Jane’s jeans, they were still obviously peed in with a stain in her crotch and across her bum but she decided to ignore it. Her immediate need was to pee, so she decided it wouldn’t make a lot of difference and her exhibitionist streak asserted itself.

Jane stood tall over the gutter in full view of passers by and let go. First her legs were together and her already wet crotch glistened with fresh wee. It started to spread down her legs. She hitched up her jeans into her crotch. Her wee erupted through the seam. She then spread her legs and moved her pelvis until the flows were equal down each leg.

People stopped to stare and some even gave a little applause when Jane finished. At that point a water cart was being pulled down the street by an elderly man who was watering the planters and hanging baskets. “Wow that was a show!” he laughed. “Would you like a rinse off?”

Jane laughed “OK,” and he got out his hose and started washing her down. Then she took his watering wand from him and poked it down her waist band so the water erupted from her crotch in a replica of her piss pattern. She then asked him, “please do my backside,” and turned round for him to soak the back of her pants. “Thanks I feel really clean now.”

Thanking the man who told her it was a real pleasure they went on their way, Jane ignoring her wet state. Strangely so did everybody else. Even when they wandered inside a shop nobody stared. It was all down to giving off an air of confidence.

Jane even bought the Lycra dress she had seen earlier, without trying it on. The idea of being able to be discreetly wet was an idea that really appealed. Amanda decided the dress was not the right shape for but bought some black Lycra leggings instead. “So we can both piss ourselves and nobody will notice.”

They sat at a bar and bought large beers. Then soda’s to drink whilst strolling along. With all this liquid they were soon both in need of a pee again.

Finally they wandered down to the beach. Rather than do the obvious thing and go straight into sea to discretely relieve themselves they wandered along the sand until Jane reached total desperation. This time she sat on the sand and just let go watching her piss soak through her pants and into the sand. Amanda stood close in front of her watching gleefully. Standing legs apart she let go a flood straight down.

Jane looked disapproving. “Cheat,”she said and reached out pushing Amanda’s skirt into the flow so the front was soaked and wee poured of the hem and into Jane’s lap much to the amusement of a group of passing guys who whooped and hollered.

“Time to swim,” said Amanda to Jane, pointedly ignoring the guys. Jane got up with sand sticking to her ass and they ran to the sea where they went right in and horsed around ending with a hug and kissing until they were knocked over by a wave.

Recovering their shopping but avoiding sitting down again to keep sand off their now cleanly dripping clothes they headed hand in hand towards the lunch rendezvous Amands’s dress clinging transparantly to her tanned body clearly showing her white panties and erect bra free nipples.

More to follow.


Edited by Rikki Bare
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9 hours ago, cjm3rcl1n3 said:

Oof, loving this series so far. Hope there's more to cum! If I had the money, I wonder if anybody would sign up if I opened a resort like this. Ah, only in my dreams.

There will be I'm sure.


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