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 Boy are they as Painful like heck, my only issue is if it's your period at the same time, figuring out where the blood is from. Do you  Pee on towel? Pee so you can see where or feel it? What's the best way for a girl to find out? Just curious! 


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Sounds painful. I am not overly qualified to advise as I am a guy lol. I do have an interest in periods though. Do you use tampons or pads? This may help identify where the blood is coming from.

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Hmm... yeah not a girl but I would have imagined that the blood would get on the panties in a quite different spot in the two cases. Also you could wipe your anal and vulva areas separately and see in which case the toilet paper is stained red--but clearly that would only work if blood is actually coming out at the time. When I've had hemorrhoids, they only bleed right after a bowel movement, never just at random times, whereas I was under the impression that period blood leaks in little bits throughout the day (again, not a woman so can't say from my own experience). I can't see why peeing would have anything to do with it, aside from maybe the fact that relaxing the pelvic floor opens up the vagina a bit and lets it come out more easily. 

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