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Atheists are like "Fundamentalist Christians"?

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I have read that atheists are like "Fundamentalist Christians".  I confess that I have become an atheist.  Am I like a "Fundamentalist Christians" in my belief?

It sounds to me like the people most concerned about, or angry with, the atheists are the "Progressive Christians".  The people they seem to dislike the most are the "Fundamentalist Christians".  They are always saying things like "We are not a bunch prejudiced haters like the 'Fundamentalists'.". Apparently like "Fundamentalist Christians" are racist, prejudiced against the LGBTQ, and women -- and now the "atheists" are too!!!

Wow, what brought this about?  I would have thought the atheists were polar opposites of the ultra religious.  Do the progressive Christians feel that they are very reasonable and rational in their beliefs, and if the atheists would only listen to what they believe, than they would believe too? 

Are the "progressives" butthurt because the atheists do not agree with them, and this makes them feel like maybe they are not really so rational and reasonable after all?

On Wikipedia there is quite a bit writen about "New Atheism" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Atheism ).  I would describe their criticisms as verbose, and "sesquipedalian" (The unnecessary use of big words).  They use almost no examples.  Their 'criticisms' are quotes from 'experts' -- who also criticize. 

At the beginning of the Wikipedia article on New Atheism they argue that the New Atheists are "anti-theists" (They want to abolish all religion.)  However they do not give any examples of how these "New Atheists" are attempting to abolish religion -- other than criticizing it. 

It sounds to me like the Progressive Christians are trying to make an argument that any criticism of them, or their religion, should be censored.

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I hope I was not misunderstood.  I was not trying to make a case for atheism.  I guess the main point that I was trying to make is that I am paranoid that a new brand of censorship is coming. 

Are we heading into a world where we will not be able to afford much of anything and there will be far more censorship and restrictions?

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This is SUCH a broad topic, I don't even know where to start.

I'll try to break down my point of view as a Atheist (with an interest in spirituality, which is NOT to be confused with religion!):
You do you.
Do not be dogmatic, but rather curious on how others see the world.

Dogmatism is - to me - the main reason we humans can't get along with on another.
I have seen "fundamentalist" (so: very dogmatic) Atheist, as well as very relaxed and laid back Christians and even Muslims.
I found the later ones to be far more tolerable then the first ones.
Then again, _fundamental_ Christians and Muslims are probably more harmful to mankind then fundamental Atheists... although if the later leads to a too materialistic way of living, this can be just as harmful.


As for your fear for more censorship:
I have no real answer.
I do not want anyone to be silenced.
This will in the end work just as well as trying to keep a kettle full of boiling water close shut: it will eventually explode, and you don't want to be anywhere near this mess when it happens. ^^
So when who ever in charge will try to enforce this, it WILL backfire on them.
The harder they pushed, the harder the push-back will be. ^^

And even if not: silencing opposition will just lead to you feeling invulnerable, and you will push your luck until you stumble over your own arrogance, because you have silenced everyone who could have warned you.

So... censorship is always self-defeating, one way or another.
And that's why I do not worry. 🙂

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