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I just peed in a bottle for the first time

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I started exactly like you with the sink and shower. I don’t remember the exact details of how I worked my way up, but I’m pretty sure I started with peeing in the backyard kinda off to the side where I felt like there was more cover. And even then, I mostly did it in the dark. As you start to get more comfortable with that, you’ll be ok with doing it during the day. Then you’ll start to get more comfortable with like parking lots and stuff. That’s how it was for me at least. I almost forgot, I would also pee in the sink a lot at like gas stations and stuff like that. It’s kinda a confidence builder in a way. Hope this helps 

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20 hours ago, ramsesisthebest said:

So I’m sure this is quite a boring post for most people, but I stepped outside of my comfort zone today and I’m proud of myself for it, so I’m gonna write it anyways. I’ve typically been far too nervous to pee anywhere outside of the bathroom. I’m scared to death of being caught, so the extent of my peeing tends to be the sink and shower (with the vast majority still being in the toilet). Very rarely I’ll get the chance to pee in the pool or wet my pants, two of my favorite things.

I’m trying to enjoy myself a bit more though, so I decided to try something new. I’m on a long road trip today completely by myself, which isn’t something that usually happens. I hear of people peeing in bottles quite often so I decided to give it a try. I started drinking as much as I could around 4:00pm and held till about 7:00pm. Once I was good and desperate, I started looking for a place to pull over. I’m still very nervous about being caught, so I tried to find a rest area, since they usually have large parking lots that aren’t always well lit. I ended up finding the perfect one, which had a large picnic area with a road wrapping around it. It was completely empty and unlit, and far enough away from the main area that no one could see me. Once I parked, I got over my nerves and pulled it out. I was worried that I would leak a lot, since the rim of the bottle wasn’t quite wide enough for me to fit my dick into, but I surprisingly didn’t have any issues. I managed to fill the bottle completely twice and dumped it out without anyone noticing. After that, I still had enough in my bladder that I wasn’t able to get out and had to stop by the bathroom. I had planned on taken a video, since I’ve also never posted any of myself, but it was too dark to see and I was still too nervous to turn the lights on. Besides, I ended up needing both hands to hold the bottle.

I know this probably isn’t exciting for most of you (I see the crazy stuff you heathens are posting on here), but it was a big moment for me. For anyone else that started out super nervous to try anything outside of the bathroom: what steps did you take to get past this? What did you try first and where did it take you?

I would take a large cup and try to not slip or make it overflow then throw it away in the trash.

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