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Turning Fantasy in to Realtiy .

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if i could find someone who would like to test anything pee related with and still have fun and feeling loved , i would.  i have fantasys that i prob will never experience, cuz finding someone like that seems impossible.

have anyone ever just wish they could walk naked all the time, just take a pee when you feel like it and still just have a normal day , 

sometimes i wish to taste womens golden nectar, and also lick her wonderfull pussy and piss inside her ass, and such i wanna test it all out, even just pee on her just for the sheer fun of it, 

AM I  Sick or is this Normal ? will someone Kind help me make sense of why i have these Dreams ?

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Surprising that nobody else has replied yet.  However, I'll put in my thoughts.

Firstly, the question about normal or sick - well I think this is where the adage of "There is no such thing as normal" applies.  When it comes to sex and related interests, many many people have interests outside of the mainstream and the wide variety of these mean that most of them are not normal in the wider context of the general population but that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them, nor does it mean that someone with those interests is unique.

The very fact that this site exists and is subject to thousands of posts and pictures means that the pee interest is widespread, however amongst the general population it is likely not considered normal and some people with specific views may find it deplorable.   But then they probably have their own fantasies outside of pee that might be considered deplorable to other people and so it goes on.

Within this community, your thoughts are well within the normal realms of acceptability.  Finding that person who will enjoy experimenting with you will be difficult but is not impossible.   There are many people here who have a willing pee partner.  Personally, my wife doesn't appreciate pee, but she knows that I do and she is willing to indulge me sometimes and up to a point, but there are parts of my pee interest that she has told me she is OK with me doing but she doesn't want to know about it and there are other parts that I've never told her because they go beyond the bits that she has said she doesn't want to know about!

Tasting women's pee gets a big tick from many on this site.   I've enjoyed my wife's pee multiple times and I love it.   Same for licking her out.  I'd certainly give peeing inside her a go, but she doesn't want that - same as peeing all over her.  The nearest I have got is peeing over her bum in the shower.   However, she has peed all over me both on towels in the bedroom and in the garden and in fact even outside away from the house.

Yes, I'd love to walk around naked and pee as and when without concern, but unfortunately it isn't that practical because the powers that be think it inappropriate.  If I lived alone then I may consider it in my house but I don't think it is a good idea with my wife about.

So in summary, nobody is "normal", there is no such thing.   What you are interested in is a common interest and you are amongst many others with similar interests here.

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Hun, I’ll agree with everything that has been said so far in that the world “normal” has become almost extinct to describe a person with so much neurodivergence, culture, belief and sexual orientation around these days. Everyone has a right to be who they are and what they want to achieve with their own life. It’s not up to others to carve your path, it’s up to you to carve your own.

what you want in terms of pee fun, others on here may want that too, so you’re on the right site to chat about those feelings and observing what others have to say.

 Take me for example, right; I’m a shy girl who has a massive obsession over pee and I’d love nothing more than to have an amazing in-person experience with someone…and that will always be my fantasy! Sadly my boyfriend isn’t into it at all, I’ve planted those seeds and waited many a time.  Whether or not it comes true or not now, it doesn’t matter 🙂 what matters the most is that I’m ok with this, which I am, and that it’s great to have a sense of fantasy and those curious self-indulging moments - I know I love mine! 

Understanding why you have these thoughts is a process that each person on this site would have had (or is having) at any one moment or another and it’s completely normal to do so. The brain is incredibly complex and often too powerful for its own good and it’s really easy for it to overwhelm us.  There has been times where I’ve over-indulged in my own fantasies and felt really down and dirty about it after it, then other times not so much! 

Don’t ever think of yourself as sick for having these thought, please ☺️


Edited by Chrissy89
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ty for such honest and informative Answers .  i just cant help myself i wanna try it out, but alone is so incredible boring, not to mention the fact that wish someone would say hey lets meet up and make it happen, like a women since im a man obvisouly sorry for my bad typing, 

but all these women their beautifull pussys wet and all, its impossible not to be turned on!

and imagen having a women to share it all with and could make it work 100 %  but issue is how do you get to know people who is in to this type of kink and talk to them , does anyone know a true chat type thing where one can get to know one another and talk without having to pay money,  cuz i want the opritunity to meet a women to share this with, 

hence wy i tought maybe i was sick, cuz it feels like men dominate in the pee fetish, and i dont understand why ?

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13 hours ago, peetowin said:

issue is how do you get to know people who is in to this type of kink and talk to them , does anyone know a true chat type thing where one can get to know one another and talk without having to pay money,

Herein lies the biggest challenge to anyone with an interest in pee.   One way is to meet a girl in any context and then when you find you are getting on well, gently bring up the subject of peeing and test her boundaries in a respectful way to find out if there is any chance she might be interested.   It is a difficult one, but gets more difficult the longer you are with someone and the more you have to lose, so I'd say if it is really important to you then you need to bring it up early in the relationship and use the answers to decide whether this is the right relationship for you.   I missed that boat and only brought it up after I'd been with my wife for some years.   Thankfully she wasn't abhorred by the idea and we now have a good understanding that I know what she is and isn't willing to do.    

Another option is to go to fetish events where people might be more open to the idea.  

You can of course use a dating app and put something in your profile that would give an indication to others of your interest.  Maybe not go all out with the detail, but you could maybe mention that you are interested in Golden Showers or wet sex.  Sure it will put some people off, but that's the whole point - attract the people that are compatible and put off the people who are not.   You could mention Watersports, but that might also find you a load of kayakers and surfers (not in itself a bad thing as most of those people are at least willing to pee outside).   You would need to check the rules of the dating site though as some may have restrictions on what you can cover.  If you are lucky, they might have a set of selection tick boxes where you tick your interests to help match like minded people and if one of those is in the Watersports area then you make sure you get that ticked.   Caveat:  I'm providing this advice as someone who has never logged onto a dating site or app in his life as I was happily married before they became a thing!

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