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What's a good, absorbent towel brand?

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Hello everyone!


So, it's somehow gonna happen, and a friend of mine is gonna come over to stay for a month next Spring... and, well, I would love to just have my flat turned into an absolute toilet during that time 💛

Sadly, reality tends to get in the way, and I would like to not have everything be covered in stains. Which means we'll have to, at the very least, let go in / on towels.


Hence my question! I'm gonna need to stockpile on very absorbent towels that can handle full force pissing without spilling a drop, and I feel like I'm gonna need some expert recommandations on that front!

Anyone? 👀

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There are those who are far more expert than me, but a lot of people seem to swear by puppy pads....   the soft waterproof mats about a metre square which you could put on the floor and then put a thick absorbent bath towel on top of.

That or plastic sheeting and then towels on top of that?

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Regardless of how absorbent the towel is, unless you provide multiple layers, some pee is going to go through before it spreads out and is absorbed.  Therefore, I agree that plastic sheeting or puppy pads underneath is a good idea.   I sometimes use a towel folded to be about six layers thick on my leatherette chair.   It still goes through and I still have to wipe the chair, but it is fine because the chair is not absorbent.   So, you either need to use towels on a non-absorbent surface, line the surface with plastic/pad or accept that whatever is underneath is going to get wet.  If you drink plenty and are hydrated then it shouldn't be a great problem if the carpet/chair gets a bit wet and you just rely on the towel to take the main volume.

I don't really know of any particular towel that is more absorbent than any other.

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@PaperGold I use something similar to this https://www.ageukincontinence.co.uk/vivactive-washable-bed-pad-blue-with-tuck-in-sides-3000ml-single.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw94WZBhDtARIsAKxWG-8ftmG_WlHITyPNeCd9kaUyItdXRRHdScmyMzhilbv1kEOqVn0dN8gaAsvMEALw_wcB  not for the bed as its not big enough, I put it on the sofa with folded up bath towels on top, does the job well

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