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I found a story in the news about an off duty policewoman urinating in a shop fitting room.

Yet for some reason unknown to me the links to the story don't work. They are not appearing as links.

Female police officer peed in a shop fitting room. - Pee Talk & Questions - PeeFans

Not working here either obviously and I don't know why.

Edited by steve25805
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38 minutes ago, Admin said:

I see no link in your post Steve, just text.

Make sure you're copying the URL itself (the https:// in address bar), not just the hyperlinked text. 


Yes it is just appearing as text I know. But I have just done what I have always done.

The problem is obviously at my end because no one else seems to be having this issue. I even found a paste as link option but even that doesn't work.

I am posting the URL itself in the address bar as you have suggested which is what I have always done and which has always worked before but not now apparently.

Am going to try and find something innocuous to post a link to on FB to see if that works and will get back to you.


Edited by steve25805
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Links appear to be working fine for me elsewhere, just not here. Which suggests this site is the problem. Yet no one else is having the same problem which sugests it is at my end. In which case why does it only affect this site for me? A total mystery.

Am wondering, do most people access via phones now? Because I explusively use a lap top. Is it the case possibly that for some reason laptops are not working for links here? Because they do appear to be working fine elsewhere. 

No biggie. I can make do without them, I just probably will refrain from posting the kind of stuff that links are helpful for.

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