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Need to find a girl to piss in my car

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On 8/11/2022 at 5:17 AM, ILove2piss said:

I recently bought a new project car and before I make it nice I need to fine a girl to use it as her toilet 😕

no luck with tinder.. damn

I know nothing about your circumstances etc, so this isn't one of those 'you must....' posts.

If you live anywhere near a big city maybe you could register as an Uber driver - late night post club pickups could sooner or later give the intended result.

Her:   "Erm sorry, I'm really drunk and I've just wet myself here in your car"

You:    "That's ok, really don't worry - it's no problem at all"

Her:    "Are you sure, I've messed up your car, isn't there like a fee or something?"

You:    "A fee? I guess we can do that - I can drive you for free or do you need some money as well?"

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