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Pressure depending on food? Sleep? Testosterone?

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perhaps this is mostly for guys, but I’m not sure. 

I experience often low pressure when I pee, perhaps depending on stress and age, but sometimes it’s a lot higher (normal?). I think it is after I have been exercising and eaten something special, but I don’t know what. Anyone else who have the same experience?

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5 hours ago, lillnisse said:


perhaps this is mostly for guys, but I’m not sure. 

I experience often low pressure when I pee, perhaps depending on stress and age, but sometimes it’s a lot higher (normal?). I think it is after I have been exercising and eaten something special, but I don’t know what. Anyone else who have the same experience?

No, I have never had a low pressure scenario, but personallly, if it were me, I would get it checked out by a physician - might be something going on.

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24 minutes ago, DoctorDoctor said:

No, I have never had a low pressure scenario, but personallly, if it were me, I would get it checked out by a physician - might be something going on.

Perhaps it’s not the pressure, I mean that it will be an arc sometimes but mostly it will fall more, even if the pressure is ok. 

I apologise if it’s the wrong place to discuss this. 

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2 hours ago, lillnisse said:

Perhaps it’s not the pressure, I mean that it will be an arc sometimes but mostly it will fall more, even if the pressure is ok. 

I apologise if it’s the wrong place to discuss this. 

Hmmmm.  That is different and doesn't sound near as worrying, but I haven't had that experience.

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My pressure varies considerably.   Sometimes it is a thundering thick stream whilst other times it is a slow thin stream.   I don’t know what changes - possibly level of desperation, position (seems to be less pressure when sitting)

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Testosterone varies time to time in your body. When you are a teenager it can shoot upto 1200 as well. After 30s it usually drops which because of the aging factor. Nothing to worry about. Your erections are not only dependant on testosterone levels. Testosterone levels are of 2 types. 1 is your total and other is the one present in your blood. Both are important for good erections.

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